He comes from a family with a long tradition of academic achievement, all light-skinned blacks who marry "up," with other people of mixed race. [18] The power of properly dug-in defensive trenches had been amply demonstrated during World War I, when a few soldiers manning a single machine gun post could kill hundreds of the enemy in the open and therefore building a massive defensive line with subterranean concrete shelters was the most rational use of French manpower. Its enormous cost and its failure to prevent German forces from invading France have caused journalists and political commentators to remain divided on whether the line was worthwhile. [18] Given the diplomatic situation in the late 1920s, the Quai d'Orsay informed the government that French military planning should be based on a worst-case scenario that France would fight the next war against Germany without the help of Britain or the United States. Youve successfully purchased a group discount. Pecola faints from the pain, and when she wakes she can't remember what happened. [27] For economic reasons, the success of the strategy of la guerre de longue dure would at the very least require Britain to maintain a benevolent neutrality, preferably to enter the war as an ally as British sea power could protect French imports while depriving Germany of hers. The local prostitues, Miss Marie (also known as the Maginot Line) is fat and affectionate, China is skinny and sarcastic, and Poland is quiet. Here the Line ran east-west, around the villages of Rittershoffen and Hatten, south of Wissembourg. 7. Its construction created a false sense of security, which was widely believed by the French population. The events by the riverbed are important: note that Cholly's hatred is not directed at the white hunters, but at Darlene. Her mother reinforces this connection as well. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. He feels a mix of tenderness and hatred as he rapes Pecola, the tenderness confused and misapplied. These anti-tank obstacles extended from end to end in front of the main works, over hundreds of kilometres, interrupted only by extremely dense forests, rivers, or other nearly impassable terrains. His desire to poison the animal stems solely from his own hatred of the beast, and his racial self-loathing prevents him from offering any sound counsel to Pecola. . Kaufmann and H.W. They could be single (with a firing room in one direction) or double (two firing rooms in opposite directions). You go around it. [31] Stephen Ambrose wrote that in January 1945, "a part of the line was used for the purpose it had been designed for and showed what a superb fortification it was." Why did the French build the line? Besides that, a few private houses are built atop some blockhouses.[34]. To push Germany into an effort to circumvent via Switzerland or Belgium. Kaufmann added that before construction in October 1927, the Superior Council of War adopted the final design for the line and identified that one of the main missions would be to deter a German cross-border assault with only minimal force to allow "the army time to mobilise. The Maginot Lines nickname comes from the bulky defensive fortifications built before World War II to protect the border of France from Germany. [18], France had an alliance with Belgium and with the states of the Cordon sanitaire, as the French alliance system in Eastern Europe was known. She asks where "Polly" is, something that infuriates Claudia because even Pecola calls her own mother "Mrs. The girls admire her light skin and social status, and they are jealous of both. You'll be billed after your free trial ends. Their crew consisted of between 100 and 200 men. The main construction was largely completed by 1939, at the cost of around 3 billion French francs (around 3.9 billion in today's U.S. dollars worth). With fresh memories of fighting and living in squalid, open-air trenches, the French spent a decade building a 300-mile (482-kilometer) series of underground fortifications that would be both impenetrable and comfortable to live in. Beyond that, the French were well aware of the contribution of Britain and its dominions to the victory of 1918. on 50-99 accounts. The fights become more and more violent. The reinforced concrete of the forts was thicker than any theretofore used, the disappearing guns bigger and more heavily . 9. As far as we know, Soaphead Church is the only mortal being to whom Pecola has revealed her wish, and his emotional reaction is admiration. Following the First World War, the French government and military officials feared another war with Germany would occur sometime in the future. The Maginot Line is a historic meme, a shrine to the failure of fixed defenses in the age of tanks and planes. Pecola, who calls the Maginot line by her true name, Miss Marie, explains that she is not dangerous. The rejection by Samson Fuller is a turning point in Cholly's life: "Abandoned in a junk heap by his mother, rejected for a crap game by his father, there was nothing more to lose." Morrison also manages to humanize Marie (the Maginot Line) without sugar-coating her. In a sense, the way the MacTeer girls read and misread the adult world echoes the Dick-and-Jane reader at the beginning of the novel. [26] Of French trade, 35 percent was with the British Empire and the majority