and allow him to explore the instincts that he has. Trouble & Awesome are both getting older. It includes a mobile app that makes it easy to control the system from a cell phone. They're getting better with each trip out & are going to be some good ones. Both of these dogs are full of hunt & drive, run an upper medium speed, & are some nice 13.5" hounds. They just need time & tracks. put the rabbit in more danger. You just correct the undesirable habits they may develop and teach them to handle like you want. This female should be 13" when grown. Within 3 days of going she was staying in all the races. She is a beautiful blue-tick out of the Pistol Pete bloodline born on 8/14/21. This way it is easier for you to know some dog breeds Should You Put Your Dog in a Layout Blind? are a lot of rabbits, at a time when the rabbits are the most active. Give the rabbit This is also the area of training that you have the These are out of Oreo & Uga. He is on AKC puppy papers. exercise is not much more difficult to set up than the sight chase, but it does She is a 13" dog (maybe just under 13"). Now they are hunting their tails off & when I load them up to go home you can believe their ears are torn up. Trouble is a daughter to Hunt & is an amazing rabbit dog. This is the first time I have made this cross & I love what I'm seeing. A dogs natural instincts go a long way, but even if a beagle takes a while to grasp the concept, they are not a lost cause. And be sure to share your love of It could also be used as a learning experience for young people, which gave them the opportunity to learn how to handle a dog. Price is $800, Sold to Jason Berch from Wesson, MS on 5/24/22, These beautiful dogs are out of Dekeys & Tracker. is yours, and he is to chase it for you. Buddy is out of Little Ann & Jr. Awesome is a dog that just seems to produce very consistently. She is 9 months old & is out of the Dingus bloodline. He was born on 7/4/21. Uga just keeps on producing rabbit dogs. That's the type of rabbit your dogs will run when hunting or field trialing. Its not uncommon for someones pooch to trail or even catch and kill a rabbit. She is hunting well & handles great. A benefit of running one Beagle is that they are able to absorb more of the scent on the trail. They were born on 5/29/21 & are out of Trouble & Awesome. Walk to the center of the area, and allow you pup to run around a little. If you prefer to only run one dog, the training process may take a little longer, depending entirely on the dogs demeanor, natural hunting instinct, and willingness to please you. This is the time of the day when rabbits are very much active. They have a reputation for being swift runners. She was a good jump dog and great for sniffing out rabbits when they pulled a trick. It also can help shorten the time put into training alone. So, go ahead and consider applying these 5 steps to teach your pet to hunt for a small game today. However, once the pup has made the Have them spend time in area's rabbits hang out and eventually they will bump into one or pick up a whiff of one. them a popular breed. I had my worst luck with San Juans in michigan, My pope rabbits as i call em are doing a great job for us. I will keep something out of the next litter. Since their noses are notorious for tracking a scent down, they can get into a very high level of energy to chase their prey. This is one of the two corn feeders we have in the pen. Price is $800 each, This beautiful male was born on 8/7/21. He was an amazing dog and I wish I had ten of him to this day. Conduct a short repetitive training session. If you are planning on taking your pooch with you during hunting sessions, then it is time to get your dog ready for it. Although they are taking on all roles of the pack, rather than sharing the responsibility, they will create their own way in order to confront their prey. This male is out of Josie & Uga. #1 Beagles unlimited makes a good case for starting Beagle pups on rabbits by teasing them at 14-16 weeks with tame rabbits They say tame rabbits work great because they are bigger, slower, and likely leave a heavier scent trail than wild rabbits. and their dogs, the point of pleasure hunting is to enjoy yourself, give your These should be 14-15" when grown. This cross has some great bloodlines behind it. And make sure you don't do the work for them, you are just a ride to get them where you're hunting. He should be 13.5-14.5" when grownPrice is $800, These males were born on 8/15/21. Ghost is smaller than what I really like but she's so beautiful to look at & an absolute joy to take hunting so she has a home here. Many hunters use 2-4 experienced dogs, in addition to, but no more than, 2 young dogs. These 2 beautiful males are out of Latte & Uga. Many people email, call, or text me each week asking if I have a started dog for sale. Should be 13.5-14" when completely grown. Had 8-9 rabbit dogs 10-12 deer dogswe was getting dog poor at one time. Beagle Rabbit Dogs For Sale In Alabama. Oreo is an outstanding rabbit dog & if you have ever bought a dog that Uga sired you know what he produces. After all, this dog breed is innate hunters, which means they can easily learn when given the right conditions. Release your dog and encourage him to follow the scent trail. These girls are doing excellent in their hunt, they handle great, & are doing everything you could ask for in a young started dog. The traits these possess are very good hunt & tracking ability, upper medium speed, etc, This is one of the crosses that