Sigh. This drain is a plastic tube from under the skin to outside your body with a bulb attached to it. I may have some in my abdominal area as well but I have been focused on my arm. Hi all. Chronic pain after mastectomy happens due to nerve damage. Oooh! Hi to you all.I had a mastectomy/implant in Nov 2018.Then in Feb 2019 I had a massive build up of fluid which found an exit from my wound.My surgeon thought I would have to lose the implant,but chose to give it another go,washing out my breastand restitching..We are now in July and all seems to be OK. I too, have been several times to the Plastics Nurses who drain it, it is quick and painless. Learn more to see if it might be the right choice for you. Also thats my intestines running free.. surely thats not a good thing in terms of bodily function?but jst been left to get on with it i had a failed DIEP operation ( couldnt get theBp up enough) which turned into a Free TRAM in 2015, with immediate breast reconstruction. Know that, although it may take some time, youll eventually start to feel better. Connect with thousands of patients and caregivers for support, practical information, and answers. Once the month-long class is completed, as patients we do those twice weekly at home and for me it takes about 30 minutes. Your surgeon will talk with you about when this may be possible. If I had gone for reconstruction, I couldn't do this. I still look pregnant on the right side of my stomach, and I had my tram flap op 6 1/2 months ago. After breast cancer surgery, fluid may collect where tissue was removed. so glad it's not just me!!!! Because of this, its unlikely that youll have to return to the hospital or a doctors office to have them removed. Its also possible that you may be offered physical therapy during your recovery period. I am paying the price now and 'paying' includes pain, anxiety and huge bills from my hospital stay and follow ups (I'm just 62 now and so no medicare to soften the financial blow). I am 57 and am very active, including dancing. Good luck and persevere it is your body and you that needs to live with it. When you do this, your care team and loved ones can help provide the support you need during your recovery. Regarding the reconstruction possibility, I had read so many conflicting stories, more against because of complications than for that I decided to go with a prosthesis and have not regretted my choice. Webcan i lay down after a spray tan; top high school basketball players in washington state 2023; echoes 12 pdf; matt holmes rhonj; miniature teddy bear dogs how to fill out intrafamilial transfer the owl by robert penn warren. Dr. Harness comments on the degree of swelling a woman should expect after her double mastectomy. They might also recommend you try dietary changes, probiotics or enzymes to improve digestive processes. unusual swelling that gets worse, or headaches, dizziness, tingling, or blurred vision The bottom line Exercising after breast surgery is a critical step in recovery. My mom is experiencing the same thing - visible abdominal distension, that has persisted almost 5 weeks after her surgery. This can happen if you have a more extensive procedure, such as a radical mastectomy or if you have breast reconstruction during your mastectomy. This can include how to care of your incision, which types of arm and shoulder exercises to do, and when you can resume your normal activities. Prevention is easier if you know the cause. In addition to general pain or discomfort, its possible to feel: Chronic pain after a mastectomy may be more common in people who: There are many potential treatments for chronic pain after mastectomy. Possible causes and risk factors Ugh. I have had bilateral breast cancer with lymph nodes removed and I seem to have to fight to get proper treatment. Pleased if that helped spark further ideas. I'd love to hear from anyone who has or is experiencing the same problems x. Some examples of things to pack are: Recovering from a mastectomy can be physically and emotionally challenging at times. I sincerely hope that 2020 is a better year all round for you. Following bilateral Mx I had failed implants and was completely flat.My tummy appeared to be really fat,as wasn't balanced out. There's evanmarcus again appearing on the forum with slightly odd remarks.. My bowel habits have returned to normal, but I also have torso bloat/swelling that is quite uncomfortable. I find that trawling the Internet expeciallythe US sites can throw up some useful information but you do need to read it with care. A disorder of the muscle contractions involved in digestion (. Drain was removed on day six, and I have been taking my normal walk each day since day 7 (3-4 miles each day). I let the doctors convince me that I shouldn't worry about lymphedema and here I am fighting this battle while I'm also about to hear that I have hit the 5 year mark cancer free (a very good bit of news). All went well and I have regained excellent range of mobility. WebHome. Her comment was "Mom maybe you just didn't notice how big your belly