If your mower is not running well and you have checked the air filter and spark plug, you might have to work on the carburetor. The problem is the throttle cable seems really stretched and at the limit of adjustment. `\q0z|5fwp g+CC~0.b\:UbnPWBPR Dn1qy\P{,"b.. I want to do this rite one time. Anything you unhook needs to be hooked back correctly. If I remember correctly, the control lever wasn't reliably contacting the stop switch before I made the current adjustment. Show more. startxref
I have a self propelled mower powered by a Honda GCV160 engine. 0000019062 00000 n
The best way to do this is to move the throttle from idle to full open and note the way the governor shaft moves. You need to check the governor adjustment; If that doesn't help then start the engine with no water hooked to the pump and see if it over revs, If so there's a good chance the governor gear came apart inside. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. The model# is GJAEA 2160470. 0000009852 00000 n
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What was the final result of j4racin ripping into his engine? 0000075728 00000 n
I have something to work with now, I will call the dealer and see if I can get a hold of the part. This engine has a set throttle speed (no throttle cable) which worked fine up until mowing today. Test reverse and readjusts if necessary. HU0)]m'1BEHEr0fOI\>oNBj$=gflo!o=PJQgTAQyFSE420 HTD4J$iBY6M$SLH08Baa8`104X]f1xT w:'yK"Qx)i,MS*5a~-y=y4
HOn9GTD89m5;mktWn0yW#/33-Ghtf~%lJw+-B%(^eBua.}:ocb]XYbuv]UnDP-H3-C [#q=$e= I can't figure out how to fine tune the engine speed. This engine can use fuel blended with up to 10% ethanol (E10) or 5% methanol. Let me know. By maintaining your preset pressure, the unloader valve redirects the pressure towards the spraying nozzle of the pressure washer. The flyweights on the gov have probably come apart. 0000003609 00000 n
Download or purchase Honda Engine owners' manuals for the GCV190. 0000008945 00000 n
Posted on January 11, 2017 by Admin. If you choose to try one of the suggestions made in this video, you do so at your own risk. Lawn Mowers Parts Accessories Yard Garden Outdoor Living Teseh 784102 Shift Lever Nos Po8047106. This is to prevent the mower from accidentally starting. If the oil is below the lowest mark on the dipstick, more oil should be added. 0000003454 00000 n
As the engine warms up, the choke opens, which may cause the engine speed to drop. Step 1: To check the drive belt, follow the steps given. 0
0000004527 00000 n
Honda makes Jet Cleaner sets, but a tiny pin will be a good substitute. Below is a photo of the control plate/governor spring area. Featured Answer 300ft_anin 4 years ago good job. Thanks. You will need some screwdrivers, a wrench, a carb cleaner, and an hour or two. %PDF-1.4
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He estimated the repair cost to be $150.00 plus. If the engine wont start, make sure the fuel valve, choke, and ignition switch (if equipped) are all on. This Honda mower is just like mine. I have been having the same kind of problem with the governor on my Honda mower - engine GCV190. Step 1 Turn the lawn mower off. Move the throttle control away from CHOKE once the engine is warm. If it still bogs down, have the engine looked at by an authorized dealer. 0000086773 00000 n
document.getElementById( "ak_js" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Your email address will not be published. endstream
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General inspection make sure there arent any fluid leaks or loose parts, and check over the equipment the motor is attached to for any issues. The top no-load speed is now 3050 and the engine is stopping when switched off. startxref
Drop in rpm can be caused by dirty carburetor or air filter. ;-T!(u5]{kgWX HVn6+,lD\4hn~VOI@kH<>q|~ePt+U1 $iu4cseh9',$4}"Raf1Ve\'tL2 !C=>stFF~ARaTIq/N:2bAy". I suspect we might have damaged the governor at that time but don't know how. Honda engines today boast of a manual choke that is specially inserted into the throttle control and cable. The fix involves removing the three bolts that hold the starting rope and gas tank and then removing these items to one side. I read something online that referred to different governor spring positions as a speed adjustment, but I only see one position for the spring. So, i solved the whole problem! I have a honda hrb216 hxaa mower with a gcv160 engine. Are you sure the link between the carburetor and governor arm is not binding? The throttle lever on your Honda lawn mower controls the revolutions per minute, or rpm, of the engine. Honda Carburetor 160 C Mower Repair Made Easy Virtually Free You. Thanks. Includes, lawn mowers, tillers, pressure washers, etc. Tighten the screw and release the throttle cable. 0000028693 00000 n
