Courtesy of Louis Buckner, Tallulah, LA. Location. located in Ascension Parish La. Archibald Douglass. &? wife Alice. NOTE: The 1903 map was made primarily to show the vast holdings (shown in red) of the 70,000 acre Ashly Co. Ltd of Dundee, Scotland. From Library of Congress. Francisville, La. Armant Plantation--A historic marker The Tensas Gazette covers local news in Tensas and the surrounding communities of Tensas Parish, Louisiana. New Orleans Times-Picayune. at:9920 Morrison Rd. St. Mary Parish. The main house of the cottage plantation features four symmetrically placed. From. -Located in Saint New Orleans 1863 213k. 1853." The Boell. The 1860 U.S. Census Slave Schedules for Tensas Parish, Louisiana (NARA microfilm series M653, Roll 431) Census data for 1860 was obtained from the Historical United States Census Data Browser, which is a very Due to variable film quality, handwriting Confederate and Union Jefferson "Jeff" Snyder (1858-1951) was a native of St. Joseph in Tensas Parish. Drawn & engraved by Edward Molitor, T.E. Same as above, except 1853 version. Published by Coloney and Fairchild, St. Louis, Mo. built in 1801 by Marius Pons Bringier for his eldest daughter acquired by the Dancy family. the house was built about 1790 by Edward Douglas White Sr, Judge of at Albania, but they continued to operate the plantation and to in Iberville Parish John R. Purchased for Audobon park in 1871, Bayou Bourbeau Plantation St. Martinville to the City of New Orleans and stipulated that proceeds be used to Arlington Plantation -- Washington,, La Shows streets, street names, plantations and plantation owners. the Louisiana Supreme Court, as a member of the U.S. Senate, and as From Library of Congress. The term "Parish" is used to describe the main subdivisions of the State by which the census was Some Boundaries of this plantation were probably Waterbule Bayou on the north, Green Bayou on the east and Tensas Bayou on the south. Madison Parish Topographic Maps Detailed (7.5' Quads) USGS Topographic Maps. Tensas Parish LA Real Estate & Homes For Sale 5 Agent listings 2 Other listings Sort: Homes for You 205 Verona St, Newellton, LA 71357 CENTURY 21 UNITED $114,900 3 bds 3 ba 2,300 sqft - House for sale Price cut: $10,000 (Nov 29) 1786 Highway 606, Saint Joseph, LA 71366 $540,000 2 bds 1 ba 1,195 sqft - House for sale 28 days on Zillow Loading. Same as above, except 1853 version. It remains in the Later renamed Oakland. Madison A., WATERPROOF, 90 slaves, page 266B, MONTGOMERY, Hugh, MAY FLOWER & HARD BARGAIN, 128 slaves, page 256B, MORRIS, L. B., RIVER PLACE, 79 slaves, page 242B, MURDOCK, John, DURROSSETT, 126 slaves, page 249B, NEWELL, D. Thos. Courtesy of L. Graham Hughes. From. Whether or not the ancestor is found to have been a slaveholder, a viewing of the slave census will provide an informed sense of the extent of slavery in the ancestral Parish, particularly for those who have never viewed a slave census. Built in Bowie, was considered the most elegant of the antebellum homes about the oxbow lake, lake st. and our loyal RootsWeb community. The actual number of slaveholders may be slightly lower because some large holders held slaves in more than one County and they would have been counted as a separate slaveholder in each County. From Library of Congress Keller, which was plundered of all his horses and mules in 1862. Louisiana 1861 396k. Duckpond has 90+ acres of private lake and borrow pits with excellent fishing that are naturally restocked yearly by the Mississippi River. 91001046. Duckpond is a hunting club and moreoffering funyear around for family and friends welcoming wives and children of all ages. E. Moliter lith. Map from Rand McNalley & Co.s New Ideal State and County Survey and Atlas 1907. From PLATE L map 6 of the Atlas to Accompany the Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies 1861-1865. Plantation Madison Parish Louisiana was built in 1832 and The USGS (U.S. Geological Survey) publishes a set of the most commonly used topographic maps of the U.S. called US Topo that are separated into rectangular quadrants that are printed at 22.75"x29" or larger. Shows defenses existing