CloudKit operations provide superior control over the details of how CloudKit does its work and, perhaps more importantly, really force the developer to think carefully about network behaviors central to everything CloudKit does. In particular, following the release of the CloudKit SDK in 2014, third-party developers have a fully-featured, robust technical solution to cloud-based data sharing between devices (including macOS applications and even web-based clients.). These days, modern mobile application development requires a well thought-out plan for keeping user data in sync across various devices. Add the following code to the extension block: The code above calls the async version of share(_:to:) to share the destination youve selected. These can be normal push notifications familiar to iOS users (such as sound, banner, or badge), or in CloudKit, they can be a special class of notification called silent pushes. Ill focus on an iOS application, but the same approach can be used for macOS clients as well. and a shared zone that they own in their .private database. I set the BlockBasedProvider as the provider. if the provided objectID is in sharedObjectIDs. Note that the same code will work for macOS clients as well, with slight adjustments for differences in how notifications work on that platform. So I'll change the share options to mark the share as View Only. Stay active, close your rings, and have a great WWDC 2021. Photos also allows me to view the participants on the album. When storing data via CloudKit, CloudKit Console allows you to interact with the data in question and perform several other functions such as viewing logs. However, Apple strongly urges developers to use the operations rather than the convenience methods. Log in to your iCloud account on a real device. wherever you need to customize your user interfaces. You now see the shared entry on your second device. This protocol makes it easy to add specific logic to my application code. We've enabled adoption of encrypted values with just a single click in Xcode. Differentiating private data and shared data in SwiftUI. Also, the service itself must protect against a range of potential issues, such as unauthorized requests, conflicting changes, and the like. This is new iOS 15 and allows NSPersistentCloudKitContainer to be configured to mirror persistent stores to the .shared CloudKit database. if I change this line of code to use an existing share, NSPersistentCloudKitContainer will attempt to assign. Change the permission to View only. Xcode prefixes the container name with iCloud. To achieve this, youll implement fetchShares(matching:). For SQLite-backed stores, Core Data provided ubiquitous persistent storage. NSPersistentCloudKitContainer turns those managed objects into instances of CKRecord that are stored in CloudKit. This is your Destination entity in Core Data. Im going to take a fairly deep technical dive into the CloudKit API to explore ways you can leverage this technology to make awesome multi-device apps. Photos implements a system control here in the lower left that allows me to call up an Action sheet. This might not always be the best outcome for professional apps, but its not bad for a first rule and, for this purpose, serves to illustrate the mechanism by which CloudKit passes conflict information back to the client. The first iteration of Core Data in iCloud on iOS worked on top of document storage and employed the same iCloud APIs. Kodeco requires JavaScript. They build on Apples notification infrastructure to allow various clients to get push notifications when certain CloudKit changes occur. So let's look at how I've changed my application to communicate these states and privileges. Youll need to ensure that you have set a unique bundle identifier at this point. In my .shared database, I would see record zones that other users have shared with me. Learn to share data between CoreData and CloudKit in a SwiftUI app. The next step of preparing your shared data is to enable storing your data in iCloud. Well, let me show you. Synchronizing a Local Store to the Cloud. When I tap Next, I can see my new album with the photo I shared. Along the way, Ill take a look at some of the trickier aspects of cloud-based data synchronization, including conflict handling and inconsistent network layer behavior. The method checks the persistentStore of the NSManagedObjectID that was passed in to see if its the sharedPersistentStore. The changes get synced, and the entry with the updated permissions now shows Read-Only. and operate on the objects I share with them. The first step is to create a method that prepares your shared data. For example, I can send it to my friends as an iMessage or email. If it doesnt have an associated share record, theres no need to continue. Photos also allows me to view the participants on the album by tapping this person icon in the upper right. CloudKit sharing allows records stored within a private CloudKit database to be shared with other app users at the discretion of the record owner. Launch a simulator. whether or not to convert the title of a post. The same note fields for text and modified datetime can be stored locally in a file via NSKeyedArchiver or the like, and the UI can provide near full functionality based on this local copy. create shares for objects, and accept sharing invitations. share(_ managedObjects: to share: completion:) is a new method designed to pair directly with UICloudSharingController. Next, I'll tap Mail and invite Jermaine and Mary. Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. Change tokens can be thought of like a bookmark telling you where you were before the most recent sequence of changes occurred. with the CloudKit server in the container associated. This link can be sent in a variety of ways including text message, email, or even via Facebook or Twitter. And exactly how much did I have to change in the sample application? CloudSharingView conforms to the protocol UIViewControllerRepresentable and wraps the UIKit UICloudSharingController so you can use it in SwiftUI. How might we build an experience like this? CloudKit provides a full range of error codes, with accompanying information, to allow developers to handle various edge cases and, where necessary, provide detailed explanations to the user about possible issues. You could solve this by creating a CKRecord that contains a CKAsset which is the file that you want to share. I've had to make a number of changes to the user interface. For iOS and macOS, Apple provides a robust toolkit, called CloudKit API, which allows developers targeting Apple platforms to solve this synchronization problem. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. Let's see that in action. Checks whether the object is shared. Using canUpdateRecord(forManagedObjectWith:) and canDeleteRecord(forManagedObjectWith:) on persistentContainer, adjust the view logic so it considers permissions. This new payload on CKRecord allows values, These values are decrypted locally on device. In this example, theres just the one record, but for future expandability, this is a great potential performance benefit. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. Modern mobile application development requires a well thought-out plan for keeping user data in sync across various devices. Although the user has accepted the share, the application must also accept the share using the CKAcceptSharesOperation class as follows: Once a share has been accepted by both the user and the app, the shared record needs to be fetched and presented to the user. Continue with Recommended Cookies. In many cases, it can infer where records belong based on the relationship they have to other objects. to present information about shared objects. Enter a topic above and jump straight to the good stuff. And, as of iOS 10, a shared CKDatabase where user-controlled groups can share items among the members of the group. Open CoreDataStack.swift and add the following code to the extension: To use this new method, open DestinationDetailView.swift. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. For starters, a few custom errors can be defined to shield the client from the internals of CloudKit, and a simple delegate protocol can inform the client of remote updates to the underlying Note data. Careful error handling is absolutely essential for a CloudKit client. For iOS and macOS, Apple provides a robust toolkit, called CloudKit API, which allows developers targeting Apple platforms to solve this synchronization problem. When a record is shared, a share link is sent to the recipient user in the form of a URL. However, network conditions and performance constraints can cause individual notifications to be dropped, or multiple notifications to intentionally coalesce into a single client notification. In the Signing & Capabilities section, add the iCloud capability. The SharingProvider has methods for binding. share NSPersistentCloudKitContainer between app and extension, Core Data sharing with CloudKit: Unable to Accept Share. Due to network latency, airplane mode, and such, CloudKit will internally handle retries and such for operations at a qualityOfService of utility or lower. a number of API methods to align with each of these concerns. - Accepting a shared note will now move it to the top level of your notes folder - Fixed a bug where clicking on the month name on macOS shifted the calendar weeks - Improved website titles when pasting a web link in NotePlan - iCloud Drive sync is now hidden as a sync option for new users since Cloudkit provides a better sync experience You can think of the name as the primary key of the record in a simple database sense (names must be unique, for example). But in my application, I took a slightly different approach. When you create a destination, the data is being persisted via Core Data locally in your app. These values are decrypted locally on device after they're downloaded from the CloudKit server, and they're encrypted locally on device before they are uploaded to the CloudKit server. CloudKit supports both the concept of public and private databases. Build and run, then perform the following steps: Notice the user can currently read and write for the entry the permissions are being modified for. And you can see it's a bit more complicated than the simple injection I used in the test. Here I used isShared to decide whether or not to convert the title of a post to an attributed string and prefix it with the symbol to show that the post is part of a share. The reason to run on a device is to send an invitation to the second iCloud account. With this code in place, build and run on your second device. For this example, youll use CKAsset to store the note text. Owners create and share objects with a set of participants. Can users edit their own private data in CloudKit. Now, you should see a Button with Label("Delete", systemImage: "trash"). that is allowed to operate on those objects in some way. Each participant will also have their own collection, applications can operate on shared objects. Within each CKContainer are multiple instances of CKDatabase. If you sent the invitation from a real device, that can be a simulator. To edit or update the caption or description, tap the destination cell to see the detail screen. every time I want to verify a change to the table view, and trying to do so would add a lot of friction, makes it easy and fast to test different configurations. Learn iOS, Swift, Android, Kotlin, Flutter and Dart development and unlock our massive In a more sophisticated application, you may wish to take advantage of the predicate to narrow the scope of a particular CKQuerySubscription, and you may wish to review the other subscription types