has been very sought after. times you are out. Two acre starting pen 20 min. But any hunters enjoy the sound of a pack at full cry on the trail and . They were born on 7/8/21. Beagles mirror their owners behavior, so if he sees you always get worked up and run towards. It is highly advised to start the pup on basic obedience and then train on basic scent tracking within their first few months. These dogs are good ones for those of you who like smaller dogs. Tracker is a grandson to Reggie & Bella is out of Poncho & Brownie which were some older dogs from the past. IT IS VERY COMMON FOR PEOPLE TO BUY 1-2 STARTED DOGS FROM US & THE NEXT THING YOU KNOW THEY ARE COMING BACK TO BUY MORE. Pistol was out of Joe & Sandy which were 2 super rabbit dogs. Others should be 13.5 - 14" when grown. Bob will start pups on wild rabbits and his pen is set up to encourage nose work instead of sight chasing. Home Hunting Rabbit How To Train A Beagle To Hunt Rabbits 5 Easy Steps! THAT'S NOT TO SAY THAT NO ONE ELSE HAS PUPS THAT TURN OUT RIGHT BUT IF YOU ARE TIRED OF THE RESULTS YOU ARE GETTING TRY US OUT. According to the LDWF, in 1993 there were roughly 87,000 rabbit hunters in Louisianaincluding those who hunted without dogs. There are also collars that come with GPS. I love hearing a good pack of beagles work. These dogs have very good hunt & search. The This is Latte's first litter. We have had some rough conditions lately. They will pick up a trail of the rabbit and They have a lot of hustle, handle great, run an upper medium speed, & are getting better & better every day. So lets get started! I'm seeing a lot of desire out of this cross. You might be interested: another step in the training process that I think is often overlooked. link to 13 Hunting Dog Breeds with Spots (with Pictures). 1.2 Tip #1: Build a Trusting Relationship. kennel and the protection of their mother. I just built a brooder to start raising my own rabbits. He had no interest in hunting at all. I try to start at least two pups every year. Once the That hurts everything.". He should be 13.5-14.5" when grown, These males were born on 8/15/21. Born on 8/9/21. While out in the field look for opportunities to hide from your pup. The law . These dogs are gonna be around 14" except for Female #1. She is full of hunt & drive. This female was the last one to get going right but she's doing very well now. They are notorious for climbing fences and I'm not saying it's the best cross I have ever made because I don't make crosses just to make a cross. Repeat this multiple times daily. He looks like he is going to be 14-15". If it is legal in your own. She was above average and excelled at trailing and running. means early morning just at first light, and evening just before dark. Great hunt, handling extremely well, run an upper medium speed, & are gonna be some very nice hounds. They have good hunt, run the same upper medium speed as all my stuff, handle well, & are doing everything you want to see in a young dog. if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[320,50],'huntingpup_com-banner-1','ezslot_4',111,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-huntingpup_com-banner-1-0');if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[320,50],'huntingpup_com-banner-1','ezslot_5',111,'0','1'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-huntingpup_com-banner-1-0_1'); .banner-1-multi-111{border:none !important;display:block !important;float:none !important;line-height:0px;margin-bottom:7px !important;margin-left:auto !important;margin-right:auto !important;margin-top:7px !important;max-width:100% !important;min-height:50px;padding:0;text-align:center !important;}. Fireball is a daughter of Fire & Uga. Hotel Recommendation : Econo Lodge Inn & Suites - 940-627-6919. Price is $800, Sold to Neal Turner from West VA on 11/1/22, These dogs were born on 4/25/22. Price is $800, Sold to Matthew Carlton from NC on 11/4/21, Sold to Kevin Greenawalt from VA on 11/4/21, These were born on 4/22/21. These dogs should be straight up rabbit dogs like their parents & grandparents. THE GREAT THING ABOUT BUYING A YOUNG DOG IS YOU GET TO WATCH THE DOG PROGRESS TO A FINISHED DOG & YOU GET A LOT MORE YEARS OF USE FOR YOUR MONEY. Gun Dogs, Pets, Horses and all Animal Talk. Allow the pup to sight This male is showing a lot of promise with his determination & grit. Bell was an excellent dog. Biography The male is a 15" dog. BOF bloodline. This male is out of Bella & Tracker. Foreal was an outstanding rabbit dog. by Rcoff Tue Apr 21, 2015 5:34 pm, Powered by phpBB Forum Software phpBB Limited, A general forum for the discussion of hunting with beagles, guns, clothing and other equipment and just talking dawgs! 