Zack took inspiration from it, seeing it as a way to solve his problems, and murdered his caretakers by repeatedly stabbing them before mutilating their bodies, later burying them in the back of the orphanage. Zack's attention quickly turns to the wounded Ray who apologises to Zack for being unable to keep their promise. As a child, Zack's hair was much messier and he wore a dirty short-sleeved shirt and short pants. Zack then insists they continue their way, ignoring Ray's objection. He loved each of them. Now finding out the truth, Zack confronts Ray and Danny back in the room where Ray has regained consciousness, questioning the former if she will kill him because he is in her floor. Let us know in the comments below! He then hears police sirens and soon the police cars arrive. It shows that he cares more than he lets on. In this ending, she has an episode of delirium and envisions Zack visiting her and finally killing her. Hearing Ray's answer allows Zack to momentarily regain himself, impressed by her words. At this moment, Cathy has pitted Zack and Rachel against each other where only one of them will survive. Zack refuses to go ahead of her because he needs her, so they decides to take a rest at the corner where the camera won't see them. Zack took a night rest inside her car and then was found by a blind old man the next morning. When Zack proclaims that he'll be the one to kill Rachel, it's like he's saying not even a natural death could lay claim to her soul. Zack tells her how his father tried to burn him and his mother to death, but he was resilient to the flames and his mother covered him with clothes. The 20-year-old male protagonist of the story. Zack then readies to head to the next floor, causing Ray to worry as he is still injured, but Zack tells her to worry about herself more. Eddie dislikes Zack for destroying all of the gravestones he had made and getting in his way in getting closer to Ray, even making his gravestone half-done, unlike the rest of the gravestones he had made. He was born in a poor and abusive family as he never received any sort of education, resulting him unable to read nor write. Zack, on the other hand, finds Gray irritating for his long-worded and cryptic ways of explaining things. "Rachel, you feel so nice," Zack said, going in and out of here. At floor B1, Zack discovers a room filled with fake flowers and stitched up corpses of a couple. I kill them. His interest in Zack drives him to save the latter when he fell into one of the traps in B1 despite having broken the rule of the building, and later when Danny was about to kill Zack and Ray. by Hanna. Reaching the next room, Cathy offers Zack and Ray a chance to live eternal imprisonment, which Zack flat-out refuses. With theories or whether Zack is a psychopath or a sociopath or what happens to them afterwards, theres no shortage of theories for them. Throughout his obstacle in her floor, Zack set his goal to kill Cathy no matter what to make her pay, which he succeeded as he killed her without mercy. Just as the police arrive and start pushing the door; that Ray has blocked, Ray escapes with Zack through the window, once again pleading him to kill her. Rachel no longer feels the desire she once did to die, she has realised something else a different, unexplainable feeling she's n. Get the most extensive unreleased Live Concert Music DVDs, CDs, MP3s of all your favorite artists at RockinConcerts - page 16 After hearing Eddie's wish of killing Ray himself after falling for her at first sight, Zack tried to kill Eddie, but Eddie easily dodges Zack's attack and uses his control in the light source of the floor to turn off the lights, which let Eddie escape in darkness. Rachel's eyes need to change, or in a sense, become more human before he'll take her life. It could be said that obsession is a type of love. While at the elevator, Zack asks Ray how she ends up at the building and how she got her gun. But, as I said, this is the most unlikely ending, because, at the end of the game and anime, the window of Rachels room is shown. Realizing that Ray views him as her God who can dictate her decisions, Zack makes it clear to her that he is not her God and will never be. Major Character Death; Isaac "Zack" Foster & Rachel "Ray" Gardner; Midoriya Izuku & Yaoyorozu Momo; Rachel "Ray" Gardner/Shinsou Hitoshi; Midoriya Izuku & Shinsou Hitoshi; . Angels of Death (Original Japanese Version) 2019 Ngi Xem Cng Mua. Child Zack being offered a bread by the old man. Postcanon. She's obsessed with her need to have Zack kill her, while he's obsessed with the idea of killing her once she gives him a satisfactory reaction. In B1, he didn't eat the pizza that was set out as a trap, while in the game and novel, he eats it. In this ending, Zack is shot in the head and the chest and the blood on his scythe and window may prove this. He watches the