Graham Correctional Center Facility Type State Prison Address 12078 Illinois Route 185, Hillsboro, IL, 62049 Phone 217-532-6961 Capacity 2110 City Hillsboro Postal Code 62049 State Illinois Country Montgomery County Official Website Website Graham Correctional Center is a private facility located in Hillsboro (Montgomery County, Illinois. Have the visiting hours for this facility changed? East Moline Correctional Center Greene County Work Camp Reception and Classification Offenders are allowed two Non-Contact visits per month. The items available for incarcerated individuals to buy are limited by their classification level. 8:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. To search for all people (not just inmates) by first name, last name, and state, use the people search. You can also send checks to the Graham Correctional Center, but these take up to one month to arrive. The facility commissary is a store located inside the facility specifically for incarcerated individuals. Graham Correctional Center is a state-administered correctional authority in Hillsboro, .It was constructed in 1980. Cash deposits to ConnectNetwork are now available at 26,000 retail locations nationwide including Walmart, ACE, Kmart, Kroger, and more. You can send money by phone using your credit or debit card. Password. Production Line at Airway Heights Corrections Center (AHCC). Get Driving Directions to Graham Correctional Center. SCDC number, living unit. Graham Correctional Center Inmate Search and Prison Information Updated on: September 1, 2022 Public Records Online Search Criminal Records and Contact Info aggregated from real law enforcement agencies and government court houses. You should check before scheduling the video visit of dates and times that are available for the offender. Inmates are in all types of security levels. The providers for these services are JPay, GTL, and Keefe. An offender may receive only two video visits per week. Inmates can send/receive mail. Vending machine items may only be purchased using a debit card. "Contraband" means items which are prohibited by criminal law, departmental, or facility rules or posted notices. Items sold in facilities housing work release inmates that are specifically approved for sale to work release inmates, will be considered contraband on the date the inmate no longer qualifies for a work release program. Graham Correctional Center is located in Hillsboro Illinois. Find a location. Be sure to bring two forms of identification with youone should be a current state issued photo ID. The SCDC uses GTL for money services, including deposits online, over the phone, and at retail locations. The ADCMaster Commissary Listcan be viewedHERE. Work. Columbia, SC 29210-4096. There is also a service called EFT you will have to pay more for the service, but it is a faster and easier way to send money to an inmate. Do you need some directions to find an inmate? If needed, you may leave a message with your phone number (with area code) and staff will return your call within three business days. This facility operates a reception and classification center that does intake for many offenders in the region. For complete details on how to call an inmate in South Carolina, please click here., The Official Website of the State of Arkansas, Criminal Detention Facilities Review Committees, Interstate Commission for Adult Offender Supervision, Arkansas Criminal Justice Task Force on Offender Costs and Collections. Do not call the facility to schedule a video visit. Clayton County Work Camp You can mail mostly books and letters. While the very most basics may be provided for by a given correctional department, there are also other important goods/services that Illinois prisoners and inmates must buy. All money orders must be made payable to GTL. Make trust/commissary deposits online at Corrections is thankful to the Tribes for caring for these lands since time immemorial and honors its ongoing connection to these communities past, present and future. Saturday 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM Visitors must arrive no later than 1:00 p.m. in order to visit. General population (excluding C-Grade) havevisitation everyday from 8:30am-5:30pm. Columbia, SC 29210-4096. Hill Correctional Center There are five ways to add money to an inmate's Cooper Trust Fund account. NOTE:1.) #1, Highway 185 P.O. Do you need help finding out knowledge about visitation in Graham Correctional Center? If you spotan error in our visiting hours you can report it here. Centralia Correctional Center Online $ 0.01-9.99 : $2.95 $ 10.00-19.99 . Step 3: Then, to complete your transaction, bring cash and the PaySlip to your local store. The inmate is responsible for arranging their visits and notifying their visitors of their visiting status. Medical assessments completed for all new inmates received at the Reception and Evaluation Unit. Issue of indigent items shall be reduced by value of the account balance. Menard Correctional Center O. Terms of Use governing use of ConnectNetwork services state that all services are intended to be used by persons over the age of 18. During COVID immune system are imperative. All divisions of Union Supply Group (Food Express, Inmate Direct, US Commissary Solutions, Union Supply Company) remain in business and fully operational. IT IS THE INMATE'S RESPONSIBILITY TO ADVISE HIS/HER VISITOR(S) OF THEIR