[314] In the 2016 Census, 52% of the Australian population declared some variety of Christianity and 30% stated "no religion".[315]. Henle included the Indonesian half of New Guinea, but excluded the rest of Indonesia and the Malay archipelago, as well as all Japanese islands and oceanic Latin American islands (with the exception of Easter Island). Two countries are on the list of the world's top 50 fastest-growing nations. Along with India most of Australasia lies on the Indo-Australian Plate with the latter occupying the Southern area. While it took the global population 12 years to grow from 7 to 8 billion, it will take. [64] Todd further included the Aleutian Islands in his definition of Oceania. World Population Prospects: The 2019 Revision. The 'Asia-Pacific region' would comprise two quasi-continents. Asia, with more than 4.6 billion people, has the highest. [384] The King is represented by the Governor-General, whom he appoints on the advice of the Prime Minister. Oceania, group of islands in the North Pacific Ocean, southeast of the Philippines. He defined Oceania as including the Malay archipelago, but not Japan or Taiwan, and noted that "its limits are somewhat indefinite. [291] Pohnpei of the Senyavin Islands in Micronesia is the wettest settlement in Oceania, and one of the wettest places on earth, with annual recorded rainfall exceeding 7,600mm (300in) each year in certain mountainous locations. In 1820, the first American missionaries arrived to preach Christianity and teach the Hawaiians Western ways. One surviving ship led by Juan Sebastin Elcano returned west across the Indian Ocean and the other went north in the hope of finding the westerlies and reaching Mexico. [80] The Bonin Islands (adjacent to Micronesia) at that time were a possession of Britain; Macquarie Island, to the south of Tasmania, is a subantarctic island in the Pacific. [433] Hawaiian art includes wood carvings, feather work, petroglyphs, bark cloth (called kapa in Hawaiian and tapa elsewhere in the Pacific), and tattoos. [285][286] Snow falls in New Zealand's South Island and at higher altitudes in the North Island. ", "Subnational population estimates (RC, SA2), by age and sex, at 30 June 1996-2022 (2022 boundaries)", "Subnational population estimates (TA, SA2), by age and sex, at 30 June 1996-2022 (2022 boundaries)", "Subnational population estimates (urban rural), by age and sex, at 30 June 1996-2022 (2022 boundaries)", Christianity in its Global Context, 19702020 Society, Religion, and Mission, "Background Notes Australia, Fiji, Kiribati, Malaysia, Micronesia, New Zealand, Samoa", "2018 Census totals by topic national highlights", "Prince Philip: the unlikely but willing Pacific deity | Prince Philip", "Prince Philip: The Vanuatu tribes mourning the death of their "god" - BBC News", "Main Features Cultural Diversity in Australia", "Census 2016: Migrants make a cosmopolitan country", "Immigration chronology: selected events 18402008", "2013 Census QuickStats about culture and identity data tables", "California's Hispanic population projected to outnumber white in 2014", "Maternal History of Oceania from Complete mtDNA Genomes: Contrasting Ancient Diversity with Recent Homogenization Due to the Austronesian Expansion", "BBC: First contact with isolated tribes? Olney divided up Oceania into three groups; Australasia (which included Australia, New Guinea and New Zealand), Malesia and Polynesia (which included the combined islands of Melanesia, Micronesia and Polynesia in his definition). "Decoding Pearl Harbor", in. Due to industrialization and the strategically favourable location between Asia and America, more and more colonies have been founded in the last 200 years, bringing mainly Chinese, Indian and Filipino inhabitants to the region. "[88] British linguist Robert Needham Cust argued in 1887 that the Malay archipelago should be excluded since it had participated in Asian civilization. . Fogg defined Polynesia as covering the combined islands of Melanesia, Micronesia and Polynesia, as well as the Ryukyu Islands. [84], American geographer Jesse Olney's 1845 book A Practical System of Modern Geography stated that it "comprises the numerous isles of the Pacific, lying south east of Asia." The number of its inhabitants is approximately 34,300,000 (according to the 2010 census), a figure that is increasing due to the substantial difference in the birth rate (21%) and death rate (9%). Veronica is a culture reporter at CRGSOFT, where she writes about food, fitness, weird stuff on the internet, and, well, just about anything else. This date range is based on glottochronological calculations and on three radiocarbon dates from charcoal that appears to have been produced during forest clearance activities. These regions are usually considered to be part of Maritime Southeast Asia. On the other hand, the highest mountain in continental Oceania is Kosciuszko with 2,228 meters above sea level. [93] He added, "through trade relations, the work of missionaries and teachers, and political control, western civilization is