video that shows Ray's counselling session with Danny. zack & rachel matching icons [1] . When he awakes, Ray is nowhere to be seen so Zack tries to look for her by dragging himself, which worsen his injury until Ray returns after meeting Grey. As Zack sleeps due to his injury, Ray goes to the room of the floor by herself. Zack and Rachel have found the stairway leading to the building's exit. Regarder Angels Of Death Saison 1 Episode 10 Le Procs De La Sorcire Est Ouvert HD Emission de Tlvision Gratuite - Rachel sera soumise un jugement, Gray en a dcid ainsi. When they finally reached B2, however, Zack lost his consciousness due to his worsening injury, forcing Ray to have to pull him out from the elevator. In return, Zack also thinks it's good for Ray to know. I love the moment they have with Zack in the water on Eddies floor and Rays suspicion. He tells Ray to look at him for who he truly is and makes decision on her own instead of depending on others to make one. We have 3 possible outcomes for these two and we still might not have all the answers. And both of them are just getting used to having a real friend. This shows that he's started to treat her as a familiar presence. For her efforts, Zack takes to patting Rachel's head when he praises her and even goes so far as to call her awesome when she pulls the trigger on Cathy. As Danny leaves, Zack tries to pursue him, dragging himself from the hallway to the room, but Danny got away. This prompted Zack to try to escape B5, but he was stuck because the elevator did not work. To reach the next floor, they must overcome obstacles. The extent of his bond with Ray became very deep after he convinced her to renew their oath and even refused to leave the building when he believed Ray had died even though he previously said that he has no intention to die with her. Until something happened that changed both of their lives forever Zack x Reader (Angels of Death) 5 pages July 22, 2018 Bread Boy He even fondly touches the headstone with his hand for a brief moment. It's when she comes to the decision that Zack is her God that she breaks free from the priest and acquires the medicine for Zack's survival. Related: Angels of Death: Is Zack a Psychopath or a Sociopath? Of course, this comes from the mouth of a psychotic murderer, so its not only unbelievable but demented in its own way. Em sua busca, ela encontra um homem coberto de faixas. His emotions come across even more so when Zack shoots himself in the arm with both of the drugs Cathy provides. After Zack is arrested, he is charged for the murder spree in recent years. And in their case, dying together instead of alone. , Mature. Multichap. Zack buries Eddie into the grave made for Ray. Once Ray begins to understand, Zack tells her to swear the oath they originally made only to herself and him while he will swears to only her. As they search for their final destination, Zack gifts Rachel his most precious knife. zackxrachel angelsofdeath zaray +1 more # 6 Me Perteneces by 526 47 1 Guilty, nervous, and barely knowing how to hold hands with another human being, they learn that maybe hell is just a matter of perspective as they walk through their after/lives together. "I love you too," Rachel wraps her arms around his neck and kiss him back. However, as Zack never experienced kindness before, he found the old man's kindness confusing and irritating, and even tried to kill him due to his inability to comprehend it. In the AWA fics, Rachel is set to appear in a future AWA storyline. . I dont give a rats ass about parents or God. Based on these charges, Zack is sentenced to death penalty. Finding about that she has the gun all along after she witnessed a murder, Zack asks why she didn't use it earlier, but Ray simply repeated what she said before: she won't commit suicide and that Zack is the only one who can kill her. To his surprise and confusion, the old man simply asked him what he wants to do from now on and told him to sleep. He is a serial killer who is currently on the run due to his connections with recent murder cases. The perfect Angels Of Death Satsuriku No Tenshi Zack Foster Animated GIF for your conversation. Zack, who is not good at solving puzzles, forced Ray to do the brain work. While he has no problem with murder and destruction, he does see dishonesty as immoral, often declaring how much he hates liars. He is chaotic, quick to anger, and doesn't hesitate to use foul language in any given situation. Zack is a tall man who is estimated to be in his 20s according to his records found by Ray in a secret backroom on the B4 floor[1]. Even though he speaks harshly, Zack continues to protect Rachel from harm as much as possible. Zack and Danny have a mutual dislike for each other. After Ray lost her will to live, Zack lost interest in killing her, even getting freaked out when she requested he kill her like he originally