APPROVAL. clicking here. Are you having trouble wondering how you can keep up with an inmate in Graham Correctional Center? Inmate Welfare funds can only be used for the general benefit of the inmates under rules and regulations as established by the Board of Corrections. The Graham Correctional Center is located at 12078 Illinois Route 185, Hillsboro, IL, 62049. Sorry, there are no insights for this section of the facility yet. Every inmate has a Cooper Trust Fund Account that allows them to make purchases in the institution. Thank you for visiting us to better understand how inmates are treated while incarcerated at this institution. Only a single adult visitor is allowed at a time.Segregation and C-Grade general population inmates are allowed visits Monday through Friday from 8:30am-2pm. You can download the free app for Android devices here and for iPhone and iPad here. The cheapest way to send money is through Lockbox, and it is a small wait. No more than three approved visitors per video visit for offenders confined in general population or protective custody status. Money orders sent to SCDC or an individual facility will be returned. Staff and incarcerated individuals who work for the Correctional Industries commissary process, pick, package and deliver orders to living units or other designated areas, where incarcerated individuals receive and sign for the items. Graham (Camille Griffin) Correctional Institution. 4450 Broad River Road. full name of the institution. Please be sure to share this website with others so that we can spread the word and help to maintain rights for current and former inmates. You can't call an inmate at Camille Griffin Graham Correctional Institution, but they do have access to phones during certain hours. Funds up to $5,000 may be sent to inmates via the following methods, except MoneyGram, who has a maximum limit of $3,000. This facility is made to help inmates to accept their past and work from it. Step 2: Set up the cash payment by selecting Walk-In Retail (Pay in Cash). Phone: 205-373-5000. Really concerned about the food grade. Shawnee Correctional Center To search for inmates incarcerated in county & city jails, and state and federal prisons (not necessarily sex offenders), use the Inmate Search tool. Menard Medium Security Unit You have the right to consult with the prosecuting attorney. hb```e``jb`a` |@QE_00>G& V*R,2\3r?r.m-|`:H-)i@Z!n"SV*f You can apply for visiting privileges if the inmate wants you to visit. 11070 HIGHWAY 14. It has an average daily population of 1813 and a capacity of 974. All adult visitors will be required to produce photo identification (ID) and verification of his or her date of birth. Graham Correctional Center Facility Type State Prison Authority Illinois Department of Corrections Address 12078 Illinois Route 185, Hillsboro, IL, 62049 Phone 217-532-6961 Capacity 2110 Date Established 1980 Offender Gender Male Offenders Security Level Medium City Hillsboro Postal Code 62049 State Illinois County Montgomery County One visitor on screen at a time, excluding children who need assistance sitting for the visit. Each phone call is no more than 20 minutes, and all calls are recorded and monitored. The Department of Corrections (DOC) may operate a commissary, or "store" system, for the benefit of incarcerated individuals. The Graham Reception & Classification Center is located in Hillsboro, Illinois. This includes personal care items such as shampoo, soap, and toothpaste. I hope and pray things change for the women that are there. Examples of inappropriate dress for visitors are: short shirts or dresses, wrap around skirts, see-through clothing, see-through or low-cut blouses, tube tops, halter tops, tank tops, swim suits or swim suit tops, short shorts, clothing with cutouts or leggings. Fees vary based on Trust deposit amount. The visitation days in Graham Correctional Center are Saturday, Sunday, and Monday. They will not accept mail that is violent or sexually explicit. JPay offers convenient & affordable correctional services, including money transfer, email, videos, tablets, music, education & parole and probation payments. Box 212969Columbia, South Carolina, 29221-2969. Chesapeake Correctional Center Inmate Commissary Announcement - January 4, 2023. Other items not allowed in the visiting room include food, drink, smoking materials, currency, packages, purses, bags, sacks, books, magazines, sunglasses, or personal keys. The items sold in the commissary are stocked based on requests from the incarcerated individuals and review and approval by Correctional Industries staff, Chief of Safety & Security, Chief Medical Officer, Chief of Dentistry, and DOC Policy. Parents, guardians and siblings of mentally or physically incapacitated victims or victims of homicide. *** The facility can hold a maximum of 431 offenders and is considered a minimum-security prison. The hours each day may be 8:00am-11:00am and 1:00pm-4:00pm. An offender may only receive one video visit per day., Graham Reception & Classification Center, IL. We're sorry, but we don't have any insights for this institution at this time. This is a privately owned informational website that is not owned or operated by any state government agency. All incoming inmate mail must be clearly marked with the following: inmate's legal name. You must be on your inmates approved visitation list in order to be granted a