Hotspot miner is waiting to start. Thanks. The reason why I ask is that the amount of activity has decreased but it might be due to something globally rather than my miner specifically.. What should i do? Well occasionally send you account related emails. Flashing red means there is some issue with the power supply reconnect power and check again. The Needs Attention warning is basically Relay/Offline/Not Syncing/Syncing. Yes, it can have several days delay. Win Champion Select with Wu counters for LoL S13 Patch 13.4. Thanks, I have looked at that page, but I have not found anything to help yet. Sorry I never use it. See Network. Any suggestions on what might have gone wrong? It was said that the bluetooth is still in Pair mode but some miners entered CYAN color directly right after miner restarted. The API / explorer is behind. I plugged in the Hotspot, but no lights came on: I tried to add the Hotspot, but it says its owned by someone else: It may seem silly, but trying the plug in a different outlet (ideally on a separate circuit) can No activity for 18 days then it suddenly picks up, why? 3 comments controllinohelium on Oct 28, 2021 madninja closed this as completed on Oct 29, 2021 Sign up for free to join this conversation on GitHub Sign in to comment Hi! The light is green and the bluetooth turns blue. I dont know what else to do. The light is green and the bluetooth turns blue. exceed rate limit means you clicked too fast between two clicks. See Antenna. Thanks for your help. I have a Us 915 and people arround me dont see my beacons. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns. Let's start with the miner, or Hotspot. my hotspot changed names what do i do? You can use Helium Hotspot Utility App to diagnose it to get latest status of your Miner. Since there are too many requests, Helium changed the API to ban some requests. Furthermore, the Bobcat hotspot miner has a storage capacity of 64GB. Any help would be much appreciated! Then check back to see if any lights are on. Some hotspots have a good download and upload speed in the test but with very big latency. The hotspot miner uses Helium's LongFi technology to provide long-range wireless network coverage for smart devices that work in a low-power mode. Tried wireless, and wired installs. Same issue here how do you fix? I am being witnessed but not witnessing and Im unsure what to try? What could be the issue? Hi, did you get to the bottom of this issue? Pisces: try pairing again. the pic @ RAK Hotspot Quick Start Guide | RAKwireless Documentation Center shows what looks to be a slot just below where the antenna cable connector is, but on mine this surface is completely smooth, and only the antenna connection visible. The miner status output shows some important pieces of information. Low-power crypto mining, peaking at 5W. Its powerful signal allows you to connect with other witnesses or nearby hotspots situated more than 10 miles range. Important: You need one operating at 868MhZ for the UK. Make sure your Hotspot continues to stay active and online in order to receive IOT tokens! The only hotspot I see is the first one at my house. Resync? Basically connecting Antenna directly to your Bobcat wont cause any issue. Good Location / High Enough / Online / Synced / Non-Relay / Strong Signal / Good Network / Lucky. Shared hotspots get a lot of flak. Restart your miner and try again. Thank you. manufacturer. Maybe there are something wrong in it. Thanks. I cant access Bluetooth function, as the LED keeps on switching between Red, Yellow and Off; I would strongly suggest using that to avoid name change problems. Please contact the Hotspot manufacturer for next steps. I make around 2 cents a reward. The light is blue on explorer it states that it still syncing however on the helium app on my Adjustable to two heights. 1. DNS is good, as the DIG function only gives successes. I got 4 bobcat miners from batch 50, all of them had V1.0.2.79. iOS 11 or records: [], My miner is synced, gap looks good, Peer Book status looks good. Will be posted out immediately for 48hour delivery., Onboarding error address is not valid. You can see that my hotspot has been running for about an hour, meaning for some reason, the miner software, or the hotspot itself rebooted at that time. In turn, this decreases the available supply for people like me and you. If someone says your hotspot, wallet, or other type of account has been hacked, it is a scam! YELLOW light means that Miner has been started but it cant connected to the Internet. Later a notification was received on the app Unable to Assert Location for Miner name for reason: {invalid, bad_nonce} and after these back to flatline. Download and introduction how to flash the firmware you can find here: Then maye you will see the light switches between RED and GREEN several times which the Miner is restarting by itself. To use WiFi (optional), Download Hotspot Utility App 3. If it has been less than 10 minutes, its OK because maybe it was caused by a restart after an OTA update. A record isnt important as before now. I even changed to an ethernet cable, but still nothing. My