slowly penetrating these out of the way places either directly, or indirectly through Europeanized powers like Japan. Due to external migration, the population increased by 214,649. This parameter provides an indication of age distribution. [447] It has a large following in Papua New Guinea, where it is the second most popular sport after Rugby League. [224][225] The United States fought the Battle of Guam from 21 July to 10 August 1944, to recapture the island from Japanese military occupation. The other main Melanesian groups from north to south are the Bismarck Archipelago, the Solomon Islands, the Santa Cruz Islands, Vanuatu, Fiji and New Caledonia. Tropical 4. These adaptations are common in species from the large and well-known families Proteaceae (Banksia), Myrtaceae (Eucalyptus gum trees), and Fabaceae (Acacia wattle). In the politics of Papua New Guinea the Prime Minister is the head of government, and the head of state is the monarch of the United Kingdom, represented by a Governor-General. "[91] It added there was controversy over the exact limits of Oceania, saying that, "scarcely any two geographers appear to be quite agreed upon the subject". Copyright Worldometers.info - All rights reserved -, World Population Prospects: The 2019 Revision, The population density in Oceania is 5 per Km, The total land area is 8,486,460 Km2 (3,276,639 sq. [40][41] Prior to the 1950s, before the popularization of the theory of plate tectonics, Antarctica, Australia and Greenland were sometimes described as island continents, but none were usually taught as one of the world's continents in English-speaking countries. Beginning c. 1100 CE, the people of Easter Island would begin construction of nearly 900 moai (large stone statues). Unable to find the right winds, it was forced to return to the East Indies. Oceania's population tops around 45 million people and spans over 8,525,929 square kilometers. The coral reefs of the South Pacific are low-lying structures that have built up on basaltic lava flows under the ocean's surface. ", The Global Financial Centres Index 14 (September 2013), 2012 Global Cities Index and Emerging Cities Outlook, "Industry sector of employment | Australia | Community profile", "The 23 cities with the best quality of life in the world", "Vienna tops Mercer's 19th Quality of Living ranking", "Foreign owners muscle in as New Zealand sells off all its assets", "New Zealand rated most business-friendly", "Page 10 External diversification after 1966", "Triennial Central Bank Survey, April 2013", "The World Factbook Central Intelligence Agency", "A History of Honey Bees in the Hawaiian Islands", "Honolulu ranked 2nd safest city in America", "Tourism and Migration Statistics Visitor Arrivals by Usual Country of Residence (19952001)", "Tourism Satellite Account 201415:Key Figures", "5249.0 Australian National Accounts: Tourism Satellite Account, 201011", "Factsheet New Zealand Political Forces", "New Zealand Legislation: Royal Titles Act 1974", "The first wave of Australian feature film production", "Where to party in Australia on New Year's Eve", "Avo smash and flat whites bringing the Aussie vibe to New York", "Modern Australian recipes and Modern Australian cuisine", "Israel Kamakawiwo'ole: The Voice Of Hawaii", "World famous in New Zealand: Hobbiton Movie Set", "Government and nation National holidays", "ICC Cricket World Cup facts with list of winners and host countries", "Australian rules football (sport) Britannica Online Encyclopedia", "Rugby World Cup final: South Africa break records and beat All Blacks to milestones", "Warren Gatland failed to learn lessons of 2015 | Graham Price", "Rugby League Football 1966 Encyclopaedia of New Zealand", "southern hemisphere sides are a class apart", "Nauru AFL team to play in International Cup", "Football in Australia Australia's Culture Portal", "AFL still fourth-best attended sporting competition in the world", "Meet Pohnpei: the Pacific islanders battling to become FIFA's 212th member", "The Associate Members of OFC 0:3 for football", "The Marshall Islands: The last country on Earth without a football team The Athletic", "Guam Football Association | History of GFA", "Australia World Cup is a long way away", "American Samoa finally get 17-year monkey off their back", "Australia set world record with 22-0 win over Tonga", " Australia: sports participants by type 2020", "National Sporting Agenda Announcement | Commonwealth Games Australia", "Brisbane2032 | About Queensland and its government | Queensland Government", "Australia and New Zealand to compete in Pacific Games", "Australian Open | tennis tournament | Britannica", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Oceania&oldid=1141815068, Wikipedia articles needing page number citations from November 2022, Wikipedia articles incorporating a citation from the 1911 Encyclopaedia Britannica with Wikisource reference, Wikipedia articles incorporating text from the 1911 Encyclopdia Britannica, Short description is different from Wikidata, Wikipedia indefinitely move-protected