intended to. There, he encountered Eddie, the owner of the B4 floor. Frank Lovejoy, Dorothy Hart; 1952. . Along the way, they encounter snakes. She spends her time binging the latest simulcasts, unearthing lesser known anime titles, and reading manga. The rainbow puke Zack does when Rachel first asks him to kill her. Its like when there was that theory that Pokemon was all just a dream that Ash was having inside his head and he was actually in a coma. He wears a brown zip-up hoodie that's stained in blood, red pants, and black combat boots. Zack questions Ray what will happen if she dies. Summary Isaac Foster, or more commonly known as Zack, is one of the main characters of the media franchise Angels of Death . Zack and Miri Make a Porno #2 Oct. 31 . As they search for their final destination, Zack gifts Rachel his most precious knife. Ray finally admits that she has been wondering why she wants only him to kill her but could only think that the reason is because of the oath made to God. The perfect Angels Of Death Rachel Gardner Isaac Foster Animated GIF for your conversation. Ray insists that Zack rest while she goes alone so she can be useful for him. Now cry, scream and beg for your life! These are not mere surface questions. Danny then questions Zack where Ray is, to which Zack answers that he has no intention of telling her and asks back what will he do if he say he killed her. Hearing that Ray wants to go back to B5 to get medicine alone, Zack tries to force himself to stand up so he can go with her, but quickly stumbles again as he lost strength. In the wake of him losing his mind, Rachel is able to find a bit of clarity wherein Zack tells her not to let him kill her just yet. RELATED:Akame Ga Kill: The 10 Saddest Deaths In The Anime, Ranked. He mentions that she's the first person he's ever given anything to and that it's not for keeps, but so that she could keep herself safe. With their oath formed, Ray told Zack to break the wall between him and the room behind it, reuniting him with Ray. Nobody controls me; if anyone tries to. Zack was rather suspicious of Ray's curiosity and warns her it won't be a good story, but Ray doesn't mind with it. # 1. Fortunately, Zack is fast enough to pull Ray out of the way of bullets before it could hit them. In respond, Zack tells her to stop crying and smile. However, Zack decided to return to the room and opened the box, finding Ray's strands of hair inside, prompting him to continue his pursuit. or maybe, get revenge instead. For a moment, Zack almost momentarily lost to his urge to kill, but is able to barely hold himself back after Ray's voice that questions his true wish reached him. Ive read some AMAZING fanfictions on A03 that capture their journeys for this. An impressionable young boy wrapped in bandages is condemned to an illegal orphanage to await his death like all the other kids. The next day, the old man used the money he had saved to buy a better bread for Zack while determined to take care of Zack from then on, thinking his life finally has a meaning by caring for the boy. He tells her not to do things half-heartedly and questions what she actually wants from him. excluding reissues, remasters, and compilations of previously released recordings, and (2) notable, defined as having received significant coverage from reliable sources independent of the subject.. For additional information about bands formed, reformed . However, after seeing Ray forces herself and is close to losing her consciousness, Zack breaks the mask and help Ray to a hold of herself, allowing her to find the keycard that'll help them escape the room. Rachel made him a shirt from her sewing kit, David got him a poster of a movie Zack liked and Y/n got him a candy making kit with a chocolate melting pot. Not long afterwards, his mother wrapped him with cloth and then left him in the care of a pair of orphanage caretakers for money. Let us go in-depth to discover which one is correct. Sensing Danny is nearby and intends to kill him, Zack instantly awakes and attack Danny before the doctor could. One could argue that Angels of Death is a tragic love story on top of its predominant horror genre. Zack entered the same room and guessed she was hiding inside the box, but when he struck it and got no response, Zack thought Ray was not in there and left. Directors Kouhei Hatano Kentar Suzuki Akira Tanaka Stars It appears that he goes along with it for her sake, but eventually is fed up with her beliefs and reveals his true feelings. The promise takes on a different meaning at this point in the series. On the back of the gravestone, there's a switch for powering the elevator. Distributor Crunchyroll Released Dec 1, 2018 When Rachel wakes up in the basement of an unfamiliar building, she finds herself lost all her memory. After this affirmation, they continue to conquer Eddy's floor and take the