bobcat miner is fully synced, and is online. It can be a network issue or Antenna issue. Eventually you will need to make sure Port 44158 is open. Learn more about Teams (or getting lotto beacons). Dont Make This Mistake With Bitcoin, It Will Cost You a Lot of Money and Time. Is this normal or is there something I need to change? Sometimes it wont work as expected. See the full list of honorees of Fast Companys 2022 World Changing Ideas Awards in the software category. Permissions > Location. issue. So Im a bit lost here. Buy Bobcat Miner from the official website: You can try Discovery Mode at night. Hello, Unfortunately, we still don't know what's causing this, and we assume it must be something from gateway-config. What may be the issue? Just make sure you asserted the right Antenna dBi and height. Hotspot Miner is Waiting to Start - Error Mining Setup The Hotspot keeps saying that it's waiting to start. Re-attempt adding the hotspot to your wallet. The issue can also be a laggy WiFi connection. After it See Network. Is there anything else that can be trigger the lack of witnesses? HotSpots are the better way to build wireless IoT infrastructure. After you finished adding the first Miner, the bluetooth is still enabled and you started to add the second one. Note that if you restart it, it might need to synchronize with the blockchain again, taking up to 48h again to finish. What did you change? If its RED, restart the Miner. Find event and ticket information. Linxdot is designed & built by a team of experienced engineers and IOT experts who specialise in electronics product design and manufacturing. Obviously, trying again in a few minutes does not help. When I checked in the Diagnosis it shows exceed rate limit. what is everyone elses average reward for witnessing a beacon. Powered by the Helium blockchain, The Peoples Network allows anyone to earn a new cryptocurrency, HNT, by building out a massive decentralized wireless network. There are 2 types: Helium OTA it will update the Helium Miner which is a node in the blockchain. Then, I set up the second miner at a friends house, but the hotspot has failed to show up on the Helium app (I did see the registering-hotspot-this-can-take-a-few-minutes page), but the hotspot hasnt shown up. And i am getting nothing June 10th. In the future, you dont have to sync to the blockchain anymore. I purchased used RAK v2 for 75 USD on fleaBay and installed it at a friends place that has a decent view from her condo. Your hotspot looks good. PoCV11 is supposed to solve this issue. I have a bobcat miner. When the light changed to YELLOW or GREEN, try pair mode again. The username and password is: bobcat/miner. Will be posted out immediately for 48hour delivery. You dont have to care about the syncing status anymore. You signed in with another tab or window. I kept one and returned the other. Please include a video of your screen if possible, to show the exact steps. You do not have to have any specific port open for your bobcat Miner to receive OTA updates. Solution: Wait a while. Decided to reset it and it finally went to Green after awhile. It wont affect anything. Thanks again. Its just a display issue. The diagnosis and how can I fix this ? UPDATE: I just solved the problem. Huge waiting list in the UK piscesiot. invalid_onboarding_address. Setting up the Bobcat 300 for the first time, I always get to the last step with the Bobber App and always receive the Hotspot miner is waiting to start. The dashboard also shows that there is is P2P inbound and outbound data being transfered. You can wait in that case. Am able to witness and send out challenges. For acurate status, only by using the app diagnostics for a hotspot you own. My new bobcat worked 10 hours after first sync, then there was no more activities. fully reboots (can take a minute or two) Then attempt to Pair again. Because your said it worked well before Antenna change. Can you help me? Look into your router, open 44158, change packet rules, etc. it plugged in for 2 minutes. So I recently had to replace my pigtail cable on my miner as it split. Your hotspot is not sending out beacons but you still have a lot of Witnesses. After the Hotspot can be accessed successfully over Bluetooth from within the Hotspot app, the location can't be asserted and therefore the hotspot can't be onboarded. In this case, your miner also has NO WITNESSES. Whats going on? In normal operation, only solid red should be seen. Using very long cable is a bad idea. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. my equipment is already 8 days and has not started to work, If its a bobber, type IP of it in your browser to see the diagnoser page. For Bobcat, you can buy a replacement on Amazon. This is where the FreedomFi is different. Try power-cycling the Hotspot by unplugging it, waiting 10 seconds, and plugging it back in. RED light means your Miner isnt started. Maybe there might be more information here Helium HNT Hotspot Mining Wiki & FAQ. If its the same result, try to contact your miner maker. Method 3: Put your hotspot in DMZ. My 3rd party cable broke while miner was on. Can anybody help me? Beacons remaining constant. Use your Diagnoser to see the latest status. Hotspot miner is waiting to start Please try again in a few minutes Dry_Explanation_7964 0 0 8 Months Fill out the "Helium House ATX: Guest of Honor" form quickly and securely on Airtable. If its connecting to a Cable, connect the Cable to another device to test the Internet. Main Role Order: Jungle > Top Lane > Mid Lane > Support > ADC. Sign in Where can i find my user name and my password in order to rebooty miner ? would you? Fill the outdated firmware version form., I have a bobcat miner that I setup 9 days ago. how long does it take for them to push the update throught to your hotspot when filling out that form. Hi, thank you for all the tips and tricks your are providing. Its good if your diagnoser shows good status. LongFi is a new type of wireless protocol that is capable of covering 200 times the distance of wi-fi. Permissions > Location Make sure you have the latest version of the app from the app store. But sometimes the blockchain part will have some issues if you power on/off too many times in a short period time. At the time of writing, there are only a handful of companies selling legitimate Helium Hotspots, and all for a similar price of around 350-400 each for an indoor hotspot, or about 450 for an outdoor one (if available). Is it problem with my miner or bobcat in general? Total 0. Experience with Nebra Outdoor Miner 4G/5G LTE Capability. There is an older ticket, already closed, referring to re-flashing something, but I have no clue how to do it, or even why this would need done on a completely new unit. Connect the miner to the internet 2. If you just got your hotspot, please connect to internet and leave it there until it's upgraded to the latest version firmware. The Region of your miner is decided by asserted location. Make sure you have the latest version of the app from the app store. later: (Android may require a separate app for message: A records not found, VoskCoin. What color should the LED light be when it's working normally? In this video, I have shown a quick unboxing of the RAK V2 Helium miner following its onboarding to the Helium blockchain. This error is caused by timeout when getting region of your miner from blockchain, its not your local frequency. Please try again in a few minutes. Are you on wifi or Ethernet? Run Diagnostics using the Helium App or the Helium Utility App to get the miner IP address 3. In this case, Hotspot 1 will be of NO WITNESSES. If OTA failed due to network issues, reboot your Hotspot, wait for several minutes and try again. Every time I try to set up the hotspot, all goes fine until the end and a pop up message comes up and says "hotspot miner is waiting to start. If you want to scan your hotspot again, use the provided pin to press the 'BT Button' on the back of the hotspot. Its a Helium issue for now, pay attention to the anouncements. This error does not occur when it is at other peoples houses. In the first several weeks, your hotspot will continue syncing from the blockchain. Therefore, in this article, you will learn how to install a Bobcat miner: Find an appropriate place: To optimize revenue, it is recommended that the hotspot be located near a street-facing vantage point so that the antenna has no walls around it to limit its range. In this case, some miners may not able to catch up the speed. Port checker says open but the diagnoser says time out/ closed. Com If you are interested message me your . Counter for Jungle. how to critically analyse a case law; where does deadpool fit in the mcu timeline; joe montana high school stats. The N Female connector just popped off the cable. For example, in the image below, there are only 3 miners in this area. Access your bobcat diagnostic page and look at the very bottom. Anyone know how to fix this? Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Network, not only yours, but also others. Is it safe to say that it wasnt damaged? The newest version will self update to the latest firmware automatically. Efficient, low-data crypto hotspot. For Bobcat, you can also use the Web Diagnoser. I have the same identical situation. Issue: The hotspot needs to get an update from our servers. Most people refer to these locations as "Wi-Fi hotspots" or "Wi-Fi connections.". Had yellow light and needs attention for about an hour. All these operations should be after you reserved your miners IP address. Free Web Hosting for Hostcheetah Blog Readers! Connecting an antenna doesnt make any difference. If nat is none, you should be fine. There is an issue with the App constantly showing syncing, but the explorer is more accurate according to the Helium web page. For the registration, you only need to wait longer. The Helium engineering team is working very hard to solve the issues. Before that, it was 14 days ago. Why Solana will be more Headaches than savior!! I bought a Bobcat Miner 300 and did set it up straight away. I received 3 bobcats and set them all up in my house first. Sometimes OTA can take up to 24 hours. Durable, industrial-grade solid state storage. I havent made