pages, Use Australian English from February 2016, All Wikipedia articles written in Australian English, Pages using collapsible list with both background and text-align in titlestyle, Articles lacking reliable references from January 2023, Articles containing potentially dated statements from 2015, All articles containing potentially dated statements, Articles to be expanded from October 2018, Pages using Sister project links with hidden wikidata, Pages using Sister project links with default search, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 26 February 2023, at 23:30. Not so the rest of the countries, whichpresent marked political irregularityand frequent tensions between the dependent states and their most powerful guardians in Europe or Oceania itself. A company of Australians and a British warship besieged the Germans and their colonial subjects, ending with a German surrender. The smallest continent in the world is Oceania,with just 9,008,458 km2of surface, of which 27,760 km are coastlines and 785,753 km2belong to New Guinea, considered the second largest island on theplanet. Oceania's largest export markets include Japan, China, the United States, India, South Korea and the European Union. Britain also established colonies in Australia in 1788, New Zealand in 1840 and Fiji in 1872, with much of Oceania becoming part of the British Empire. [348][349] Melbourne also ranked highly in the world's most liveable city list,[350] and is a leading financial centre in the Asia-Pacific region.[351][352]. The Indonesian provinces of Papua and West Papua on the island of New Guinea are home to an estimated 44 uncontacted tribal groups. [34] One study from 1884 describes Oceania as a continent, stating that South of the continent of Asia is found a large island nearly as large as the continent of Europe. The term Oceania is usually used to denote the region . "[144] It has been theorized that the indigenous Jmon people of the Japanese archipelago are related to Austronesians, along with the indigenous inhabitants of the Ryukyu Islands. Let us know if you have suggestions to improve this article (requires login). Many are descendants of immigrants brought to work on the sugarcane plantations in the mid-to-late 19th century. Their definition includes American Samoa, Australia and their external territories, the Cook Islands, Federated States of Micronesia, French Polynesia, Fiji, Guam, Kiribati, the Marshall Islands, Nauru, New Caledonia, New Zealand, Niue, the Northern Mariana Islands, Palau, Papua New Guinea, Pitcairn Islands, Samoa, the Solomon Islands, Tokelau, Tonga, Tuvalu, Vanuatu, Wallis and Futuna, and the United States Minor Outlying Islands (Baker Island, Howland Island, Jarvis Island, Midway Atoll, Palmyra Atoll, and Wake Island). Oceania is a region of migrants: there were an estimated 9.1 million migrants amongst the region's 41.8 million people as of mid-year 2020 ( UN DESA, 2020 ). [453][454][455] Like Australia, the Micronesian dependent territories of Guam and Northern Mariana Islands currently compete in the AFC instead of the OFC. PRB's World Population Data Sheet is an excellent reference and data analysis tool. [112][143] In its periphery, Oceania's islands would sprawl 28 degrees north to the Bonin Islands in the Northern Hemisphere, and 55 degrees south to Macquarie Island in the Southern Hemisphere. [195], Micronesia began to be settled several millennia ago, although there are competing theories about the origin and arrival of the first settlers. Webster broke Oceania up into two subdivisions; the continental group, which included Australia, the Japanese archipelago, the Malay archipelago and Taiwan, and the oceanic group, which included New Zealand and the islands of Melanesia, Micronesia and Polynesia. For forecasted years, the U.N. medium-fertility variant is used. [249] The northernmost point of the east coast is the tropical-rainforested Cape York Peninsula. On 15 November 2022, the world's population reached 8 billion people, a milestone in human development. The country has been broadened by globalisation and immigration specifically from Oceania, Europe, and Asia. Oceania has a diverse mix of economies from the highly developed and globally competitive financial markets of Australia, French Polynesia, Hawaii, New Caledonia, and New Zealand, which rank high in quality of life and Human Development Index,[8][9] to the much less developed economies of Kiribati, Papua New Guinea, Tuvalu, Vanuatu, and Western New Guinea,[10] while also including medium-sized economies of Pacific islands such as Fiji, Palau, and Tonga. Population Pyramids: OCEANIA - 2020. The state's food exports include coffee, macadamia nuts, pineapple, livestock, sugarcane and honey. "[95], Charles Marion Tyler's 1885 book The Island World of the Pacific Ocean considered Oceania to ethnographically encompass Australia, New Zealand, the Malay archipelago and the islands of Melanesia, Micronesia and Polynesia. Oceania population is equivalent to 0.54% of the total world population. Endowed with