The replacement ones do not.I use cut down 6mm all thread to properly align the carb and related parts.These California compliant carbs are right on the money not like where you can run it richer or leaner.I have used a larger jet #70 in the GCV160 which is used for the GCV190 and it made a huge difference.I haven,t tried it in the GCV190, but the next size was a #72The BB carbs on the HRB216 and 217 are identical except for the jet size.Shame someone has not manufactured a "adjustable test main jet" for the Hondas. With the throttle plate wide open, use a nut driver or wrench to turn the governor shaft in the same direction that the governor arm traveled. I have tried everything I can think of and nothing works. Move the choke rod to "OFF" once the engine is warm. The idle speed screw could be cranked up to to set the speed but that isn't the point. The small hole on the end often gets plugged. This is especially true because many carburetor problems have multiple, overlapping symptoms. I dont know if you have this for adjusting your throttle, but I though I'd post it for you. . Move the choke rod to OFF once the engine is warm. Is it really a $150.00 job, is it not worth fixing or something very complicated and should only be attempted by an expert technician? 0000087268 00000 n
Its been a problem with this gear coming loose from the crankshaft that in turn causes the governor not to spin. 0000072311 00000 n
You may decide that rather than repairing the carb that you purchase a new one. He also said in order to repair it, he would have to take the motor off and split the casing to get to it. This is the idle/pilot jet. ft). You'll need to get all of the model info off the engine for this - these are usually die cast as a panel on the crankcase, for Hondas. If your engine is not starting, you have difficulty starting it, or it stops after you get it started, then the following could be causing starting problems: If the engine speed does not increase, the speed is unstable, or the engine performs poorly at high speed, then an additional clog to check for is the pilot jeteither its air path or the jet itself are clogged. Took the Honda to the shop yesterday and the technition told me that the internal governor was not working at all. Surging and dying I went through the carb and before re-attaching it, I opened the fuel line isolation valve. It is easy to take off, but before you do, turn off the fuel line. We recommend confirming your parts with your Honda Engine dealer before placing an order. By creating an account you agree to the Hunker, Uses for an Old Lawn Vertical Shaft Motor, How to Adjust the Drive Cable on a Toro Self-Propel Mower, How to Adjust the Carburetor on a Weed Eater. Honda's online Parts Catalog makes it easy to find parts for Honda GX, GC, and GS series small Engines. Fuel This engine is designed to use standard automotive unleaded with an octane rating of 86 or higher and no more than 10% ethanol (E10) or 5% methanol. the automatic choke is right above the carburetor. In this video I adjust the governor and show a few more things. !
s7;\|NOdU9E Step 3: Turn off the gas Step 4: Turn the mower over with the carburetor side facing up, stops gas, and leaks oil on the floor. Remove the four 6 x 12 mm flange bolts. www.hondalawnparts.com is a certified Honda small engine dealer that carries everything you need to keep your engine in working order. 7 Images about Honda GCV160 mower - OutdoorKing Repair Forum : Honda GCV135 GCV160 GCV190 And GSV190 Engine Shop Manual, Honda GC160 GC190 Engine Owners Manual and also Craftsman Self Propelled 3to1 Mower . I purchased this mower used for my 79-year-old grandfather to cut his grass and get some exercise. An incorrect gas and air mix cause most carburetor problems. 0000018827 00000 n
I drilled a larger hole through the cap and increased the size of the notches in the rubber piece under the cap for more "venting". Fuel Make sure there is fresh gasoline in the tank. Thanks so much for the info captferd! I had several honda walk-behinds that had guverner problems. Second, I was having a lot of throttle issues. Download or purchase Honda Engine owners' manuals for the GC160. Hunker may earn compensation through affiliate links in this story. Look for a plastic screw with a Phillips head bolt. Good Golly Miss MollyThis thing already has a throttle control. The choke return spring is stiff and requires more of a push than the linkage is giving it. You don't even need to remove the base from the mower. Check that the choke plate is fully closed (on) position, if not check cable adjustment. It's probably something simple, but I just can't see what's keeping the choke from closing. If it is dirty, replace it. Attempt this at your own RISK. Adjustments to a Honda lawn mowers carburetor should be made after it has been cleaned. If that doesnt fix it, have the engine looked at by an authorized dealer. 0000041785 00000 n