elevator up to Cathy's domain. Est-elle une sorcire ? This causes Cathy's attention to focus on him and gives Ray the opportunity to shoot Cathy with her own hidden gun. At the room filled with poisonous gas, Zack gives Ray the mask as he thinks she needs it more than him, but Ray refuses and both agrees to trade the mask when they need it. However, Gray shows more interest and attention to Zack than he does to other killers within the building due to Zack's nature, who only knows to kill that makes Zack "pure" in his eyes to the point of calling the serial killer a "crystallize-winged being". Zack wakes up to find Ray tending to his wound, stopping the bleeding and is ready to stitch it. His dislike for Zack intensified after Ray chose Zack over him. Nobuhiko Okamoto (Adult) Ryo Nishitani (Child), Dallas Reid (Adult) Mikaela Krantz (Child). Canon compliant. Regardez le Salaire Mensuel de Josef Mengele Angel Of Death Experiments en temps rel. Just as Ray contemplating to be killed by Eddie instead, Zack convinced her not to let anyone kill her but him by swearing to God that he will kill her. Not being like the other kids who turn and scream at him, he develops a friendship with her. Zack ( Isaac Foster) is the deuteragonist of the game, manga, and anime, Angels of Death. Hearing Ray's answer, Zack tries to get Ray to make a face that will make him want to kill her, telling her to get angry or sad. Ray answers that she did so because she has viewed Zack as her God, creeping him out but Zack decides to let her think that way for the time being. The rainbow puke Zack does when Rachel first asks him to kill her. 5 Best Cyberpunk Games To Play before Cyberpunk 2077, Top 15 Unforgettable Anime Breakups That Were Still Sad About. rachel catherineward animefanfiction +22 more # 7 Not long after Zack's death sentence is decided and he is imprisoned, Zack escapes prison and breaks through Ray's room at the rehab facility where she stayed after the incident at the building, shocking her as she asks how he got out of prison, to which Zack simply answers that he broke out. Angels of Death Ending what actually happened at the end First Possible Angels of Death Ending This is based on this speculated ending: Rachel has been canonically diagnosed with mental delirium. Not to mention I just dont think I could handle this type of ending. Zack would usually give his victims 3 seconds to try to run away from him to make them feel more horrified when he killed them. They then ride the elevator which leads them to the next B3. When Zack and Rachel got out of the building, Zack was put in prison and Rachel in a Psychiatric hospital. In a way, its a confession of his feelings. Sa fortune s lve 300 000 000,00 euros mensuels Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Rape/Non-Con, Underage. For this reason, she constantly targets him both physically and mentally throughout her floor, and thus is disappointed when she thought she couldn't kill him herself. He has short black hair and anisocoria, a condition in which the eyes are unequally dilated, his left eye being light brown and his right eye being light orange. Some people age Rachel up just to be safe. Even though he speaks harshly, Zack continues to protect Rachel from harm as much as possible. And the thought of Gray having a soft spot for him disgusted him. After seeing Ray forces herself to smile, Zack collapses again. Eddie is a young boy who is . Unique Angels Of Death Zack stickers featuring millions of original designs created and sold by ind. Satsuriku no Tenshi Wiki is a FANDOM Anime Community. Throughout this whole time, Rachel tells the priest that she needs to procure medicine for Zack. Sasha Mitchell was fantastic. Rated MA. He is determined not to die, yet he grows to care for Ray and goes as far as risking himself to protect her on several occasions. I Dont Own This Video. It is speculated that he may have a type of Impulsive Control Disorder (ICD) which is a class of psychiatric disorders characterized by impulsivity failure to resist a temptation, an urge, an impulse, or the inability to not speak on a thought. In respond, Zack retracts his words of not interested in her eyes because her expression would be boring without them so Zack refuses Danny's offer. Ever since he stayed with the old man, Zack spent most of his times sleeping or spacing out. Zack is against this again, but after seeing Ray pleading so much, he finally relents under condition that she must come back alive while admitting that he'll only be a burden if he goes anyway with his injury. They would always refer to him as a monster because of his burns, even forcing him to bury the corpse of a dead child (was implied that he had buried others before as well) simply because they didn't want to deal with the smell. If this doesnt scream love and care for Rachels well-being, then we dont know what