forest, mineral, and fish resources, Fiji is one of the most developed of the Pacific island economies, though it remains a developing country with a large subsistence agriculture sector. There are six cities in Oceania with a population of more than one million inhabitants: Sydney (Australia): 5.3 million inhabitants Melbourne (Australia): 4 million inhabitants Brisbane (Australia): 2 million inhabitants Perth (Australia): 2 million inhabitants Auckland (New Zealand): 1.6 million inhabitants [345], Mercer Quality of Living Survey ranks Sydney tenth in the world in terms of quality of living,[346] making it one of the most livable cities. ", "Melanesian and Asian origins of Polynesians: mtDNA and Y chromosome gradients across the Pacific", "Polynesian origins: Insights from the Y chromosome", Collapse: How Societies Choose to Fail or Succeed, "Cook's Journal: Daily Entries, 22 April 1770", "History of French Polynesia, 1797 to 1889", "Chapter V Affairs in the Western Pacific", "Shoichi Yokoi, 82, Is Dead; Japan Soldier Hid 27 Years", "Parks and Reserves Australia's National Landscapes", "Hawaiian Native Plant Propagation Database", 10.2305/IUCN.UK.2017-1.RLTS.T103734840A157467789.en, 10.2305/IUCN.UK.2016-3.RLTS.T22712695A94343459.en, 10.2305/IUCN.UK.2017-3.RLTS.T22703868A118657750.en, "The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species", Invasive Species: Animals Brown Tree Snake, "Parrots of Oceania a comparative study of extinction risk", "ENSO: Recent Evolution, Current Status and Predictions", National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Atlantic Oceanographic and Meteorological Laboratory Hurricane Research Division, "Frequently Asked Questions: When is hurricane season? The population of Australia in 2022 was 26,177,413, a 0.99% increase from 2021. 37 Million Which of the following is NOT one of the four dominant climate types for the Oceania / Pacific region? New Zealand's 1983 Closer Economic Relations agreement with Australia means that the economy aligns closely with that of Australia. [89], The Journal of the Royal Statistical Society stated in 1892 that Australia was a large island within Oceania rather than a small continent. [414] The New Zealand recording industry began to develop from 1940 onwards and many New Zealand musicians have obtained success in Britain and the United States. [114][115][60] According to scientific journal PLOS One, the Humboldt Current helps create a biogeographic barrier between the marine fauna of these islands and South America. World Population: Total World Population as of July 1 of the year indicated. Population is based on the de facto definition of population, which counts all residents regardless of legal status or citizenship--except for refugees not permanently settled in the country of asylum, who are generally considered part . In: Christidis, L., Boles, W., 2008. "[112] Furthermore, the book adds that Hawaii is still within Oceania, despite being politically integrated into the U.S., and that the Pacific Ocean "gives unity to the whole" since "all these varied lands emerge from or border upon the Pacific. [189], They reached Tasmania c. 40,000 years ago by migrating across a land bridge from the mainland that existed during the last ice age. The UN designation for this subregion is "Australia and New Zealand". On 1 May 1979, in recognition of the evolving political status of the Marshall Islands, the United States recognized the constitution of the Marshall Islands and the establishment of the Government of the Republic of the Marshall Islands. She adds that most islands in the Pacific are "close enough together to be easily clustered into archipelagos or groups. [81], Alfred Russel Wallace believed in 1879 that Oceania extended to the Aleutian Islands, which are among the northernmost islands of the Pacific. What is the population of Oceania? Vocabulary. [444][445] Fiji's sevens team is one of the most successful in the world, as is New Zealand's. [85] Publication Missionary Review of the World claimed in 1895 that Oceania was divided up into five groups; Australasia, Malesia, Melanesia, Micronesia and Polynesia. Countries of the World. 2. 200 million. Other Austronesian areas such as Indonesia and the Philippines were not included, due to their closer cultural proximity to mainland Asia. In the national agreement on Closing the Gap signed . [64][123][321] There are also Creoles formed from the interaction of Malay or the colonial languages with indigenous languages, such as Tok Pisin, Bislama, Chavacano, various Malay trade and creole languages, Hawaiian Pidgin, Norfuk, and Pitkern. What is the population of USA? In 2006 Australia left the Oceania Football Confederation (OFC) for the Asian Football Confederation (AFC), and their men's team the Socceroos have qualified for every subsequent FIFA World Cup as an Asian entrant. the United States population is equivalent to 4.25% of the total world population. Some were used in magic, others to increase animal populations for hunting, while some were simply for amusement. Mr. Darwin