of the tin, rubber, jute, wool and manganese used by France came from the British Empire. The Maginot Line is upstairs on the porch drinking root beer, and she tells the children that Pecola is helping her mother at her workplace. She becomes sole breadwinner while Sammy and Pecola are still young. SparkNotes Plus subscription is $4.99/month or $24.99/year as selected above. These were buried concrete bunkers designed to house and shelter up to a company of infantry (200 to 250 men). The problem was that Hitler and his generals abandoned the "static" style of WWI fighting for a far more mobile blitzkrieg attack that punched a hole into France through Belgium and the Netherlands. During peacetime, fortresses were only partly manned by full-time troops. Despite its monumental concrete glory, which was the pride of interwar France, the Maginot Line ultimately wasn't able to stop Adolf Hitler's Nazi war machine from quickly overwhelming and occupying France in World War II. In the interval between world wars, several European countries built elaborate permanent fortifications. The Maginot Line tells them Pecola is at her mother's workplace, explaining that Mrs. . While most of the giant underground fortresses of the Maginot Line were abandoned or destroyed, you can visit a few of them, still in working order. They associate being "ruined" with the prostitutes, as they sense it has something to do with distasteful sexual interactions like the one Frieda experienced, and assume because Miss Marie is fat, she must be ruined. creating and saving your own notes as you read. Claudia attempts to assuage Frieda's fear by telling her that, they walk around the side of the building to try the side door, they encounter, the prostitutes give her pretty dresses and shoes, take her to the movies, and that, Would not have made it through AP Literature without the printable PDFs. The protagonist of the novel, an eleven-year-old Black girl who believes that she is ugly and that having blue eyes would make her beautiful. [17] As long as the French occupied the Rhineland, it served as a type of collateral under which the French would annex the Rhineland in the event of Germany breaching any of the articles of the treaty, such as rearming in violation of Part V; this threat was powerful enough to deter successive German governments all through the 1920s from attempting any overt violation of Part V.[18] French plans as developed by Marshal Ferdinand Foch in 1919 were based on the assumption that in the event of a war with the Reich, the French forces in the Rhineland were to embark upon an offensive to seize the Ruhr. $18.74/subscription + tax, Save 25% Claudia wonders, almost enviously, how being touched in this way feels, but Frieda rejects this questionwhat is important is not how she feels but what has been done to her and how her parents react. In contrast, Pecola spills blackish blueberries all over the floor, underlining the connection between blackness and mess. Want 100 or more? Petrol-engined armoured locomotives pulled supply trains along these narrow-gauge lines. He was opposed by modernists such as Paul Reynaud and Charles de Gaulle, who favoured investment in armour and aircraft. Maureen is light-skinned and wealthy. Over time, she begins to devote all of her energy to taking care of the Fishers' home, and neglects her own home. The line, which was supposed to be fully extended further towards the west to avoid such an occurrence, was finally scaled back in response to demands from Belgium. The landscape of the Moselle region is truly beautiful and everywhere you will find abandoned, rusting reminders of what was once the most formidable line of forts ever constructed. They live above the Breedlove apartment and befriend Pecola. Bluest Eye literature essays are academic essays for citation. Subscribe now. By asking Frieda if she just sat there, Claudia displays her ignorance of the realities of male oppression of women. The largest guns were, therefore 135mm (5.3in) fortress guns; larger weapons were to be part of the mobile forces and were to be deployed behind the lines. Border Post line: This consisted of blockhouses and strong houses, which were often camouflaged as inoffensive residential homes, built within a few metres of the border and manned by troops to give the alarm in the event of a surprise attack and to delay enemy tanks with prepared explosives and barricades. What does the little girl call Mrs Breedlove? She invites the girls upstairs for a soda, but Frieda tells her that they are not allowed to visit her because she is "ruined." "The Maginot Line fit perfectly with this kind of thinking." This was impossible elsewhere as the other parts of the line were located in civilian areas.