does. Once he has been tended and took enough rest, Zack and Ray continues to the next floor, but not before visiting the church where Gray was. Angels of Death is already one of my favorite anime shows. This enraged Danny who begins spouting his obsession for her eyes, but Zack dismisses this and reveals that Ray wants him to kill her so Danny doesn't get to decide what's going to happen to her. Ray successfully finds the power switch before Eddie can catch up to her and turns the light on. But unlike you and four-eyes, I dont waste my time thinking about pointless shit like that. There aren't many interactions between Zack and Eddie, but the two of them dislike each other, particularly in regards of who will be the one to kill Ray. By using batteries and wires available there, Ray resorts to blow up the whole room by using the gas itself since it was flammable, something that Zack was not fond of. All in all, not a bad deal for this pair of murderers. When Zack and Rachel move throughout the floors, Rachel continually asks Zack about himself. In short, this ending is the theory that Zack was close to death after surviving the execution and going to see Rachel in his final moments alive. Zack doesn't know how to read, but he is shown able to recognize the shape of letters, as he recognized "B3" written on a document on B4 freezer and Ray's name, later on. He saved the show from an early death. First Possible Angels of Death Ending. Each room holds a puzzlethey must solve, and without Rachel, Zack would never have made it out of the building alive. Ray's concern for him, which she has never shown before, makes Zack ask if she's feeling guilty for something. This is based on this speculated ending: Rachel has been canonically diagnosed with mental delirium. Episode One, to Ray, You think I am Mr. fricking perfect. This becomes the case for Rachel and Zack. In a more serious moment where Rachel has finally gone into a crazy state of mind, she surprises all of us when she says the word bang instead of actually shooting Cathy. The thought makes Zack vomit from disgust, telling Ray not to say something like that again. Is actually the B1 floor master. Animation Adventure Horror After willingly shooting a dangerous drug into his arm so that they could move forward, Zack begins to grow overwhelmed by the urge to kill, but with the last traces of rationality left in his mind, he tells Rachel, "Don't let me kill you just yet.". Vanessa Rose is an otaku, weeb, straight-up nerd. He is the master of the floor B6. Angels of Death endingdo YOU know what actually happened to Zack and Rachel? Zack destroys the wall separating him and Ray. Zack then arrives at another room with a small crack, which just so happens to be connected to the room where Ray is in. Knowing he is unable to stop Ray, Zack lends her his knife for protection before falling asleep again. Zack realizes Ray has lost her will to live. Allida is tongue-tied with An Impossible Thing to Say by Arya Shahi, in which an Iranian American teen in Arizonafalls in love with the new girl at school, Shakespeare, and rap music while . He becomes the main character in the limited edition game Angels of Death Episode.Eddie , which explores more of his backstory. Seeing Ray's quite beat up condition, Zack asks how she got the medicine from Danny, but Ray reveals that she got it from the reverend. Zack asked if Ray can open the lock using her needle, but to his disappointment, she can't. I am a cold-blooded serial killer; I killed more people than I can count, just cause its fun. He has pyrophobia: the fear of fire, due to what happened to him when he was a child. It's the largest in the plot, and seeing it instantly pisses off Zack to the point where he wants to destroy it. Realising that the police are the answer to what Grey meant by saying Ray would be saved, Zack allows himself to be arrested and let the police take the dying Ray into protective custody to save her life. He let himself be arrested by the police to save Ray's life and then break out of prison all for the sake of fulfilling their oath. In the process, Zack finally overcomes his trauma against fire. Set after the ending of the game and 4 years have past since the events that occured , Rachel is now 18 and Zack is 24. Zack himself, despite not wanting to, did what he was told without question. However, Zack eventually started to get closer to Ray as he realized that she views him as a human being instead of a monster, tool, or serial killer like other people do. A girl trapped in the Tower who wishes to die. After a while, Ray came back with some documents about Zack's history as a serial killer. Each room holds a puzzlethey must solve, and without Rachel, Zack would never have made it out of the building alive. Faith, who shares a room with Elektra while at Elmtree House, is one of the elder children who tries