has, for instance, adducted them as an illustration of the fact that such islands are inhabited by plants and animals closely allied to those of the nearest mainland, without actually being the same. Ngerulmud, on Babeldaob Island, is the smallest national capital on earth by population, with only a few hundred people; the name is pronounced en-jer-al-mud; Koror, on Koror Island, . The Oceania is the continent least populated in the world, with a population density of 5hab./km. The islands are continental crust fragments thrusted away from Australia, caused by breakup of the eastern margin of Gondwanaland. [218] On 24 September 1853, under orders from Napoleon III, Admiral Febvrier Despointes took formal possession of New Caledonia and Port-de-France (Nouma) was founded 25 June 1854. [401][402] The city's New Year's Eve celebrations are the largest in Oceania. The Australia-New Zealand continental fragment of Gondwana split from the rest of Gondwana in the late Cretaceous time (9590 Ma). [196], The earliest archaeological traces of civilization have been found on the island of Saipan, dated to 1500 BCE or slightly before. Estimated Population 2020-2050 Estimated Population Estimated Median Age Estimated Urban / Rural Oceania demographics 2022 [429][430] These rock paintings served several functions. The current population of Australia in 2023 is 26,439,111, a 1% increase from 2022. List of continents by gdp per capita. Oceania has traditionally been divided into four parts: Australasia (Australia and New Zealand), Melanesia, Micronesia, and Polynesia. [114] Chile's government have occasionally considered them to be within Oceania along with Easter Island. Source: UN (World Population Prospects 2019) Date: 23 Aug 2021: Top Statistics Olympics Medal Table 2020. [418], The national cuisine has been described as Pacific Rim, incorporating the native Mori cuisine and diverse culinary traditions introduced by settlers and immigrants from Europe, Polynesia and Asia. Migrating from South-East Asia, they appear to have occupied these islands as far east as the main islands in the Solomon Islands archipelago, including Makira and possibly the smaller islands farther to the east. The population growth rate of Africa (2.45%) continent is almost double of the growth rate of second most fastest growing continent Oceania (1.27%). In 2022 the natural increase was positive, as the number of births exceeded the number of deaths by 468,540. [156], Depending on the definition, New Zealand could be part of Polynesia, or part of Australasia with Australia. [391] Politics of Tonga takes place in a framework of a constitutional monarchy, whereby the King of Tonga is the Head of State. The Japanese were turned back at the Battle of the Coral Sea and the Kokoda Track campaign before they were finally defeated in 1945. 3. The use and scope of this term varies. Almost 13,000 Portuguese immigrants had arrived by 1899; they also worked on the sugarcane plantations. [194], Particularly along the north coast of New Guinea and in the islands north and east of New Guinea, the Austronesian people, who had migrated into the area somewhat more than 3,000 years ago, came into contact with these pre-existing populations of Papuan-speaking peoples. [97][98] Tyler described Australia as "the leviathan of the island groups of the world", and stated that the Juan Fernndez Islands "will always retain a marked prominence in island histories, being at one time the home of that celebrated castaway Alexander Selkirk, whose life and adventures have been made so intensely interesting to youthful minds, and older ones too, for that matter, by Defoe in his wonderful book Robinson Crusoe. "[19], Thomas Sebeok's two volume 1971 book Linguistics in Oceania defines Easter Island, the Galpagos Islands, the Juan Fernndez Islands, Costa Rica's Cocos Island and Colombia's Malpelo Island (all oceanic)[122] as making up a Spanish language segment of Oceania. [116] Chile's government also categorize Easter Island, the Desventuradas Islands and the Juan Fernndez Islands as being part of a region titled Insular Chile. "[33] American author Samuel Griswold Goodrich wrote in his 1854 book History of All Nations that, "geographers have agreed to consider the island world of the Pacific Ocean as a third continent, under the name Oceania." In 1946, Polynesians were granted French citizenship and the islands' status was changed to an overseas territory; the islands' name was changed in 1957 to Polynsie Franaise (French Polynesia). He added that Hawaii was the most northerly area to be inhabited by races associated with Oceania. It is characterized by numerous endemic species, such as the Koala bear, the Kangaroo, the famous Tasmanian devil, the platypus and the broom-tailed possum. [239] The oldest member disappearing by way of the plate tectonics cycle is early-Cretaceous (145 to 137 million years ago). [101] The U.S. Government Publishing Office's Area Handbook for Oceania from 1971 states that Australia and New Zealand are the principal large sovereignties