1.6 Tip #5: Let them Learn Through Experience. We have shock collars on all but 2. Some people use live rabbits to start the dogs. They are out of Ginger & Uga. wild cottontail in Michigan, When I had a pen they were the best. This is out of Atlanta & Hunt. Bring your pup on a leash, and the rabbit in a cage, or in your pocket. Price is $800, These dogs are out of the Sweetie Pie & Hunt. the track as soon as possible. Social media, it seems, is the new country store for this breed of beagle fan. With one dog, you have a lesser chance of distraction, and they will have the ability to pick up more of the scent they are trailing. We can meet new homes at Inverell or Glen Innes we also have wonderful driver whom can transport puppy to a close meeting point to you Dogs NSW membership number 2100084817. This male is ate up with hunt, handles great, runs an upper medium speed & is doing great. I think the other type of rabbits put off more scent. I BELIEVE PRODUCING A DOG YOU CAN BE PROUD OF STARTS WITH A GOOD BREEDING, HAVING THE RIGHT FACILITIES TO TRAIN, INTRODUCING PUPS TO RABBITS, & GOOD RUNNING GROUNDS WITH LOTS OF RABBITS, BUT MOST OF ALL, TIME INVESTED IN THEM AT A VERY EARLY AGE. is no longer running that circle. Then, you should allow your dog to follow the scent. Price is $800 each, Sold to Chris Sikes from Raleigh, NC on 7/9/21, These dogs were born on 12/22/21. While holding the dog I've got 2 four month olds myself. Price is $1,000, These were born on 8/16/21. I still shudder to think what kinda thrashing that would have gotten you when I was little if you woulda done that. They are out of Briar (Daughter of Rosie & Uga) & Uga. Run as much as possible in different types of weather. True was an amazing dog to hunt with & I hate that she died earlier than you'd expect. They may take just a little bit to warm up to you but they are going to be some super dogs if they are fed tracks, & given the chance to do their thing. They were originally used at our hunting club, but we moved them here to provide another feeding station to rabbits and deer. Starting Pen Contstruction, For Going to put them in a pen in a month and see if they will start. the purpose of this article, a started dog is one that will chase rabbits on its Might be why I'm feeding 23! I will explain more about it in the next section. But the downside to the game is that there is no reasoning included- simply a lot of running to and fro. If he doesn't catch on right away don't worry, just keep trying. It's ideal for getting exercise as well as having fun. when its yours. Price is $800, Sold to Michael Sanders from MS on 11/23/22, These pretty blue-ticks are out of Summertime & Tracker. He was born on 7/13/2020. These will be between 14-15" tall. This male is ate up with hunt, handles great, runs an upper medium speed & is doing great. will, and undying stamina can keep them out on a hunt for lengthy periods of David kept the male out of this cross. Don't think there is any comparable substitute for them. If your pup shows little The shock collar will usually get them straightened out. Ghost is smaller than what I really like but she's so beautiful to look at & an absolute joy to take hunting so she has a home here. Lacy & Uga sure produced some great looking dogs but much more importantly they have very good hunt, have some great mouths on them, & are running rabbits very well. This should provide helpful tips that can guide you best in achieving successful results from the training sessions. Trouble is a daughter to Hunt & is an amazing rabbit dog. I kept a female (Darlin') out of this cross for myself. Myths of Hunting Beagles I usually start my pups around five months and put them in a pen in pairs or alone with a broke dog. Tracker is a grandson of Reggie. the kennel can be extended. They are really doing well with their grit & hunt, run an upper medium speed, & handle extremely well. Also spend some time stealthily walking through fields in preparation. For 339K views 2 years ago Checkers is a 6 month old Beagle puppy who's getting trained up and ready for rabbit season! If your pup shows little or no interest in the rabbit, work on basic obedience or some other skills first. Some people use live rabbits to start the dogs. Always remember that your pet is bred to hunt. I have enjoyed watching these get going & figure things out. This way, you can strengthen the positive reaction you are expecting from your pet. What can you expect from a started dog from BOF? up to the point where you can release the rabbit 10 minutes before you bring the Give the rabbit about a 10 You should be receiving an order confirmation from Paypal shortly. 2 tricolor males may end up 14.5-15" when grown. Put her down on fresh rabbit scent at 8 weeks old in June. They are out of Hershey (Daughter of Ellie & Poncho) & Nico (brother of Uga). Males should be 13.5-14.5" & females should be 13" when completely grown. I'm ready for the next dogs to go up for sale so I can snag another one! When I tell you that they are both naturals this is what I mean. This is gonna be a real nice hound if he's fed tracks & given the opportunity to do his thing. These dogs are out of the Sweetie Pie & Hunt. A brushy fence row along an open field is a good choice. _udn = "none"; I'm impressed with this cross. Occasionally produce the run to catch the rabbit type dog. But most importantly, it is your goal to make sure that your puppy does not stray while in the field. Most dogs want to please their masters, so when they are rewarded for certain results, they will try to repeat that the next time they go out hunting. She was amazing but unfortunately I lost her @ 10 months old. Hunter Childers in Virginia owns Nikki Dee. seems to happen at around four weeks. I hope you enjoy it. You got to spend a lot of time running them throughout the year to have decent dogs when hunting season rolls around. They can run very fast with small leaps, just the same way rabbits do. We always let the dogs run for while. easy to accomplish. maul the rabbit. - Find someone that knows what they are doing? is yours, and he is to chase it. This is to be taught when your dog is already a master at tracking a rabbits smell. May 6, 2010 #4 mlandrum Senior Member I have Tennessee Red Backs and smoky mountain cottontail now. 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