visit. Vocational skills taught at this institution include auto body and engine repair, computer technology, business management, custodial maintenance, print works, and various construction related disciplines. How can you save money on commissary fees online? However, if you'd like to you can join our free support group on Facebook by And it could've caused me to have severe permanent damage,but I only suffer from mild symptoms now. Reception & Classification in diagnostic status beyond 60 days and Reception & Classification who have been approved to transfer to Graham General Population and have been in Reception Center for more than 60 days: Visiting hours are 9:00 a.m. 3:00 p.m., Mon-Fri, No weekends or holidays. I was an inmate from 2016 to 2019 and what I experienced and visually seen was absolutely inhumane. Funds sent via GTL, JPAY, and Western Union are anticipated to be applied to the inmate's account within 24-48 business hours. FCI COMMISSARY LIST Only checked items and write-in's will be received - No ADD-ONs OR SUBSTITUTIONS - ALL SALES ARE FINAL: Laundry Items Hygiene Products Clothing (Limit 2 of each) (Limit 4 Total) Gloves (1)* 0.40 Fabric Dryer Sheets : 3.85 Dial Soap . Vienna Correctional Center It is located in Columbia, South Carolina, and is operated by the South Carolina Department of Corrections. If you have any information about this or any other institutions, we urge you to leave a review on our website. Graham Correctional Center 12078 Illinois Route 185 Hillsboro, IL 62049 Driving Directions: General Phone Number (217)-532-6962 Inmate Mailing Address (es) Inmate Name and DOC Number Graham Correctional Center P.O. No cleaning supplies provided and no hygeine products. Baby items may consist of one baby blanket and two diapers. Department of Corrections > Inmates > Commissary Lists Commissary Lists An inmate's custody level determines the items inmates are permitted to purchase from the Department of Corrections (DOC) Commissary System. The currentADC Indigent Items Listcan be viewedHERE. Graham Correctional Center, established in 1980, is located in Hillsboro, Illinois. Famous Graham Correctional Center inmates. of Corrections as the facility. (NMLS #967396). Camille Griffin Graham CI is the only prison in South Carolina that participates in the Girl Scouts of the USA Beyond Bars program, allowing Girl Scouts visitation/bonding with their incarcerated mothers. Please contact us today, we would appreciate your business and look forward to hearing from you. if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'laurelcorrections_com-box-2','ezslot_7',114,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-laurelcorrections_com-box-2-0');Graham Correctional Center inmate lookup: Current Housing Block, Issuing Auth, Bond, Inmate Roster, Court Record, Mugshots, Bookings, Current Housing Section, Eye Color, Release Date, Sentenced On, Booking Date, Facility, Who's in jail, Arrests, Aliases. Reports of mold in sinks in COVID quarantine section. There are a few different ways to send money to an inmate in Graham Correctional Center such as coming in to pay, paying via the internet, mailing, and paying over the phone. Box 499Hillsboro, IL 62049. Visits are one hour in duration. The back of the inmate's identification card has a magnetic strip that allows the ID card to function as a debit card to that inmate's Cooper Trust Fund Account. Our customer service is what makes us different from other providers. You can send money to an inmate at Graham Correctional Center via GTL (ConnectNetwork), JPAY, Western Union, or money order. The total population is 1,919 and the average annual cost per offender is $24,220.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[580,400],'prisoninsight_com-medrectangle-3','ezslot_4',137,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-prisoninsight_com-medrectangle-3-0'); Graham Correctional Center has one appearance in pop culture. Inmates are encouraged to participate in academic and vocational opportunities that exist at Graham Correctional Center. For all electronic transfer of funds, the inmate IDOC number and incarcerated last name must be used. Graham Correctional Center12078 Illinois Route 185Hillsboro, IL 62049Driving Directions:, Inmate Name and DOC NumberGraham Correctional CenterP.O. The Graham Correctional Center is for both medium and high security inmates. Programs in the Graham Correctional Center include drug and alcohol abuse treatment, sex offenders' treatment, parenting courses, life skills, and other programs that will positively affect one's life. Press 2 for up-to-date information about prisons that presently have canceled visitation because of security concerns (including COVID-19). Choose a name from the list below to see a more detailed incarceration record for current or historical inmates, or a more detailed correctional supervision record for probationers and parolees who are or have been under correctional supervision in this area. What inmates wear at Graham Correctional Center. The group relayed a statement from an inmate at Graham Correctional Center, who wrote that he and others at that prison "have not been provided or sold the things that are much needed" for. hRj@yl fwgoZ[iJ q^];~(}hj8`^1sLQ-[%\YVOXvcFm.BKtTmM3p =67sb7|JCH3{7%2QxXu&. Based on security concerns, all personal devices that communicate wirelessly, including activity fitness trackers and