any changes to its configuration since I set it up early last month. Plug the hotspot into power, and connect it to the internet using the included ethernet cable. Acutually you are trying to add the first one again. By clicking Sign up for GitHub, you agree to our terms of service and gap: -1095467, The hotspot itself shows no errors whatsoever when executing docker exec miner miner info summary or when checking the error.log (last entry was something unrelated from 4 hours ago). If the light is still RED, you need to contact your hotspot maker to get support. Only Synced hotspots can do beacon / witness. or Reset? Try downloading the Helium Hotspot Utility app from the app store, and see if you can pair with Why is my Bobcat300 miner always invalid witness only to a nearby hotspot miner (850 m away)? If youre seeing zero balance or no Hotspots in your app, please close and re-open the app or go to Settings and toggle the API provider. It synchronized for eight days (by that time the blockchain was at about 99%, then decreased to 98% overnight) and then the LED light went yellow (3 days offline and yellow light now). Make sure your hotspot is not relayed, Antenna connected well. Do you have to do anything for it to sync? Global Web Hosting Services Since 2000 | Web Netology Make sure that the app has the Location permissions enabled. You can search for what can cause latency. I find 143 hotspots in discovery mode and I dont see any problems on the diagnoser. FXPorcoRosso: I am struggling get my head round Alerts and there relationship to a chart and a strategy. Adjustable flame. Click hotspots Tab, wait for the message Synced your hotspots to dashboard!, if it failed, quit the Bobber App and try again. Please try again in a few minutes.. Click Web Dashboard in your App, or login directly from web browser: (I'll order 24hour delivery). Hertford, Hertfordshire. It has a delay. The Antennas dbi and height are already set. What should I do now, please? Or you may have bluetooth connection issue, onboarding issue, etc since it may restart during your operations. Its blockchain, anything is possible. Although the on-boarding issue was solved in the beginning of this week, the final step in adding the hotspot fails (tried both wifi, ethernet). Similarly to above, double check that the phones Bluetooth settings are enabled. Sometimes it has latency. If by chance you run into problems when adding a Hotspot to your account, here are some basic Note If its not by OTA, I think they will take some time. Nebra hotspot miner Home - Bobcat Miner, Helium 5G Hotspot, HNT Miner, Favorite Hotspot 1st Place You can also Use Bobcat Diagnoser to diagnose your Bobcatminer. This often happens after a chain halt. All other diagnostic indicates port 44158 and NAT type are correct and open without issues. Try power-cycling the Hotspot by unplugging it, waiting 10 seconds, and plugging it back in. help eliminate the possibility of a blown circuit as the culprit. information regarding your arrangement or rewards, as Helium is not involved. Use Bobcat Diagnoser to see the Miner status in your hotspot. (4). Why is Bobcat always going offline during the last 3 days? I guess you are a Helium Network Pioneer or the hotspot miner support team was trying their best to process your order in a very high priority. manufacturer for next steps. Reboot? In the next several days, I totally lost all witnesses and all beacons were 0. So, the diagnoser isnt coming up when I type in the IP address into the address bar; everything else seems fine (its still synching). Q&A for work. After a bunch of resetting and syncing its finally working Thanks for all of the help. I am sending beacons constantly but I am not witnessing other beacons at all since I Installed my antenna outdoors. name: , epoch: 28640 Any ideas what might be the cause of this issue? Green LED: At power-up, Green LED will blink in a random . These can be found under App Info > This is what I received trying to setup the Bobcat miner. I dont know what else to do. Regular (I call 'em Full Fat) Hotspots are what Helium started out with. The only information found: . : r/BobcatMiner300 Make sure your bobcat miner is being picked up by your router (Via ethernet or wifi, but ethernet preffered). Port 44158 is open and Speed test gives 85 mbits down and 50 mbits up, that should be good. I am really tired of them! I changed the location of the hotspot and then for 5 days I did not have witnes and it threw out that the hotspot did nothing for 5000 blocks. Hotspot into power, and plugging it back in it will update the miner. Connect the cable: Jungle & gt ; Top Lane & gt ; ADC of honorees of fast Companys World... It can be found under app Info > this is what I received 3 bobcats and them! Build wireless IOT infrastructure any questions or concerns to synchronize with the blockchain its..., as the culprit according to the latest version of the app from the official website https! Powerful signal allows you to connect with other witnesses or nearby hotspots situated more than 10 minutes, its your... 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