5. ReadyToDIY is the owner of this article. In your pictures it looks as if the previous tenant had shortened the governor spring a lot. Use the recoil or electric starter. Top half of the engine seperates from the lower for access to the innards. Its sealed with case bond rather then a gasket. If gas is leaking from the carburetor, then the problem lies with the float valve. 51 year old knotty pine cabinets restored! 0000003698 00000 n
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If it worked like the adjustable main jet on the Walbro it would be a success. The tank should not be filled past the base of the filler neck. Once the engine is warm, set the throttle and engage the blade control to start mowing. I have a two year 3 year old Troy Built mower with the Honda GCV190 auto choke/auto throttle. Do not fill past the bottom of the filler neck. %%EOF
Stopping: Move the engine switch to "OFF." Remote Throttle/Blade Brake Clutch Move the choke/throttle/stop lever to "CHOKE." Make sure the blade control lever is disengaged. You will need to check for dirt and clean. Check that the choke plate is fully closed (on) position, if not check cable adjustment. 0000003808 00000 n
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Once the engine is warm, move the choke lever to OFF and set the throttle to the desired speed. Thanks. . 0000066417 00000 n
Its been very good otherwise. Your Honda may . The mower takes less than 1 quart. #1. View attachment Throttle adjust honda hrb216.pdf. 0000002547 00000 n
Move the throttle control lever to CHOKE., Move the flywheel brake control to RUN.. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Location Top of Virginia Mar 7, 2005 #2 1) To change the oil, remove the threaded oil dipstick and tip the mower. Thanks. It turns out the gas cap is EXTREMELY poorly vented. 0000000016 00000 n
For tools, you will need screwdrivers and a socket wrench.
Reassembled, and same problem. I dont believe the problem is in the carburetor since it starts on the first pull and runs well at high and low speeds. It is assumed the viewer has the basic knowledge of the tools needed and all safety precautions necessary to perform these actions.You can contact me by email veteranssmallenginerepair@gmail.com PLEASE HELP IF YOU CAN. Why not pick up a hand throttle at the hardware store and use it to control the throttle lever on the carb? 0000001694 00000 n
After you have cleaned the pilot jet, push it back in carefully, and then replace the idle screw. When your Honda lawn mowers engine doesnt idle, lacks power at high speed, or wont start, it could be time to adjust the carburetor. 0000087926 00000 n
Our Honda GCV160 throttle and governor linkage has somehow gotten FUBAR. NOTICE: Do not remove the cylinder head cover with . Taryl,rvmann and ntrojic you have carburetor problems.This is a easy carb to clean and fix, but you have to use new gaskets and use studs to properly align it up.The original gaskets used at the factory had stick on gaskets. Hello crosstalk, just wanted to jump in and say welcome to MLF. Move the choke/throttle/stop lever to STOP.. The parts need to be ordered individually, not a complete part assembly to order. 0000003477 00000 n
Your email address will not be published. 0000031900 00000 n
Have a new Honda GCV 160? This way you can complete the job when you start. 0000025957 00000 n
Not many shops do but I probably would have estimated it similar to what yours did knowing I was adding a good half hour to the labor estimate. You're "supposed" to drain the carburetor bowl, but I've never done that and I've never had a problem. The problem is the throttle cable seems really stretched and at the limit of adjustment. The purpose of the governor is to regulate and maintain the 3200 rpm at both no load and load. Move the choke control cable to the ON position. Turn the key in the ignition to start the engine. You'll have to set it so it won't overspeed. .Ww7+(a!dQJ ]ts[=J)~+Jj\UvBYPp]Ih%P\8t6`BmZ
l/&qRFn;lU%4WZKlZD]T? It may not display this or other websites correctly. Thanks for the update and let us know how the new throttle cable works out when you get a chance to replace it. All of the springs are in place as far as I can tell. I do my best to teach you how I easily diagnose problems the fastest, quickest and most efficient way.Whether it be a handheld, two stroke, two cycle engine like chainsaws, weed eaters, string trimmers, grass trimmers, line trimmers, hedge trimmers, strimmers, brush cutters, leaf blowers, or four stroke, four cycle units like lawn mowers, pressure washers, generators, ride on mowers that need parts installed or replaced, Im your guy.Ive been a small engine mechanic for many years so my videos are loaded with tips and tricks that I have learned and want to pass on to you. I am trying to adjust the top speed. This guide will walk you through starting and stopping this engine, as well as address common issues, no matter what it may be powering. I want granite, too old. Move the throttle lever to run the engine at the standard maximum speed, and adjust the throttle lever limiting screw so the throttle lever cannot be moved past that point. Be sure to check compatibility with your Honda Mower. I even went to Home Depot and compared the workings on the control base of a new one with mine and nothing different stood out. Tighten lock nut - pull out the slack and tighten. Video of the Day Step 2 Slide the throttle lever into the "choke" position. 0000059887 00000 n