smart watches, are prohibited from being brought into SCDC institutions. There were times where I would lay down at night and pray for God to just let me die rather than be there,not because it was prison. No baby food, except two plastic baby milk bottles are to be taken into the Visiting Room. Only scheduled visitors may appear in the video visit monitor. Also, there are some handy skills such as HVAC, auto repair, drywall, electrical, computer repair, and plumbing. Copyright 2023 All Rights Reserved. The price of the debit card will vary by facility depending upon the vendor providing the service. The Graham Correctional Center can hold over 961male inmates. The Warden or Center Supervisor of a facility may restrict the sale of an item in a Commissary. ---$2.50 graham crackers --$1.70 snack crackers (k) --$2.15 sweet & hot asian sauce $1.55 saltine crackers (k) --$2.00 picante sauce You must arrive and be processed for visitation by 2:30pm or you will not be admitted to visitation. The Illinois Department of Corrections runs all the correctional facilities in Illinois. Sending Money to an ILDOC Inmate Is Quick, Safe & Easy. TouchPay Holdings, LLC d/b/a GTL Financial Services is wholly owned by Global Tel*Link Corporation d/b/a ViaPath Technologies. pick up ---$6.50 copy card (limit 2) --$1.00 photo ticket (limit 6) . endstream endobj 2292 0 obj <>/Metadata 31 0 R/Outlines 37 0 R/PageLayout/SinglePage/Pages 2289 0 R/StructTreeRoot 42 0 R/Type/Catalog>> endobj 2293 0 obj <>/Font<>>>/Rotate 0/StructParents 0/Type/Page>> endobj 2294 0 obj <>stream For more information about the update, click the 'About Us' link in the header. 2291 0 obj <> endobj Visitors will be processed beginning at 8:30 a.m. No visitors will be processed after 2:30 p.m. every day of the week and must arrive before 2:30 p.m. The Graham Correctional Center houses more than 443 male offenders. All visitors must be on the offenders approved visitation list in order to be granted a visit. You cannot have offensive, drug-related, or revealing clothes while visiting. Providing fair, firm, consistent and superior correctional services for Arkansas, DOC Home / Division of Correction / Inmates / Inmate Commissary Lists. The county jail database contains links to almost 3,000 county jails and detention facilities, while the state inmate search contains incarceration profiles of over 2 million inmates, and probationers or parolees currently or historically under correctional supervision. Copyright, all rights reserved. Today, it has an operational capacity of 2,013. Inmates are allowed six visits per month, but only two visits may be on weekends or holidays.Reception and Classification inmates who have been incarcerated 60 days or less are not allowed to have visits. 1.) The facility was previously an institution for mentally ill persons before it was converted to a prison. Copyright, all rights reserved. Visitors should log on to the GTL site 15 minutes prior to the scheduled start time, and all video visits will be scheduled through the GTL website. These reviews will allow us to approach the media to expose injustices at various institutions. Fax: Graham Correctional Center 12078 Illinois Route 185 Hillsboro, IL 62049 Telephone: (217)-532-6962 Inmate Mailing Address: Inmate Name, ID Number Graham Correctional Center P.O. IL DOC - Graham Correctional Center is a State Prison facility located at 12078 IL-185, Hillsboro, Illinois 62049 Phone 217-532-6961. The Graham Correctional Center is headed by the Illinois governor, and the secretary.if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'laurelcorrections_com-box-4','ezslot_6',115,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-laurelcorrections_com-box-4-0'); The Graham Correctional Center contains over 868 offenders. Visitors should not wear clothing which reveals the buttocks or breasts. ADC policy pertaining toInmate Commissaries (AD 2016-41)can be viewedHERE. Inmates are in all types of security levels. If you believe this Record is in error (i.e. No hygeine products. Visitors may only schedule one video visit per day. Deposits to an inmates trust account, as well as probation, community corrections, and background check payments are provided by TouchPay Holdings, LLC d/b/a GTL Financial Services, which is also the owner and manager of this website. The Graham Correctional Center is located at 12078 Illinois Route 185, Hillsboro, IL, 62049. Satellite Activity: Women's Reception and Evaluation Center opened January 1993. Pinckneyville Correctional Center For trust (canteen) deposits, the Site ID number is 121. You must be suitable for visitation. 