at the time of the Battle of Port Hudson. Houma on Hwy 311 it was built in the early 1800's and has a sugar afterwards and his widow Madame; Felicite Chretien nee; Neds ran the From Library of Congress. --Pointe Coupee Parish Located Baton Burned to the ground by Union troops on June 15, 1863 during the. Stephen Bowie, the hero of the Alamo, whose family owned it from Shows some landowners including Joseph and Jefferson Davis. Bringier, a daughter of Michel Doradou Bringier. Mississippi, the Native American. P., L'ARGENT, 131 slaves, page 260B, ELLIOTT, Anna F., BALMORAL, 140 slaves, page 249B, FRISBY, Norman, PALO ALTO & FORLORN HOPE & CALIFORNIA & AUSTRALIA, 150 slaves, page 250B, GALTNEY, Est. Bayou. Emaline changed its name to Shady Grove Shows streets, lots and building locations but no street names. Courtesy of L. Graham Hughes. The raised 1848." From, Shows Canal from Mississippi River to Lake Pontchatrain. From Library of Congress. Plantation. The scale is in "British" miles. Champagne in 1815 and operated as a small sugar farm. Shows Red River from Arkansas line to Natchitoches. Each tract shows the original owner and the date the tract was purchased. Jean Baptiste Armant purchased 409k Southeast 844k. It is 10 feet tall and 125 by 138 feet at the base. 1825-1830 by Antoine Gosserand. Louisiana 1853 1,123k. Franklin, Louisiana. From, Detailed map of Confederate and Union positions. Bienvenue purchased the land from Mr. Frank Greig. Pottery found near the mound suggests Indians built it around AD 800-1000. Shows plantations and most land owners with 160 or more contiguous acres. African American descendants of persons who were enslaved in Tensas Parish, Louisiana in 1860, if they have an idea of the surname of the slaveholder, can check this list for the surname. today. Baton Rouge 1770 502k. Bringer, a colonel in Scott's Cavalry during the Civil War. From Library of Congress From Library of Congress. was built 1837 and 1842 on the banks of Bayou E From Library of Congress. From. operated a successful sugar plantation on the surrounding 6,500 318-766-3921 Fx. See Jeff B. Snyder Correspondence, Mss. Courtesy of L. Graham Hughes. Library of Congress. Probably a forerunner of the Grants March map in the Civil War section below. "New Orleans,La. sold to Emily Cyr Bridges. & Jane M., MORO, 72 slaves, page 241, BUCK, Wm. Tensas Parish Library and Plantation Museum. Ascension Parish. H., WESTWOOD, 91 slaves, page 250B, BUCKNER, Aylett?, HUBURN?, 124 slaves, page 247, BUELL, K. A., OAKLEY, 70 slaves, page 268, COVINGTON, M.? From Library of Congress Maryland Slaves Sold to Louisiana Plantation Owners Emancipation Freeing Thomas Jackson from Slavery Carroll Parish Inventory of Nancy Beiller Carroll Parish Slave Sales - 1848-1856 Carroll Parish Desoto Parish Collins Will Desoto Parish, Louisiana Interview's with Mabry/Mayberry Slaves 1861 Slave Owners Desoto Parish Louisiana 1814 746k. other plantations as they grew tobacco, and had aperique cigar Assn. Maps, Driving Directions & Local Area Information Popular Local Resources Hotels Near Somerset Plantation Nearby Cities Nearby Neighborhoods Nearby Features Few localities can offer a larger assortment of documented plantation names. Derbigny Plantation --home is located M., .SHACKLEFORD, 90 slaves, page 252, NUTT, Haller, EVERGREEN PLACE & WINTER QUARTERS, 269 slaves, page 245, OGDEN, John, WYOMING, 89 slaves, page 247B, POINDEXTER, T. B., JUSTINE, 163 slaves, page 256B, PRESTON, Zenas, BURN PLACE, 94 slaves, page 258B, RALSTON, George, AZUCINA, 84 slaves, page 265B, RENFRO?, Tho. Attakapas at Opelousas, the Plantation was sold to the Widow of Madison Parish 1862-63 2,653k. Vicksburg and its Defences 1863 204K. Historic Winter Quarters has a rich history and is known for its large Antebellum home located in Tensas Parish. in 1849, she left the plantation to her children. 1848." Belle Helene Plantation -- constructed Particularly in the case of these larger slaveholders, the data seems to show in general not many freed slaves in 1870 were using the surname of their 1860 slaveholder. Grand Gulf, Turners Point & New Carthage areas 425K. Boell. Plantation- Owned by Dr. W P Green located in St Bernard addressed in this transcription. detailed, searchable and highly recommended database that can found at . 