available under CloudKit, such as CKDatabaseSuscription. The only way to distinguish the private records versus shared records is to tap the detail and view the role in the participants list. The app designer is always in the best position to define rules for these situations, which can include everything from context-aware automatic merging to user-directed resolution instructions. To get the most out of this session, check out our previous videos on NSPersistentCloudKitContainer: "Using Core Data With CloudKit" from WWDC19 and "Sync a Core Data store with the CloudKit public database" from WWDC20. In this post, we will talk about zone sharing. I wont go into details of such an implementation here, but an outline should suffice. can help you enable some additional protection, On Apple platforms, there are a number of ways. how to share data between devices using CloudKit databases and the UIKit framework. I needed a way to ensure they all work correctly. CloudKit provides much more functionality on top of this, especially for sophisticated data models, public sharing, advanced user notification features, and more. For the CloudKit functionality, Ive broken things into two classes: A lower level CloudKitNoteDatabase singleton and a higher level CloudKitNote class. Finally, one of the most important aspects of any operation is the qualityOfService value. Within a CKDatabase are CKRecordZones, and within zones CKRecords. But ideally, we would have a single place directly in the Photos app where my friends and I can share our photos with each other. This framework ( was released before CloudKit and supports an easy way of sharing: You get a URL that you can send to another user and he can directly download what you shared with him. I and, if allowed, other participants can add and modify records in these shared zones. Since this is a first example of using an operation, here are a couple of general observations: First, all CloudKit operations have custom completion closures (and many have intermediate closures, depending on the operation). You need to extract information about the participants of this share. Next, we'll take a deep dive into the mechanics of sharing. Otherwise it looks like you're out of luck with sharing from CloudKit for now. Now that youve sent an invitation to your second user, you need to set the app to accept the invitation and add the data into the shared store. Participants can have different roles and permissions that constrain how they can act on a particular set of objects, which brings us to the second key concept: how NSPersistentCloudKitContainer and CloudKit structure these shared objects. Last, if the current user of that share is the owner, returns. uses Record Zone Sharing to share managed objects. that other users can view and, if desired, contribute to. Here, youll add the code to accept the share. of shared objects without ever talking to the CloudKit server. into the sharingProvider the MainViewController uses. Select recordName from the list and ensure the index type is Queryable. NSPersistentCloudKitContainer also has to understand, how the concepts of owners and participants apply, Let's imagine I have a collection of people. Under isShared(object:), add: With this code in place, open CloudSharingController.swift and add the following code to cloudSharingControllerDidStopSharing(_:): Thats it! This is a thorny problem with many gotchas and pitfalls, but users expect the feature and expect it to work well. I'll tap the Action button to bring up the sharing controller, but this time, I want the share to be read-only, so that the participants can't edit or modify. Now I'm going to add a new post, give it a title, and tap Done. However, you can get more functionality if you use a custom zone, most notably, support for fetching incremental record changes. Does Cast a Spell make you a spellcaster? Here I've chosen four friends to share the photo with. 2 Reviews. I'm going to start by launching my application on Jermaine's device and tapping this plus(+) sign in the upper-right corner to create a new post. More importantly, you have a foundation for adding more advanced CloudKit functionality. I also had to add logic to enable or disable editing controls, depending on the permissions assigned to the current user participant. directly to NSPersistentCloudKitContainer. Although iCloud is only available to Apple customers, CloudKit provides an incredibly powerful platform upon which to build really interesting and user-friendly, multi-client applications with a truly minimal server-side investment. Another user will see a different set of zones in their .private and .shared databases, depending on whether or not they are the owner of those zones. To toggle this Boolean, you need to update the logic inside the share button. When a user decides to share CloudKit data, a share link in the form of a URL is sent to the person with whom the data is to be shared. Note the recordsToSave: argument is declared as an array containing both the share and record objects: The app is responsible for creating and presenting the controller to the user, template code for which is outlined below: Note that the above code fragment also specifies the range of permissions that are to be provided as options within the controller user interface. Then just create a deplink that includes that unique identifier. Then, it sets the persistent store based on the scope. CloudKit supports both structured and bulk data. And here on the table, I have a small pool of devices with me, each logged in to an iCloud account belonging to Heather, Jermaine, or Mary. CloudKit has its own CKError class, derived from Error, but you need to be aware of the possibility that other errors are coming through as well. And more importantly, how would such an experience change the applications we build? The owner is the iCloud account that actually