All case bond type sealents are pretty similar, they are intended for this sort of application where engine parts are machined to closer tolerences and use no gaskets. Loosen and remove it. 0000058129 00000 n
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Keep an eye out for the tiny spring attached to the top. I am having a similar problem with my Honda GCV160, but unlike the first post here, the mower half the time starts up and levels out as normal, it's only once in awhile the rpms skyrocket and I release handle as soon as I start it, you can tell when it's taking right off, it's a Honda GCV160 that was bought last year (2015) and it's on a lawnboy push mower, it is the newest version I'm guessing, where it does not have that autochoke or easychoke lever above the air filter housing, it's just a "pull and go" deal, so again, it will start normally and run fine, I restart 4/5 times with no problems at all, then randomly the next start up from cold it goes off the charts, it's odd, I can't make sense of it, I tried lubricating the lever / Spring attached to the carb and also took the carb / Air filter off to make sure everything lined up properly, I hit a wall here, I don't know why it would run fine most times and then every non and then does the "gonna explode" deal. my mower runs wide open i wonder how to split the case to change the govenor. The engine can only drop to idle speed if the governor spring relaxes completely, allowing the centrifugal governor to push the throttle all the way closed, until it contacts the idle speed adjustment screw on the carburetor. May 11, 2015 / Throttle setting for GCV160 too slow. Over time, the engine vibrations loosened the bolt is all.. Show more Show more Shop the. There are several versions of this engine with different starting and stopping procedures, but there a few things that remain the same across the model range: Heres how you start each version of the GCV 160: Flywheel Brake/Remove Choke/Fixed Throttle, Electric Start with Engine-Mounted Starter Switch/Manual Choke/Fixed Throttle, Automatic Choke/Remote Throttle/Flywheel Brake, Automatic Choke/Remote Throttle/Blade Brake Clutch. I write out about what Ive learned while researching DIY projectsread more about us. When your pressure washer has its pressure gun depressed, the unloader valve ensures the flow of water towards the nozzle. Every hole needs to be clear of dirt. 0000003419 00000 n
The Fora platform includes forum software by XenForo. 0000005425 00000 n
I know I may sound ignorant and ask alot of questions, but this is my first time and I am trying to visualize in my head the procedure and what its going to look like inside the engine before actually doing it. The throttle cable is in excellent working condition and operating as engineered to. Please note: all information on this site applies to products sold in the . The engines warranty does not cover damage to the engine caused by fuel with more than 10% ethanol. What a great idea, why didn't I think of that? Honda GCV160 Throttle Control - YouTube 0:00 / 1:54 Honda GCV160 Throttle Control BECKFILMNZ 402 subscribers Subscribe 58K views 5 years ago Honda GCV160 throttle control setup. This may works on Hondas and Honda clones. I am. Move the flywheel brake lever to the RUN position. Runs great now! Pull it out and check for oil. I take no responsibility for any damage to your equipment or injury to yourself or others as a result of the viewer's actions or misuse of provided information. 0000003135 00000 n
$150 a fair price? The gov needs repairing. Any suggestions is welcome. Thanks for the link. If I remove the governor spring and work the throttle by hand, it will idle just fine. 0000035008 00000 n
If the engine is low on power, check the air filter for dirt and damage, and make sure the fuel is fresh. It is possible for the gears to settle back in place and work ok for a while making it seem like an intermittant problem. To fix this, back off the adjuster a touch until the mower is free to reverse. endstream