[10]. [39][40], The historian Clayton Donnell commented, "If one believes the Maginot Line was built for the primary purpose of stopping a German invasion of France, most will consider it a massive failure and a waste of money in reality, the line was not built to be the ultimate saviour of France". French strategy, therefore, envisioned a move into Belgium to counter a German assault. "They cashed in their chips. For the girls, their mother's word is law: they dislike Marie based on their mother's dislike of Marie. Free trial is available to new customers only. As a mature women, she has a different understanding of the word from that of the innocent girls, which makes it more painful and triggers her violent reaction. Her neighbors are Miss Marie, who goes by the name "the Maginot Line"; China; and Poland. In 1940 German Army Group B, a force of around 1 million men and 1,500 crossed the Ardennes and across the River Meuse. [25] Besides the demographic reasons, a defensive strategy served the needs of French diplomacy towards Great Britain. The petits ouvrages were generally made up of several infantry bunkers, connected by a tunnel network with attached underground facilities, such as barracks, electric generators, ventilation systems, mess halls, infirmaries and supply caches. . Pauline points out the hypocrisy of the woman, who says she's thinking of Pauline's future but won't give her the small sum she needs to pay the gas man. Our, "Sooo much more helpful thanSparkNotes. From the creators of SparkNotes, something better. She is affectionate but physically in decay. She then throws her root-beer bottle down at the girls' feet and laughs loudly, terrifying the girls, who run until they can't run any farther. Claudias mother, an authoritarian and sometimes callous woman who nonetheless steadfastly loves and protects her children. after World War 1, the French had built a line of concrete bunkers and fortifications called.. Battle of Britain. [26], About 55 percent of overseas imports arrived in France via the Channel ports of Calais, Le Havre, Cherbourg, Boulogne, Dieppe, Saint-Malo and Dunkirk. [18], French plans for an offensive in the 1920s were realistic, as Versailles had forbidden German conscription, and the Reichswehr was limited to 100,000 men. Constructed on the French side of its borders with Italy, Switzerland, Germany, Luxembourg and Belgium, the line did not extend to the English Channel. These mixed-race colonial subjects worship their own oppressors, struggling to emulate them. [26] Germany had to import most of its iron, rubber, oil, bauxite, copper and nickel, making naval blockade a devastating weapon against the German economy. "That's the part that fell apart for the Allies.". [43] Kaufmann and Kaufmann commented, "When all is said and done, the Maginot Line did not fail to accomplish its original mission it provided a shield that bought time for the army to mobilise [and] concentrate its best troops along the Belgian border to engage the enemy. Don't worry none.". Instead of worrying that her own daughter has been burned by the hot berries, she pushes Pecola down into the pie juice. Teachers and parents! On a Saturday in spring, Claudia goes inside and finds Frieda crying. Battles on the Western front were little effected by the Line. [15] The German statement following The Manchester Guardian's article that Germany did not feel bound by the terms of Versailles and would violate them as much as possible gave much offence in France. She lies in an empty lot ruminating and then heads home. 4. She finds her mother singing and behaving strangely, absentmindedly doing the same chore twice. | You'll be billed after your free trial ends. The Maginot Line: Actually a Good Idea. Ultimately, any tender feelings Cholly has for Pecola are transformed into a desire to consume her. The free trial period is the first 7 days of your subscription. Did you know you can highlight text to take a note? [18] The decision to build the Maginot Line in 1929 was a tacit French admission that without the Rhineland as collateral, Germany was soon going to rearm and that the terms of Part V had a limited lifespan. The problem was that Maginot Line, a great line of fortifications that spanned France's borders with several neighbors, was essentially a glorified trench. The white neighborhood in which Mrs. Breedlove works is beautiful and well kept, demonstrating the connection between race and class. During the ensuing Ruhrkampf ("Ruhr struggle") between the Germans and the French that lasted until September 1923, Britain condemned the French occupation of the Ruhr. The white woman for whom Pauline worked tries to deal with Pauline, telling her that she will give Pauline the money only if Pauline leaves Cholly. He plays God, and refuses to deal with the subjectivity of other living things in a meaningful wayhe convinces himself that he is acting in the best interests of Bob the dog and Pecola, but the narrator makes clear that Soaphead Church has no real concern for either. Theylive above the Breedlove apartment and befriendPecola. But World War I worsened the problem. [clarification needed] The line stretched from Switzerland to Luxembourg and a much lighter extension was extended to the Strait of Dover after 1934. [13] From 1871 forward, French elites had concluded that France had no hope of defeating Germany on its own, and France would need an alliance with another great power to defeat the Reich. The Maginot Line allowed France to defend its border with Germany with second-rate fortress troops. Sometimes it can end up there. The little white girl is dressed in delicate pink and has yellow hair. Petits ouvrages: These small fortresses reinforced the line of infantry bunkers. "That's just what the French did," says Kirchubel. Curiously, Cholly's hatred is directed at Darlene. Members will be prompted to log in or create an account to redeem their group membership. Mr. Yacobowski