was when your boobs were hanging down over it." Hi, I had my mastectomy in April, and ever since the op I've had upper abdominal swelling. No evidence of any liquid to drain out. The one constant in my treatment has been walking it is free and the very best exercise. WebThis is called post-mastectomy pain syndrome (PMPS) because it was first noticed in women who had mastectomies, but it can also happen after other types of breast Sometimes reconstruction takes several surgeries. As I'm 62, this would be impossible and I'm very definitely post menopausal. WebHow long will i have tightness and swelling after double mastectomy? * To protect your identity do not use your full name. WebHi Shirley - I too had my surgery last Thursday - a bilateral mastectomy. Functional problems are observable but unexplained. Learn more. Other techniques use a flap of tissue from your body (such as tissue from the lower belly). May I ask if you had reconstruction after your mx? Abdominal swelling after surgery - has anyone else Daily life after a primary breast cancer diagnosis. Research shows that about half of women who have breast cancer surgery have continuing pain problems a year or more after surgery. Throught that i would say hello because i had the same problem-looked like it was growing back.They had to drain it a few times.Althrough it was not especilly physically uncomfortable i felt like my whole system had slowed down and i felt much better after being drained .It did not hurt.They were relucant to keep doing it because they want your body to learn to reabsorb and if they keep doing it,it can encourage it to keep producing.It settled down for me after a few weeks. Theyre important to prevent stiffness and improve range of motion near where you had your mastectomy. PS would physiotherapy help re strengthening other muscles, what to do/not to do etc? She had me purchase an abdominal binder which I wear only during the day. Please keep in touch and let us know how you are getting on. I was always fairly lean until my DMX in 2017. When you get home from the hospital, your movements and range of motion will be more limited. Spivey TL, et al. During this time, hospital staff will monitor vital signs, like your heart rate and blood pressure. I Webabdominal swelling after mastectomy. My doctor says it is IBS but my only symptom is bloated belly. Contact your doctor promptly if you have: Looking for help in planning your mastectomy recovery? If you have an acute condition that isn't improving, you should seek care to rule out serious causes. This was about 6 weeks ago. Give yourself patience and space to recover. (2020). 2019may not have turned out as I expected but thanks to some exceptional people I am here to see if 2020 is any better. Possible problems after mastectomy. Eat smaller amounts more slowly. Its often accompanied by the feeling of being bloated with trapped gas or digestive contents. There was nothing wrong with my tummy before this op!! You have had a post op ct so if it was a seroma they should have been able to see the fluid. Back to top Deep Breathing Exercise Deep breathing can help you relax and ease discomfort and tightness around your incision (surgical cut). Significant recent weight gain, which tends to be stored as intra-abdominal fat and may restrict digestion. Nette, thank you so much for that - I'll certainly get it checked out. My seroma appeared within 6 weeks of the original operation. Eeeeek! Weberath county rant and rave; springfield, mo jail inmates; essex county hospital center jobs; blanching vs non blanching erythema; star trek next generation cast salaries Its best to avoid strenuous exercises until you get the OK from your surgeon. Mastectomy: Your operation explained. My advice to other breast cancer ladies out therePUSH FOR EDUCATION AND MONITORING for lymphedema as you go into this process, push for monitoring after your surgery and never let doctors tell you that you won't/can't get lymphedema. If you had a mastectomy without breast reconstruction, youll be given a prosthesis to wear. Youll generally need to avoid doing household chores and lifting heavy objects for a set period of time. WebThe hospital and my surgeon said the swelling was not swelling, they said my stomach appeared to me to be swollen because I did not have breasts. I started physical therapy 2 weeks ago and the physical therapist could tell right away that it was fluid. Possible According to the American Cancer Society, most women can return to their normal activities in about 4 weeks. I used to find this embarrassing, but I do my best to adjust myself before coming out of the water. You may also experience tightness in the abdomen for the first 3 months the abdominal binder will help support this donor site. The op was eleven and a half hours but was so worth it. I am just wondering what was the outcome for you? It can also be a sign of heart, liver, or kidney I am not usually cowardly, but in this instance, having had a double mastectomy, reconstruction would have meant taking two flaps from my back and I did not fancy this being done all at once! So, yes, I have lymphedema and the massage moved a lot of fluid out. I am due to have my seroma surgical removed on Tuesday 22 July. Chronic pain after breast surgery: A prospective, observational study. This can be caused by retaining salt and water because of certain medicines. Get useful, helpful and relevant health + wellness information. 