owns an object. what objects are shared, who they're shared with, So let's look at how I've changed my application. Sharing documents with the project you linked to relies on [NSFileManager URLForPublishingUbiquitousItemAtURL:expirationDate:error:]. Page - Sharing data between User Controls without access to the Page class - Accessing data between user controls WPF - Passing data between user controls in wpf - Pass data between parent child user controls . The answer is, "Not much." Tapping that brings up the set of participants. You can download the completed project files by clicking the Download Materials button at the top or bottom of the tutorial. NSPersistentCloudKitContainer includes a number of API methods to align with each of these concerns. In theory, you needed only three steps. Finally, I invoke UICloudSharingController's completion block with the results provided by NSPersistentCloudKitContainer, which tells it I'm ready to continue the sharing flow. To understand these challenges a bit more clearly, we need to identify two crucial concepts for sharing. Discover how to create informative experiences around shared data and learn about the CloudKit technologies that support these features in Core Data. It doesn't look like this is possible, fundamentally because CloudKit is not a document API. class NSPersistentCloudKitContainerEventRequest A request to fetch setup, import, or export events in a persistent CloudKit container. If I'm allowed to, I can add records that I own to any of those zones just as they can in the zones that I own. Stay active, close your rings, and have a great WWDC 2021. It brings together a huge amount of domain knowledge. Syncing a Core Data Store with the Cloud. Get the most out of CloudKit Sharing Discover how apps can use CloudKit to share records with others. we need to identify two crucial concepts for sharing. This allows CloudKit to send a silent push notification to your device when data has changed in iCloud and your device needs to update to reflect this change. For example, if you want to extend this app to handle multiple Notes rather than just one, you could do so more readily (and with higher resulting performance) than if youd just used Apples convenience APIs. All of this work required accessing some metadata about the CKShare a specific post resides in. Theres also a share action that does nothing now. by the presence of their objectID in this set. Last, head to the CloudKit Console so you can verify your data. Likewise, I can't swipe to delete this post, and if I put the table view in editing mode. Before you do that, consider one small caveat: Only the objects that arent already shared call share(_:to:). It's called the SharingProvider. Pauls been a developer for nearly three decades, working with many tech stacks but with a focus on Apple. For example, this user may have a private zone and a shared zone that they own in their .private database. The first change I had to make was to tell NSPersistentCloudKitContainer to mirror the .shared CloudKit database to a new persistent store. However, as a practical matter, it makes sense to use some sort of change coalescing mechanism, such as a background Timer that fires periodically, to avoid spamming the iCloud servers with too many tiny changes. NSPersistentCloudKitContainer turns those managed objects. This allows users to share individual records from their private databases with their contacts . Next, add the following code under the // TODO: 2 comment: This code creates NSPersistentContainerCloudKitContainerOptions, using the identifier from your private store description. It might make more sense for CKAsset, but for now Apple hasn't added the capability. Shared record zones are identified by the presence of a single CKShare record. Now, on Heather's device, I'll open Mail and tap the link inside the email I sent, which opens up my application. Once youve completed that task, set showShareSheet, which presents CloudSharingView, to true. CloudKit provides you ready to use data sharing API that allows you to implement collaborative features of your app without much effort. A participant is any other iCloud account. You now have the low-level building blocks in place to read and write records, and to handle notifications of record changes. Then, select the CloudKit checkbox to enable the feature. [music]. Now that you have the method to perform the share, you need to present the CloudSharingView when you tap the Share button. Heather, Jermaine, Percy, and Mary are all test accounts. Build apps that share data through CloudKit and Core Data. Open CoreDataStack.swift. Each of these is mirrored to a persistent store. share(_ managedObjects: to share: completion:) is meant to be invoked in the create-share phase of UICloudSharingController's workflow. At what point of what we watch as the MCU movies the branching started? Rather than relying on individual notifications to give you detailed knowledge of what change an individual notification represents, you use a notification to simply indicate that something has changed, and then you can ask CloudKit whats changed since the last time you asked. Public databases provide a "soup" of all the data that the user has access to. But in my application, I took a slightly different approach. Next, add the following code below the // TODO: 3 comment: This code adds your shared NSPersistentStoreDescription to the container. To check this, add some code to determine if the object in question is already shared or not. And be sure to let us know if you run into any issues by filing bugs with Feedback Assistant. Invitation to the CloudKit checkbox to enable or disable editing controls, depending on the scope you where you before. Second device a URL new persistent store share: completion: ) on persistentContainer, adjust the view so. 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