The local grocer, a middle-aged white immigrant. Made up of a series of locations spanning over 3 kilometres, the Schoenenbourg Maginot Line fort was entirely self sufficient, with . He lives in Macon, Georgia, and is short, balding, and mean. [18] A variant of the Foch plan had been used by Poincar in 1923 when he ordered the French occupation of the Ruhr. Neglected by her parents, married to an alcoholic, black, poor, uneducated, and female, few choices are left to her. By entering your email address you agree to receive emails from SparkNotes and verify that you are over the age of 13. Many believe it to mean "sea of bitterness" or "sea of sorrow." However, some sources cite the alternative definitions of "rebellion," "wished-for child," and "mistress or lady of the sea." The name is borne in the Bible by the mother . Their father's reaction, while violent, demonstrates the love he has for his family, which is contrasted later when Cholly rapes Pecola, simultaneously failing to protect her and acting as the aggressor. The heavy fortifications were designed to block the most direct line of attack into France and avoid repeating what happened in WWI, when the German forces occupied large swaths of the strategically important Alsace-Lorraine region. It was preceded by anti-tank obstacles made of metal rails planted vertically in six rows, with heights varying from 0.701.40 metres (2ft 4in 4ft 7in) and buried to a depth of 2m (6ft 7in). You can view our. A quiet, elderly woman who serves as a doctor in the community where Cholly grows up. This section is arguably the most successful part of the novel. The Question and Answer section for Bluest Eye is a great [49][42], When the French Army failed in Belgium, the Maginot Line covered their retreat. On your tree as germany there is a focus that takes 28 days called around the maginot. Subscribe now. Mr. MacTeer: Claudia's father, Mr. MacTeer, is not present often in the book. Spring arrives, and Claudia associates this event with being whipped with a switch instead of a strap. On the balcony above the door, Marie (the Maginot Line) is having a drink of root-beer. "[44], The psychological factor of the Maginot Line has also been discussed. "Why the Massive Maginot Line Failed to Stop Hitler" The secret German-Soviet cooperation started in 1921. It is also possible that Miss Mary Mack comes from the slang meaning of mack for a "pimp" or "flirting," dating back to the late 1800s. The line included the following retractable turrets. [30] The entire French crew of 107 soldiers was killed during the action. SparkNotes Plus subscription is $4.99/month or $24.99/year as selected above. How long did it take to built the maginot line? Detailed explanations, analysis, and citation info for every important quote on LitCharts. [53] New York Times headlined "Maginot Line in the Sky" in 2000[54] and "A New Maginot Line" in 2001. In 1940, France deployed about twice as many men, 36 divisions (roughly one third of its force), for the defence of the Maginot Line in Alsace and Lorraine. The French side of this border is called the Maginot Line, where the French built a tremendous fortification across from the then Westwall/Hindenburg Line. The cobbler splatters on the floor and burns her, and her mother comes in and beats her. Cholly refuses to give her money for better clothes, so she takes work housekeeping. The Maginot Line was built to fulfil several purposes: Maginot Line fortifications were manned by specialist units of fortress infantry, artillery and engineers. Consequently, the Germans invaded through the Low Countries in 1940, passing it to the north. He tortures the family cat and harasses children who come to the nearby playground. Love in the Bluest Eye is often paired with violence. During the German offensive Operation Nordwind in January 1945, Maginot Line casemates and fortifications were utilised by Allied forces, especially in the Bas-Rhin department in Grand Est, and some German units had been supplemented with flamethrower tanks in anticipation of this possibility. Instant PDF downloads. Teacher Editions with classroom activities for all 1699 titles we cover. He has a gruff manner toward little Blackgirls. France quickly extended the Maginot Line along the Franco-Belgian border, but not to the standard of the rest of the line. Belgium was overrun, and British and French forces evacuated at Dunkirk. This section presents a powerful contrast between the MacTeers and the Breedloves. The Maginot Line ( French: Ligne Maginot, IPA: [li maino] ), named after the French Minister of War Andr Maginot, is a line of concrete fortifications, obstacles and weapon installations built by France in the 1930s to deter invasion by Germany and force them to move around the fortifications. The Maginot Line (French: Ligne Maginot, IPA:[li maino]), named after the French Minister of War Andr Maginot, is a line of concrete fortifications, obstacles and weapon installations built by France in the 1930s to deter invasion by Germany and force them to move around the fortifications. 