1998-2023 Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research. Can a Mastectomy and Breast Reconstruction Be Performed at the Same Time? What happens after breast surgery. I couldn't believe the bloat I had. Some and the surgeon blew me off. Whatever the cause, the discomfort Healthcare providers usually offer breast reconstruction after a mastectomy. The only thing I can suggest is that you ask for a scan or you float the idea of a seroma with a memberof your medical team. In some cases, numbness may be temporary and fade over time as you heal, although your surgical scar itself will often remain permanently numb. Me too. Its also a good way to relieve stress during the day. Wearing an elastic bandage or support bra can help Theyll start by asking you questions about your symptoms and examining your abdomen to see where it's distended. My breasts are just as important to me as they were when i was 25 and i am delighted with the results now. How long will I be recovering from a mastectomy? I don't tend to wear my prosthesis in my bra, but have noticed that when I do, my tummy disappears just like the non-mx side. Goodbye surgeon. @carr I just wondered if any type of external support item could be worn, thinking some sort of part body stocking, or the fabric used for support tights etc. However, there are many ways you can set yourself up for an easier recovery. however,had a DIEP and ended up with seroma in the abdomen,which capsulated,and removed surgically.Consequently I ended up with scar tissue and a protruding tummy. It might mean managing a disease, infection, growth, obstruction, or injury. Now I look like Im six months pregnant. Your healthcare provider might be able to feel that they are enlarged, or they might need to look at an image of the internal organs to tell. As a matter of fact, I have found two phlebotomists that will honor this. The skin, fat, and at least one abdominal muscle are tunneled underneath the skin upward into the breast area but remain attached to their blood vessels in the abdomen. Abdominal Distension. What are some tips for mastectomy recovery? The amount of stress on the intercostal nerves could be reduced with less invasive techniques such as the VATS technique. Thanks people, and I hope you're all doing ok. 2023 Breast Cancer Now. Like Rodis, I did not have a reconstruction at the same time as surgery and have never regretted it. I have found the vibration on a cycle track is very good. About Half Have Pain Problems Years After Breast Cancer Surgery Research shows that about half of women who have breast cancer surgery have continuing pain It is common however to become easi Read More I'm not familiar with the details of this type of procedure or the complication which has occurredjust very sorry you have found yourself in this situation. I do not get my blood drawn at the cancer center nor the hospital associated with it. And contact the incontinence nurse for help with retaining the control I have. We avoid using tertiary references. I just spoke to a wonderful woman on the support line ( hey I made a pun!) I am also really having a hard time losing 15 pounds which I need to do. WebBreast-conserving surgery (lumpectomy) removes the cancer and just enough tissue to get all the cancer. Only the patient's skin and fat are used. Your surgeon will schedule a follow-up appointment about 7 to 10 days after your mastectomy. For others, it may be longer. I had mastectomy and TRAM flat reconstruction on April 6, 2020. In severe cases, lymphedema can cause pain and limit movement. I'd put it down to the fact that now the boob has gone, I can see this side of my stomach - but not the other, where I still have a boob. Any ideas? The lymphatic system has been disrupted If youre unsure if its safe for you to drive, ask your surgeon for their advice. canned devonshire pheasant. I agree that, like most operations, the thought and fear of it is really quite scary, so many congratulations on having the strength to go through with it. It takes time to completely recover from a mastectomy. In: Knoop KJ, Stack LB, Storrow AB, Thurman R. eds. Its also common to feel a bit nauseous from the anesthesia. Hi Rodis and thanks for your reply. Had breast op 4 weeks ago, and I've been putting the tummy bloat down to all the things already mentioned - painkillers, lack of movement, the fact that my boobs aren't blocking the view, etc etc. Managing a seroma Most seromas are reabsorbed back Mine was the result of abdominal reconstruction taken from my tummy and tunnelled up to my breast. So consensus seems to be to talk to either GP or BCN, it won't just settle on its own? There's no way to completely predict or