to be responsible, and proves her capabilities and maturity when she acts as a surrogate careworker in the opening episode of The Dumping Ground. It is quite unrealistic since they are floating in the air and Isaac has hi. He first appears on floor B4. This ending is self-explanatory. For that reason, Ray and Zack took their chances by hiding inside a big safe until the whole room explodes, opening the door out. The following is a list of albums, EPs, and mixtapes released in or scheduled for release in 2023.These albums are (1) original, i.e. 2 2020 It could be said that obsession is a type of love. In this instance, Zack coming over and helping her die was Ray killing herself in reality. Before Zack could kill her, one of the gatling guns grazed his arm, stopping Zack. Zack took Rachel away and then ran away together, supporting each other like the best friends they were meant to be. Zack's fear of fire causes him to freeze on the spot until Ray risks herself to get the flame out of the way so Zack can break through the falling debris. Before becoming a floor master, Zack used a knife to repeatedly stab his victims to death, but then switched to a scythe after he found it and his knife had became rusty. She was so committed to dying by Zacks hand that her delirious brain conjured up the appropriate sounds and effects to the environment. . This leads her back to the priest's floor, where she is put on a witch's trial. He has an surprisingly good stamina, as he has been shown to survive an electric chair torture for a long time, poisonous gas, etc. Then because of his violation of the rules of the building, he became a "sacrifice" along with Ray, giving the other floor masters to permission to kill him. While he at first only wanted to keep the promise between them because he has vowed to never lie, Zack begins to genuinely cherish the oath he made with Ray not only for himself but also for Ray's sake. This promise between them becomes the sole purpose of their goals. On their way up, however, the building begins to explode, causing fire and debris to block their path. Fan-Preferred Couple: A really big number of people ship Rachel and Zack despite the big age difference due to the interactions they share as the game progresses. Zack scolds her for going alone and she should have woke him up. In episode 4, Danny says Zack couldnt survive a shot to the head. Zack confirmed what the document said was true and questioned whether Ray is afraid of him or not. Zack targeted anyone who looks happy, regardless of gender or age. Zack ( Isaac Foster) is the deuteragonist of the game, manga, and anime, Angels of Death. has been translated based on your browser's language setting. Then, under one of the graves he destroyed, Zack found a switch and turn it, which is the mechanism that is needed to open the door Ray is struggling with. Outside, Zack once again tries to get Ray to wake up. Credit Goes To The Creator DISCLAIMER: I am not making any profit from this video, it is just for entertainment and all the music, footage and art shown belongs to is respectful owners--\"Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for \"fair use\" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. He contemplated killing the old man, but decided it would be meaningless if the old man remains expressionless, so he instead went outside and killed a drunkard. Zack & Rachel - Angels Of Death Sticker By reelanimedragon From $1.83 establishing dominance Sticker By taytei From $1.35 Zack and Ray cheebs Sticker By RenRen1301 From $2.80 Zack and Ray Smile and Kill me Sticker By 2isted-chocol8 From $1.35 Angels of Death Shirt Sticker By ClaraGrijalva From $1.68 Zack Simple Design Sticker By Dolphin-5k Rachel stops him, feeling sentimental about the resting place that's been thoroughly prepared for her benefit. Shocked to see Danny still lives, Zack then learns that Danny has prepared a safety measure to block Zack's attack and hid fake bloods to fake his death after having anticipated Zack would chase after Ray to B5. Ray is distressed by this but also said she doesn't want Zack to kill her just because he swore to God, but when Zack asks what is it, Ray doesn't know either. All the latest gaming news, game reviews and trailers. Child Zack being abandoned by his mother. They eventually manage to barely escape from the snakes, but Zack lost his strength again from his injury. Cute Anime Profile Pictures. Which one do you believe? They both have some type of mental illness that causes that. The promise takes on a different meaning at this point in the series. This gave him a shivering feeling that disturbed him and Zack believed the only way to repress it is by continuing his killing spree. He is noticeable for his body being completed covered in bandages and wields a grim-reaper-like scythe. 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