15. Their poor treatment of the whore seems a comment on their youth more than malice, although it cannot go unnoted that in a novel about the pain of being an outcast, Frieda treats Marie very poorly. Based on France's experience with trench warfare during World War I, the massive Maginot Line was built in the run-up to World War II, after the Locarno Conference in 1925 gave rise to a fanciful and optimistic "Locarno spirit". They find Pecola at the back of one of the prettiest houses. (including. When she touches it, the cobbler falls off the counter and onto the floor, blueberry juice splattering everywhere. Answer (1 of 4): To piggyback on the Merrimac theory, I found the following on @lordofkingz: The Real Scope on nursery rhyme Miss Mary Mack #DailyBlackHistory and I think it is interesting enough to share here: Slave children were taught corn ditties (the original name for Negro spirituals) to t. The line has since become a metaphor for expensive efforts that offer a false sense of security.[1]. -Graham S. The timeline below shows where the character China, Poland, and Miss Marie appears in, laughter coming from inside the house. The narrative then moves to the current story-line. Mrs. Breedlove sticks her head out the door, is introduced to the girls, and tells them they can wait with Pecola for the laundry and then walk back to town with her. Infantry Casemates: These bunkers were armed with twin machine-guns (abbreviated as JM Jumelage de mitrailleuses in French) and anti-tank guns of 37 or 47mm (1.5 or 1.9in). PDF downloads of all 1699 LitCharts literature guides, and of every new one we publish. The serpent is the largest remaining artifact from World War II. Miss Marie is insulted when Claudia tells her she is "ruined." Today the Maginot Line has become a metaphor for expensive efforts which offer only a false sense of security. Two telephone wires were placed parallel to the line of fortifications, providing redundancy in case a wire gets cut. Your group members can use the joining link below to redeem their group membership. You'll also get updates on new titles we publish and the ability to save highlights and notes. [4], Postwar assessment of whether the Maginot Line served its purpose has been mixed. They could also be used as a local headquarters and counterattack base. to start your free trial of SparkNotes Plus. You may cancel your subscription on your Subscription and Billing page or contact Customer Support at custserv@bn.com. 8. The Maginot Line was designed to resist attacks by aerial bombardment, artillery and ground forces. the air battle, which lasted the into the fall of 1940. The serpent, constructed over a period of 11 years at a cost of some seven billion prewar francs, was France's last, best hope to avert another German invasion, another devastating war. Dave Roos Read an in-depth analysis of Pauline Breedlove. He shot at Henry and Henry ran away. $24.99 On 19 May, the German 16th Army captured the isolated petit ouvrage La Fert (south-east of Sedan) after conducting a deliberate assault by combat engineers backed up by heavy artillery, taking the fortifications in only four days. If you don't see it, please check your spam folder. "My students can't get enough of your charts and their results have gone through the roof." The French strategy was already set in millions of cubic feet of concrete. Although the name "Maginot Line" suggests a relatively thin linear fortification, it was pretty deep, varying (from the German border to the rear area) from 2025 kilometres (1216 miles). The white family's home stands in stark contrast to the home the Breedloves live in. Saltzman provided art director Syd Cain with a tour of the complex. In discussion with General Brousseau, the commander of the Metz sector and other officers, the general outlined the French problem in extending the line to the sea in that placing the line along the Belgian-German border required the agreement of Belgium, but putting the line along the French-Belgian border relinquished Belgium to the Germans. The moment where she loses her tooth in the movie theatre is painful: juxtaposing Pauline as an awkward, gap-toothed, pregnant black woman to the idealized (and illusory) image of Jean Harlow on the screen shows the power of these images to destroy a black woman's belief in her own beauty. In the 17th century, from his luxurious palace at Versailles, Louis XIV oversaw the construction of citadels and fortresses meant to mark and protect the Sun King's territory. Rosemary Villanucci came out and told Frieda that her father would go to jail, and Frieda hit her. Claudia does not yet know that her mother here is reacting to Frieda's assault by Mr. Henry. The final line was strongest around the industrial regions of Metz, Lauter and Alsace, while other areas were, in comparison, only weakly guarded. Claudias ten-year-old sister, who shares Claudias independence and stubbornness. "The Maginot Line fit perfectly with this kind of thinking.". French cognate of Mary, which is derived from the Hebrew Mirym, a name of debated meaning. Although we are told that Cholly has no sense of fatherhood because he never knew his own parents (a statement which emphasizes social forces rather than Cholly's choices), we are also told repeatedly that Cholly is dangerously free. How did this happen? Thus the Germans were able to avoid a direct assault on the Maginot Line by violating the neutrality of Belgium, Luxembourg and the Netherlands. A note take to built the Maginot Line has become a metaphor for expensive efforts which only... 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