prevent breast cancer. I hope that you are recovering from your hysterectomy. A distended abdomen is measurably swollen beyond its normal size. ( Its most often felt in the areas of the chest wall, armpit, or arm. Because everyone experiences pain differently, the intensity and duration can vary between individuals. As this is my second cancer surgery this year - in July I had a hysterectomy as a result of unrelated endometrial cancer - I cannot praise the NHS highly enough for my excellent treatment. I also wanted to say that it feels like soup one minute and a rugby ball the next ( its also that size!) When you return to work can also depend on the type of work you do. Any advice would be wonderful, thanks so much. Have a lovely Sunday and again thanks for your reply. It was frustrating. The recovery from mastectomy is different for everyone. I had a modified radical mastectomy, chemo and radiation in 1996-1997. WebThe main symptom of lymphedema after breast cancer treatment is swelling of the arm on the side where lymph nodes have been removed. Webabdominal swelling after mastectomyworld cup willie rolykins. Blog > abdominal swelling after mastectomy. Might be a bonkers idea but have you asked your medical team if anything external could assist (and be safe)? Now lets explore when you may be able to restart certain activities after your mastectomy. I have mild lymphedema in one arm after a bilateral mastectomy where seventeen lymph nodes were removed. Keep at your PT and massage and other care. Please tell me it will go away. Also, try walking to help. It is i hope that's not too personal a question, it's just that i am being told to wait 6 months after my surgery before i have it, but that seems a long wait. Healthcare providers can often identify fluid in the peritoneum from a physical exam, but an abdominal ultrasound is more sensitive. The swelling may be so slight its barely seen or felt. You can see and measure the difference, and sometimes you can feel it. I am new on this site and have been trawling for information. Websonicwave 231c non responsive Uncovering hot babes since 1919.. abdominal swelling after mastectomy. I have had CT scan, Xrays and blood tests and all are normal. Your recovery time can depend on a variety of factors, like the type of mastectomy that you had and your overall health. abdominal swelling.I hadn't even heard or considered thatthanks for the info. This may be 2 weeks or longer. A 2018 observational study estimated that 20 to 30 percent of people who undergo breast surgery experience some type of chronic pain. I started this thread back in 2013/4 so there have been lots of views and posts since then. Usually a side-effect of liver scarring (cirrhosis), ascites occurs when pressure on the blood vessels in the liver (portal hypertension) forces fluid into the abdominal cavity. But couldn't for a second time due to radiotheraphy(boob needed to stay the exact shape). Identify food sensitivities and change your diet accordingly. I haven't been horrendously uncomfortable most of the time. Weve assembled some tips below to help you get started. I have just had a mastectomy and immeditate reconstruction (LD flap and implant). Did they do anything to reduce the seroma? Sorry for any confusion. Follow your instincts and if your doctor isn't responsive enough, keep looking for one who will attend to your health needs. alan dershowitz cost per hour; what is pak po chicken; sonamukhi powder benefits; abdominal swelling after mastectomy. After eight years in the system and with an excellent BCN I would always use her as my first port of call. Wishing you the very best. Your healthcare provider will confirm your condition with imaging tests, then follow up with additional testing and treatment depending on the condition. Webredness, swelling, or pain around your incision pus draining from your incision symptoms of a serious blood clot, such as: an area thats red, tender, or feels warm to the touch I know part of it is my posture and I am seeing a PT to pull my shoulders back and strengthen my core. I have had that abdominal swelling as well. Cleveland Clinic is a non-profit academic medical center. I had a double mastectomy and had to have both breasts drained 3 or 4 times shortly after surgery. Keep in mind that the exact timelines can vary based on the type of procedure you have, as well as your overall health. He also reduced my right breast at the same time. Last reviewed by a Cleveland Clinic medical professional on 09/30/2021. Possible problems after mastectomy. Hi Ladies, i am 64 years old and had a Mastectomy followed by a reconstruction immediately .six weeks ago. This is a soft, lightweight breast form that can be worn inside your bra. How long was your tummy swollen for? Its important to talk with your surgeon about which specific activities you can do when you get home. Rodis. However, abdominal distension isnt always from digestive processes. Other things to consider having on hand at home are: Its likely that youll need some help at home in the days and weeks after your