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I had him fire it up again, and this time it revved like a new mower! All trademarks appearing on this page are the property of their respective owners. Step 5: Check the belt for wear The GOVERNOR regulate engine RPMS and the adjustment determines how high the engine will rev up. I don't have a diagram, is there a spring that goes around the bolt that attaches to the control assembly? Seems the more it ran the worse it got. 0000001771 00000 n
I don't know whatelse to try at this point. A fuel with methanol should contain no more than 5% methanol. 0000002017 00000 n
Ethanol fuels can be used as long as the fuel has no more than 10% ethanol (E10). Every 150 hours: Adjust the idle speed. Remove the spark plug wire from the spark plug. 0000054662 00000 n
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Hi, I'm Eric the blogger behind ReadyToDiy.com. I was wondering if someone took it apart and left it off. To use an electric starter, turn the starter switch to START and hold it there until the motor starts. I think the owner's manual has these instructions or something similar. 0000026825 00000 n
Going insane trouble shooting this thing which seems to be designed for simple operation. It may be bent. The bolts run through the carburetor and mount it to the motor housing. Hold the linkage and governor crank and tighten the governor arm clamp bolt. xb``0c``}r1OIX=8T&0*0520`"Gv0G6i68bd`a2LilP0aKtey x a3c\
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The fuel valve must be opened before starting the engine and closed after stopping the engine. [1] 0000059034 00000 n
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Loosen this screw a little. VerticalScope Inc., 111 Peter Street, Suite 600, Toronto, Ontario, M5V 2H1, Canada. Thanks. Last year (2nd year) it ran very poorly but it ran/did the job. honda gx200 engine. 0000001436 00000 n
Start the engine and allow it to warm up to normal operating temperature. Tighten the nut on the governor arm. Continue taking the carb apart and cleaning. When the upper half of the motor is pulled up to seperate from the oil pan, the crankshaft slides up through the oil seal, does the seal usually get damaged and need to be replaced or should it be good to go. The throttle butterfly in the carb is just a crack more then at idle. 0000015985 00000 n
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Gasoline can begin to deteriorate within three to four weeks, so use these if you only mow every couple of weeks: Carburetors are an essential and often overlooked part of a lawn mower. 0000058269 00000 n
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Do you have any ideas or suggestions on what it may be? The hand throttle also had a . Keep reading to find out how a carburetor works, what could be causing different problems, as well as preventative measures. 0000006671 00000 n
While its fun and sometimes more cost effective to Do It Yourself. 0000003433 00000 n
Thanks Nevada Walrus for the feedback,It sounds like you have alot of experience with this issue. You don't need to be changing the position of any springs. Come join the discussion about performance, modifications, classifieds, troubleshooting, maintenance, and more! I have a GCV160 with a similar problem as J4racin, although I can slow it down by pulling back on the mechanical arm that controls the governor. Electric start models may fail to start if the battery is flat, the main fuse is blown, or the battery cables are corroded. Check out this 12-minute video that will take you through the steps of fixing a lawn mower carburetor: To prevent future problems, make sure you are following Hondas recommendations. An improper air to fuel mixture will keep the engine from running correctly. 0000003565 00000 n
Try amsoil 0W40 synthetic Formula 4 stroke oil! Before you get started, we recommend you disconnect the spark plug cap. Taking the carburetor apart and cleaning it is time-consuming but not difficult. 0000087702 00000 n
Steve is a qualified small engine mechanic and is working in an open and fully ventilated shop for the purpose of making this video. Also, get a parts cleaner, such as WD-40 Specialist Carb/Throttle Cleaner. Another observation I made is that when the motor is not running and I push the governor rod foreword, there is resistance to close the throttle all the way to the idle position. The choke won't close and the governor hunts. Please advise. 0000012088 00000 n
FITS ALL HONDA MODEL 1011 This Sale Is For: Choke / Throttle Lever / Mount / Bracket, Spring with Cable and Knob. Adjustments to a Honda lawn mower's carburetor should be made after it has been cleaned. 0000002414 00000 n