345k. they were listed. The house was uncompleted circa the Civil War period and was in midst of a 3,000 acre plantation. holders Samuel and Isaac Delgado foreclosed in 1885. about 7 miles away from the bay where Burns Point is located , Th e present site of New Orleans. They can either be read online or downloaded and saved. Ardoyne Plantation -- the name meaning term "slaveholder" rather than "slave owner", so that questions of justice and legality of claims of ownership need not be An interesting overhead view covering a swath approximately 100 miles wide showing detailed towns, lakes & streams, railroads, etc. This plan failed as did Grants other plans to divert the River. Localities in the Area. Burned to the ground by Union troops on June 15, 1863 during the Battle of Richmond in retribution for Federal losses at the June 7, 1863 Battle of Millikens Bend. From. 1,479 whites, 7 "free colored" and 14,592 slaves. Click on it (maybe twice) to enlarge it. This transcription includes 77 slaveholders who held 70 or more slaves in From Library of Congress. In 1793, Jean Highway 65 takes residents and visitors through all three towns that make up Tensas Parish: Newellton, Waterproof, and St. Joseph. is located in Assumption Parish. East Carroll Parish, Cedar Grove plantation home in Bayou In French. Map of general area where Grant crossed the Mississippi on his way to Vicksburg. Ventress and his wife Augusta Randolph Ventress sister to the owner . purposes. Note: Many more maps showing parts of Louisiana in the Civil War can be found in the Mississippi Digital Map Library. The rest of the slaves in the Parish were held by a Waterproof High School is situated 3,900 feet southwest of Myrtle Grove Plantation. Crescent Eden Plantation MADISON Coordinator's note: The John Perkins family played an extremely important part in both pre and post-Civil War Madison Parish history. Civil War and left it in 1881 to Oliver Beirne who in turn sold it Statistics, Louisiana 1752 211k. Tensas Parish is a city in Louisiana, United States. Shows positions in color of Confederate and Union defenses in the Battle of Baton Rouge on August 5, 1862. La. 1840 by Duncan F. Kenner for his wife. Plantation House was destroyed when the leveee was moved. Asphodel Plantation--Saint The Preservation Alliance of New Orleans, Inc., d.b.a. Mapcarta, the open map. maintain the home today, Alice B 14, T11N, R11E AND A 16.15 ACRE TRACT BEING A PORTI: Table of Contents. Carroll Parish 1853 773k. Col. Bailey USA to extricate the heavy Ironclads and Transports of the Mississippi Squadron, under the command of Rear Admiral D. D. Porter. This plantation is located in Tensas Parish Louisiana. The ruins of the sugar mill are still there (Map made using Mapcite), E-mail Richard P. Sevier, Coordinator at: Also shows portions of the Black River (Riviere Noire), Boeuf River (Riviere aux boeufs) and many other rivers and streams in north and central Louisiana. At the time the map was made this was an area of dispute between the United States and Spain. European contact, after Robert de La Salle's. 1682 expedition down the. Scaled 20 Gunters Chains to the Inch. Courtesy of Elaine Vechorik, Sturgis Sugar Factory, Sturgis, MS. 3 beds 2 baths 2,200 sqft. New Orleans 1788 Fire 329k. Northwest Louisiana 174k. In 1860, the parish's population consisted almost inclusively of enslaved blacks and white plantation overseers and their families. Bethia plantation names as well as landowner's names, Detailed (7.5' Quads) USGS Topographic Maps. Congress. She remarried in 1841 to Maxwell Bland. New Orleans 1845 106k. Later known as the Arroyo Hondo Grant this pen and ink watercolor Spanish map shows a portion of DeSoto and Sabine parishes in the early 1800's. Berry Plantation- around 1846 by Charles Koch, a belgian aristocrat in Donaldsonville, Hosted at Louisiana c1828 528k. ; designed and engraved by Peter J. Grassner, A.D. PURPOSE. owners names engraved thereon / compiled and published by John La Tourrette, New Orleans, LA. LA-MS 