of the area. Articles from Britannica Encyclopedias for elementary and high school students. Urban Population: Population living in areas classified as urban according to the criteria used by each country. [279], The Pacific Islands are ruled by a tropical rainforest and tropical savanna climate. [70][71] The CIA World Factbook also categorizes Oceania as one of the major continental divisions of the world, but the name "Australia and Oceania" is used. [385] The New Zealand Parliament holds legislative power and consists of the King and the House of Representatives. James, R.E., 1947. The term, in its widest sense, embraces the entire insular region between Asia and the Americas. The flora of Fiji, Solomon Islands, Vanuatu, and New Caledonia is tropical dry forest, with tropical vegetation that includes palm trees, premna protrusa, psydrax odorata, gyrocarpus americanus, and derris trifoliata. [67] The original UN definition of Oceania from 1947 included these same countries and semi-independent territories, which were mostly still colonies at that point. By 2000 about 12 million islanders lived in Oceania (excluding Australia), and many indigenous cultures were revolutionized by intensive contact with non-Oceanic groups who had intruded from various parts of the Western world. In Whitely, David S.. [381], New Zealand is a constitutional monarchy with a parliamentary democracy,[382] although its constitution is not codified. Oceania population is equivalent to 0.54% of the total world population. Some experts insist that Oceania encompasses even the cold Aleutian Islands and the islands of Japan. Indeed, these categories Polynesians, Micronesians, Melanesians became so deeply entrenched in Western anthropological thought that it is difficult even now to break out the mould in which they entrap us (. "[102] In 1948, American military journal Armed Forces Talk broke the islands of the Pacific up into five major subdivisions; Indonesia, Melanesia, Micronesia, Polynesia and the non-tropical Islands. [341] New Zealand is also one of the most globalised economies and depends greatly on international trade. With a population of about 32 million, Oceania is a predominantly urban region. [259], The aptly named Pacific kingfisher is found in the Pacific Islands,[261] as is the Red-vented bulbul,[262] Polynesian starling,[263] Brown goshawk,[264] Pacific Swallow[265] and the Cardinal myzomela, among others. It additionally commented, "it is certainly not necessary to consider the Hawaiian Islands and Australia as being in the same part of the world, it is however permissible to unite in one group all the islands which are scattered over the great ocean. What Is The Population Of Oceania. [328][329][330], European migration to New Zealand provided a major influx following the signing of the Treaty of Waitangi in 1840. : total world population Data Sheet is an excellent reference and Data analysis tool ending with a population of in. Together to be easily clustered into archipelagos or groups to 4.25 % of King! Economy aligns closely with that of Australia in 2022 was 26,177,413, a 0.99 % increase from 2022 it. ( Australia and New Zealand could be part of Polynesia, as the number of deaths by 468,540 oldest disappearing... The oldest member disappearing by way of the East Indies Island would begin construction of 900! 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Tropical savanna climate in: Christidis, L., Boles, W., 2008 divided into four:... Oceania is usually used to denote the region structures that have built up basaltic... Designation for this subregion is `` Australia and New Zealand 's 1983 Economic. In 1820, the first American missionaries arrived to preach Christianity and teach the Hawaiians Western ways is also of... Of immigrants brought to work on the sugarcane plantations in the North Island colonial! Late Cretaceous time ( 9590 Ma ) Statistics Olympics Medal Table 2020 have up! On international trade the term, in its widest sense, embraces the entire insular region between Asia and Kokoda... The Ocean 's surface experts insist that Oceania encompasses even the cold Aleutian islands in the national on... Others to increase animal populations for hunting, while some were used in magic, to., the Pacific are low-lying structures that have built up on basaltic lava flows under the Ocean 's surface tops. Easter Island would begin construction of nearly 900 moai ( large stone statues.. Widest sense, embraces the entire insular region between Asia and the Philippines were included! Kosciuszko with 2,228 meters above sea level urban according to the East Indies c. CE. Sheet is an excellent reference and Data analysis tool reference and Data analysis tool are home an. From the rest of Gondwana in the late Cretaceous time ( 9590 ). Arrived to preach Christianity and teach the Hawaiians Western ways and spans over 8,525,929 kilometers... From the rest of Gondwana in the mid-to-late 19th century split from the rest of Gondwana split from rest.
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