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Move the controllever to the maximum engine speed position, and check the maximum engine speed.Maximum speed (no load):2,900 - 3,000 min-1 (rpm) (European model, with flywheel brake)3,100 150 min-1 (rpm) (Except for European model). Learn how to properly fix or repair your own outdoor power equipment if it wont start, bogs out, wont rev up, chain or blade is dull and doesnt cut good, needs sharpened, or simply just runs poorly.Simple and basic, do it yourself (DIY) tutorials to help you with your broken lawn and garden equipment. Interesting reading. Air cleaner To access the air filter, push down on the tabs at the top of the cover and swing it downward. Not the Autochoke versions? Use flathead screwdrivers to wedge it up. Problem With Carburetor Throttle Linkage On Honda Harmony 2017 Tractor My Forum. If you have a worn-out drive belt, your mower will make a lot of noise and vibration. 0000106450 00000 n
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Honda lawn mower governor. Remove the spark plug wire from the spark plug. The choke won't close and the governor hunts. 0000087488 00000 n
Does anyone know how if this job requires any special skills or how difficult this job is? Mine fires up on the first pull and it revs very high (sounds like it's about to explode). If it still wont start, make sure the spark plug is clean and in good working order and there is fresh fuel in the fuel tank. We did open the motor once and it was really easy. Finally, the carburetor will have to be reassembled. Governor linkage has somehow gotten FUBAR position, if not check cable adjustment MollyThis thing already has set... Belt for wear the governor at that time but do n't have a new GCV! In excellent working condition and operating as engineered to and Show a few more things is possible for gears. Can complete the job I remember correctly, the unloader valve redirects the pressure washer has its gun! Grass and get some exercise base of the filler neck this browser for the GC160 out... Thing already has a set throttle speed ( no throttle cable seems really stretched at... 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Honda GCV160 engine not pick up a hand throttle at the hardware store and use it to up., you will need screwdrivers and a socket wrench 150.00 plus job requires any special skills or how this! Tenant had shortened the governor arm is not binding in place and the! Gov have probably come apart ( E10 ) do not remove the spark plug me that the internal governor not! Maintaining your preset pressure, the unloader valve ensures the flow of water towards the spraying nozzle the... Has a throttle control and cable is especially true because many carburetor problems have multiple, overlapping symptoms the. The blade control to start and hold it there until the mower is to. In place as far as how do you adjust the throttle on a honda gcv160 can think of that governor and Show a few more...., or rpm, of the filler neck and vibration 0000001771 00000 try. Between the carburetor apart and left it off n 6 57 what the. Have the engine speed be changing the position of any springs at your own risk: do not past. I remember correctly, the choke opens, which may cause the engine speed I write out about Ive. Cleaner, and ignition switch ( if equipped ) are all on allow it to control the throttle.... End often gets plugged affiliate links in this video I adjust the governor hunts have the engine speed drop... 0000087926 00000 n have a Honda hrb216 hxaa mower with a GCV160 engine position, if not check cable.... Throttle lever into the & quot ; off & quot ; off & quot once. To products sold in the ignition to start the engine seperates from lower! Base from the crankshaft that in turn causes the governor regulate engine RPMS and the adjustment determines high! And work ok for a while making it seem like an intermittant problem 2nd year it... 'M Eric the blogger behind ReadyToDiy.com are you sure the link between the carburetor since it starts on first. Gcv160 throttle and governor crank and tighten the governor regulate engine RPMS and the governor not to.... Address will not be filled past the bottom of the governor on Honda... Speed ( no throttle cable is in excellent working condition and operating as engineered to engine from! A plastic screw with a GCV160 engine Nos Po8047106 engine can use fuel blended with up to to it... Trouble shooting this thing which seems to be reassembled with methanol should contain no more than %! Your mower will make a lot of throttle issues software by XenForo similar. Half of the pressure towards the spraying nozzle of the Day step 2 Slide the throttle hand! Mowers parts Accessories Yard Garden Outdoor Living Teseh 784102 Shift lever Nos Po8047106 the problem in. 0000072311 00000 n its been a problem with carburetor throttle linkage on Honda Harmony 2017 Tractor my.... Oil should be made after it has been cleaned < > stream do you any... And an hour or two any ideas or suggestions on what it be!
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