A socialist government will. Why would you think the UK ought to be like Communist Hungry or Caucesescu Romania? After Brexit, I really didn't want to be here any more. I have even found happiness in giving up my life as the career city girl for a stay at home mom and have never been happier. We British are trying to adapt to the new situation, nearly as much as the immigrants are. And thank you for contributing to British society and taxes :). Certainly food for thought as I often find myself wondering if we should move to the UK as a family (I have lived and worked there before), but I think I will stick to St Helena Island (which you should visit one day)! 2) Not sure about Bulgaria but in Romania we have many famous Black Romanian celebrities and even have a Palestinian MP The irony of this situation is that in your misguided attempt to Make England Great Again, you've torpedoed much of the foundation of the UK's current wealth. It gets to you when you realise you can't buy t-shirts because, in reality, you need sweaters, thermals and raincoats. However, the same entitlement is NOT true for Brits going to EU countries who are in many countries, treated like second class citizens with no rights and slave labour if they can find a job. Last year i went to London and y find it very interesting, because there are many differences with Chile. I hope you find your reality somewhere and leave us racist, poor, thick bits to struggle on without you. My god the atmosphere was one of the strangest I had ever felt after that. It gets to you when you need to ride your bike home whilst getting wet to the bones. The term is used to describe an anti-social lower-class youth dressed in sportswear. British people love Italy. The Indian gentleman who gave up his citizenship to serve the Queen and the country forgets the hatred and racism in his own land of origin, where color of skin is a passport to success. In the last three years a new filthy vocabulary of social class has emerged in Britain. This, in turn, is fantastic for livestock, fantastic for photography and brilliant for people who love walks in nature. It was a dream but reality is so different. Hi Iain, You're so much better than those who dared to vote Leave or god forbid for Trump, aren't you? I've been back 18 months and I can see these issues, without any dogma of ideology. Something that would not be possible in my home country (Germany) to that extend. I wouldn't want that much disdain on my doorstep. The weather is better but their governments are destroying both. Don't confuse friendliness with openness. No country is perfect, but if you consider our history, museums, NHS, free education and world-class universities, the honesty of our police force and courts, business opportunities, freedom of speech, music, religious diversity, food safety (a huge problem in Asia by the way), countryside, regulation, animal rights, gender equality, gay rights, time zone, infrastructure, I still contend the UK is one of the best countries to live in the world. A very interesting and substantial read. You made us see clearer and feel empowered on our next move. All the talent and creativity has been sucked dry out of this placeits so dead and will continue to be dead and fall behind so many other wonderful countries in the world. "Hey, yo," opens one frequently used sound clip on TikTok, "chav check.". But the vast majority of people in the UK seem to be relatively well off. I get it, nobody likes foreigners. Of course, as a foreigner, I understood my limitations, yet spelling was never a major issue. This article was first published on the 13th of January 2017 and updated many times since. If there has been racist attempts, they were not obvious. Brexit will force the country not to depend on London, but doesn't UK import a lot of their produce from Spain to start with? What is even sadder is that we (although both British) felt the effects of this. Agreed! I know that's not the most mature position to take, and I wish I were big enough to stay and work on it for the greater good, but I just don't think I can. No one rolled out a red carpet when my parents came to this country to work in the beloved NHS. How can I decide??? The funny thing is we have recently moved to London (it's been 6 months) and we don't seem to be happy at all. At least in comparison to other European countries. Yes, Australia is far higher cost of living, but the living standards and quality of life is also much higher. Saying that, UK has a huge potential to rebound when it breaks away from the limpets in power sucking its tits off. something changed. But obviously you're biased because you're an immigrant so you're never gonna understand me. The Midlands, SE, and even parts of the NE have less rain. I had a really interesting reaction reading this. I still remember the distress and shame I felt that day. Most ordinary British people outside of the chattering classes in liberal metropolitan London know they are the Jones who can no longer keep up with their richer Aussie Jones cousins or the Singaporean and Hong Kong Tans. The weather of the UK is the best of anywhere in the world. It's a quid pro quo, no? indeed. Perhaps a better question would . I live in Toronto and it is always great to meet fellow travel bloggers. I wrote an article about a similar topic a month ago. A mark of this growing idiocy is the fact that a circus clown like Jacob Rees-Mogg can play a part in politics. To say its all crap is just completely idiotic. I am an Indian immigrant living in the UK for 15 odd years. As an example of how the problem was always there yet less visible I worked in a digital agency for a while where it was only British people who worked there and all of the women were de facto secretaries for the men, even though their roles were much more complex than this. The term is used to describe an anti-social lower-class youth dressed in sportswear. Good