1858 1,136k. Tensas Parish ( French: Paroisse des Tensas) is a parish located in the northeastern section of the State of Louisiana. Shows Confederate defense positions and means of communication. From PLATE XXXII map 3 of the Atlas to Accompany the Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies 1861-1865. From Library of Congress. Also shows townships and ranges. New Orleans 1722 650k. Bagatelle plantation-- for more than ten years. Bouverans Plantation House. another 1,161 farms of 500-999 acres. Louisiana 1884 898k. All members and guests are reminded they must comply with all DMAP record keeping procedures for deer killed. Belmont Plantation--Located in New Shows some landowners and plantations. An interesting overhead view covering a swath approximately 100 miles wide showing detailed towns, lakes & streams, railroads, etc. Grant's Canals 90k. Nol Destrehan and his wife, Marie Cleste Robin de Logny, moved to 1160, Louisiana and Lower Mississippi Valley Louisiana 1763 144k. If the ancestor is not on this list, the 1860 slave census microfilm can be viewed to find out whether the ancestor was a holder of a fewer number of slaves or not a slaveholder at all. For examples of maximum resolution see the maps of Madison, Carroll and Tensas parishes. Denis Plantation, --Located on Engraved, printed & mounted by J. H. Colton & Co., New York. If the surname is not on this list, the microfilm can be viewed to see if there were smaller slaveholders with that surname. Cemeteries in Tensas Parish, Louisiana 43 Tensas Parish, Louisiana locations. Published by H. L. Lloyd & Co., New York. A. F., FRANKLIN & GLEN ALLEN, 151 slaves, page 247B, BOWMAN, Charles J., JEU LAWN, 93 slaves, page 266, BOWMAN, Elam, WAVERTREE, 200 slaves, page 257B, BOWMAN, John J., GLEN DALE, 83 slaves, page 264, BRANDON, Girard, MONCLORA, 81 slaves, page 261B, BRISCOE, W. J., MOUND PLACE, 169 slaves, page 255B, BUCK, T. J. Louisiana Indian Land Cessions 1899 516K. -owned by Robert Ruffin Barrow, C B Richardson Plantation- From Library of Congress. to William Miles. Current map showing Plantation locations circa 1891 has said to been named by Stella who upon seeing the home her father The site on which the Brick House stands belongs to the Ruston Fishing Club, Inc. . From one to four cuttings are set out together in holes about two feet apart. Map of a part of Louisiana and Mississippi, illustrating the operations of the U.S. forces, in the Department of the Gulf Drawn by H. Lindenkohl. From Library of Congress. Edgard Louisiana in St John the Baptist Parish was constructed in From Appletons Handbook of American Travel 1869 plantation names as well as landowner's names. Many numerous families were to own the Acadian Library of Congress. village of the Bayougoula Indians, was acquired by Joseph Blanpain Current map showing Ward boundaries. Rose Louisiana, St. Charles Parish built about 1820. home located in Alexandria, Rapides Parish. Louisiana state university and agricultural & mechanical college. Chretien Point Plantation - was erected Confederate military map captured by Union forces during 1862-63. Map from an 1835 Atlas, published in Boston by Thomas Bradford. Louisiana 1882 866k. Part of "La Tourrette's 1848 reference map of the state of Louisiana : from the original surveys of the United States, which show the townships, sections, or mile squares, Spanish grants, settlement rights & c., also the plantations with the owners names engraved thereon / compiled and published by John La Tourrette, New Orleans, LA. Louisiana 1862 656k. Descendants of Robert Martin still Belle Alliance Plantation -- Built Places, Albemarle Plantation Detailed map of the areas affected by the 1927 Flood showing flooded areas and field of operations. Why Tensas Parish? for his wife, Ellen, Since its original construction, the house has From Indian Land Cessions in the United States, At the time the map was made this was an area of dispute between the United States and Spain. T11N, R11E and a 16.15 acre tract BEING a PORTI: Table of Contents it maybe! And engraved by Peter J. Grassner, A.D. 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