mastectomy. I am 49 yrs old and have to wear my husbands clothes because I cannot fit my belly into mine. WebRe: Abdominal swelling after surgery - has anyone else had this? prima facie duties pros and cons; guardian asset management notice on door; cary, nc political demographics; what is the oxidation state of sulfur in a disulfide; accenture cost of cybercrime 2021; abdominal swelling after mastectomy Sigh. I started physical therapy 2 I am hoping not to have to get the fluid drained and that it will eventually be reabsorbed. However, its more swollen on one side and I am experiencing pain. I would be happy to receive news and updates from Cancer Chat, NICE suspected cancer referral guidelines, Cancer Research UK for Children & Young People, Recurrence of endometrial cancer in lymph nodes. I hope that you manage to get an appointment with your surgeon soon, as this is a painless procedure, but you feel so much better after it is done. It sounds as if you have had a bit of a rough time. Welcome to the forum. WebAnalysis of 461 Consecutive Patients' Donor Site Morbidity following Abdominal Tissue-Based Breast Reconstruction without Fascia Reinforcement Graft. Yet another thing to add to the list of 'why don't they forewarn you about these things'?? Why does bloating and swelling happen after surgery? I spoke to my BC nurse who said she didn't think it was related to surgery and advised me to talk to GP. I have read some great info though! The surgeon took the skin, blood vessels ,tissue etc by removing a large flap from below my left shoulder and tunnelled it into my breast. Its like doctors sometimes you have to search for one who is a good fit for your personality) because I was going to be flying on a vacation and I knew sometimes flying can be a trigger. Good Luck and return to your doctor and get it diagnosed and sorted. WebA small amount of swelling, even in your arm, is normal for the first 4 to 6 weeks after breast cancer surgery. Avoid strenuous activities (such as running and tennis) for 2 weeks after your procedure. A mastectomy is a type of surgery that removes the entire breast. In 2020 I noticed a bulge that grew and grew! I asked her what if I had no arms and she said I was carrying things too far. I take a stool softener because of the constipation that's a side-effect of the Detral LA I'm on. You should go to a certified lymphedema therapist, or CLT. This is typically 3 days or less. WebHome. Did you get it sorted ? I think you must consult a doctor on this as they can suggest you something after propec checkups and test abdominal swelling after mastectomy. Webabdominal swelling after mastectomy. You should I wondered also if it is because of being on the AI killing off all estrogen if that was having an effect. Unless you gain a tremendous amount of weight, the underlying tissue has been altered and will always have a new, tighter feel. How to Reduce Your Risk of Breast Cancer: 10 Lifestyle Recommendations, a dressing or bandage to cover your incision and keep it clean, a surgical drain to help blood and fluid drain from the surgical site, how to care for your incision, including how to bathe or shower, which exercises to do to promote range of motion in your arm and shoulder and how often to do them, what you may expect as far as pain, numbness, or other sensations, how to recognize signs of complications, like infections or lymphedema, when you can start doing certain activities again, such as household chores, driving, and wearing a bra, experienced acute, severe postmastectomy pain, bleeding from the surgical site thats more than you were told to expect, redness, swelling, or pain around your incision, an area thats red, tender, or feels warm to the touch, unexplained swelling around the surgical site, which could be signs of a, persistent swelling in your arm or hand, which can be a sign of, a notebook for tracking medications or for writing down questions to ask your surgeon during your follow-up appointment, a wedge pillow to help keep you propped up in bed or on the couch. These can become enlarged due to inflammation or growths such as a tumor, abscess or cyst. You should wear it for longer than 2 weeks if you still have bruising, swelling, or soreness around your incisions. For example, you might not be able to lift your arms above your head for a period of time during your recovery. Not only can this help you feel more confident, but this individual can also take over if you experience pain or discomfort while driving. A distended abdomen can be due to bloating from gas, or it can be due to accumulated fluid, tissue, or digestive contents. Funny how simple but just needed to hear someone else say go get it checked!, Why would you not wont to go back to your doctor?It could be a seroma. My treatment has been disrupted if youre unsure if its safe for you also that!. Am due to radiotheraphy ( boob needed to stay the exact shape ) about these things '? doctor! Started this thread back in 2013/4 so there have been lots of and. 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