600 W. Graham Canal Road Safford, AZ 85546 Phone: 928-792-5214 Graham County Adult Detention Commissary Carepacks Graham County Adult Detention contracts with Access Securepak, also known as ' My Care Pack ', for families to send pre-determined packages of commissary items to your inmate. Programs: Religious services, volunteer services , Pre-Release Classes, Alcoholics Anonymous, Habilitation Services (outpatient counseling). You will need to write down the inmates ID number on the check. Educational courses allow inmates to earn a GED and gain an adult basic education. You have the right to attend proceedings. Items included in the various Inmate Commissaries are determined by the centralized Commissary Committee.The specific sale price of commissary items is determined by the Board of Corrections. The following correctional supervision record (the "Record") was collected from the official state department of corrections website (see below for source link). You have the right to protection from the accused. You must arrive prior to 1pm to be admitted to visitation. Inmate Welfare funds can only be used for the general benefit of the inmates under rules and regulations as established by the Board of Corrections. Southwestern Illinois Correctional Center I was being given toxic levels of 2 different types of mental health medications. The Graham Correctional Center began taking in inmates in 1980 located in Illinois State. Inmates in Graham Correctional Center can use money for commissary. Call (888) 988-4768 and follow the prompts. The Warden or Center Supervisor of a facility may restrict the sale of an item in a Commissary.3.) Searching for an inmate can be difficult at times. The prisoners at the Graham Correctional Center are housed on two levels. Owned and operated by the Illinois Department of Corrections, this facility also houses a Reception & Classification Center.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[728,90],'prisoninsight_com-box-3','ezslot_2',183,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-prisoninsight_com-box-3-0'); Graham Correctional Center houses several special populations, including substance abuse treatment, sex offender treatment, and inmates in a kidney dialysis program. For an inmate to get mail fast, they will have to give you their building number. Graham Correctional Center - John Howard Association "Those who were in proximity to the inmate were immediately overcome with a variety of symptoms: Lightheadedness, dizziness, vomiting or. . All money orders must be sent with a deposit slip to: GTL Financial Services10005 Technology Blvd WestSuite 130Dallas TX 75220. This is counted against allotted visits. %%EOF To all of our customers, please be advised that Union Supply Group is an essential business that supplies food and other essential items. Our business is built on offering Best In Class service. We understand the importance of getting things done right and efficiently. They may purchase items like stationery, snack items, soap, shampoo, and even small electronics. About. All transactions conducted at to make deposits to collect call accounts, PIN debit deposits and Debit Link deposits are provided by GTL Enhanced Services LLC, which is wholly owned by Global Tel*Link Corporation d/b/a ViaPath Technologies. Interested in joining the Arkansas DOC family? They are items which an offender has no authority to possessproperty which is in excess of that which is authorized by the facility. Offenders are permitted seven visits per month, with no more than two on weekends or holidays. Lincoln Correctional Center Jail records, court & arrest records, mugshots and even judicial reports. Money orders must be sent with the lockbox deposit slip and must be complete with the inmate name, IDOC inmate number, senders name, and address. A low security federal correctional institution with an adjacent minimum security satellite camp. All adult visitors age 18 and over must complete a Prospective Visitor's Interview (PVI) form on their first visit to Graham Correctional Center. You must know the inmates first name, last name, and their ID/Illinois DOC number. Incarcerated individuals in higher security housing units have fewer items from which to choose. Colorado Universal Service Fund Intrastate Telephone Calls. As a result, the warden, Marian Boulware, resigned in January 2020. Job Description and Duties Under close supervision of the Correctional Case Records Supervisor (CCRS). %PDF-1.5 % All funds will be available to the offender within three business days of being received at the address above. All video visits must be scheduled at least seven days in advance. The only way that our website will be able to complete its goal of holding correctional institutions accountable for their actions is to collect reviews from our website visitors. Please note that a money order must be sent directly to the lockbox, NOT to the facility. Prisons do not allow direct packages from families and friends. Pittsfield Work Camp Murphysboro Life Skills Re-Entry Center The institution also functions as a major special management unit with the ability to house female death row inmates and county safekeepers. Other than the cost to obtain a money order, there are no fees to deposit it, but money orders must be mailed and the deposit slip that must be sent with them must be read electronically and processed before the funds become available. Only scheduled visitors may only be purchased using a debit card a visit to send money is through Lockbox and... To give you their building number Center online $ 0.01-9.99: $ 2.95 $ 10.00-19.99 intake for many offenders the... -- $ 1.00 photo ticket ( limit 6 ), soap, Western... Ged and gain an adult basic education and Evaluation Center opened January 1993 violent sexually. Even small electronics other institutions, we would appreciate your business and look forward to hearing from you of! By any state government agency taking in inmates in Graham Correctional Center12078 Illinois Route 185Hillsboro, IL,.. Monday through Friday may purchase items like stationery, snack items, soap, shampoo, and,! 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