luck finding your new base guys :) Can't wait to see where you travel to! It has changed from a land of invention and innovation to that of bloated consumer. I do believe though that what is happening in the Uk is happening all over the world (in terms of the standard or quality of life ). I agree with Cory 100% im English myself but i really hate living near London the people are violent , too many are on very serious drugs or are junkies and again i agree you cant walk the streets at night safely , In my situation im a transgender woman and too many men in the UK have very homophobic views towards people like me , ive been abused and beaten up in my past and i really just want out of this country now as i am a hard working woman i dont sponge or claim benefits and can live independently in any country as long as im accepted by the local community , I think i will move to Denmark as there people are civilised unlike the UK where they seem to be stuck in the 1950s. Where can you be yourself? To be honest, the Brexit vote is hardly surprising, knowing the British people as I know now. Wow, this was an incredibly interesting read. [17] The Guardian in 2011 identified issues stemming from the use of the terms "hoodies" and "chav" within the mass media, which had led to age discrimination as a result of mass media-created stereotypes. Like many new and unexplored places, it needs to be protected from abuse (rise in properly prices, too much tourism and so forth). Now it's obsessed with 'poverty' (can't afford food but can fags and false nails) and banal debates about identity. Hi Katie, thank you for your comment. Thank you so much for writing this. Nevertheless, I wanted to tell the world what is going on and why we honestly wanted to leave the country. You said in an earlier post Abu Dhabi was fascinating. Although, sometimes, we do miss having a good old pint with our mates :). You can rent a PO box for your business and move it there. I believe it is a feature of geography. Perhaps you can tie a flag to it and wave it around for the amusement of your 'patriotic' peers. [4] In Newfoundland, "skeet" is used in a similar way,[5] while in Australia, "eshay" or "adlay" is used. Countries like Japan are very friendly to tourists of course, but they would never let foreigners rise to a high level in politics or business. UK for years has failed to create policies to protect its border, its benefits and health system to be abused by anyone and everyone. Lol, they have direct access to private healthcare through their kids' corporate jobs. There are so many digital nomad jobs so you don't need to live in London anymore. You saying Italians and Greeks will never 'tick' the same as Germans, Austrians, and Dutch but do you even have a friend from Italy and Greece? I've been an expat but tbh happy to call myself immigrant too (as I once was to Britain as a 2yr old!). I can't help but share your sentiment. Many people don't have a voice but you gave them a voice. Some of the comments are impressively candid behind a computer screen. We lived in Bristol, Bob. Walnut honey cakes. We gave more money in international aid to poor countries than the all the EU combined and only second in the world after the US, and yet people still complain we are mean spirited and vote us at the lowest in Eurovision Britain is a beacon for generosity and immigrants. God help us. Brexit will force the country to develop the regions and become less dependent on London, which in turn will reduce the pressure on housing in the South-East. Maybe not your cup of tea. But the point is I don't feel British any more and I know a lot of people who feel the same. Thank you for your message. Rest assured, we are doing wonderful. Something has happened here, and its not a good thing. thankyou for making me laugh ; that 5minutes of laughter was more valuable than 1000 holidays in the sun. chav definition: 1. an insulting word for someone, usually a young person, whose way of dressing, speaking, and. Englanders are sad, fragile little people who hate to see foreigners or people who look different to them, thrive. Iceland is meant to be a very expensive place to live but in Reykjavik I worked 30 hours a week in a minimum wage job, payed my rent, bills, transport and food and still had more than half of my wages left over! Celebrity fixated zombie population. Over half the worlds patented inventions are British. Not to say travel in the UK was so expensive, not to mention living there. We were the sick man of Europe in the Benn days, but now we continue to have the lowest unemployment levels in Europe, even after Brexit. Sorry for the delay in getting back to you. It is used in envy by the lily livered, privileged, pale, besuited bank clerk who sees people dressed up to the nines and going to the West End." It's no. I guess Einstein was right after all..only two things are infiniteyou know the saying As we were already British citizens, we too participate in the vote and yes, we voted "stay" in case you were wondering. I could see where things were headed and at the time I was a social worker. Overcrowded and filling rapidly with alien cultures hostile to their host. The one you get to see as an outsider and the one you experience once you are on the inside. I moved to London 6 months ago from another wealthy Western European country, in search of better work opportunities, to further my career and basically to build a life. Great read, I stayed for a year in the UK and like reading your honest perspective on things after 10 years. I even learned the slang, so I feel one of "them". Well, if you are going to Japan things won't be easy there is much more difficult to integrate in Japan than UK, you are really targeting difficult countries, but is your choice. My eyes *roll* when White EU Nationals scream racism when British people call them out for treating their country like a hotel (with many paying hostel rates). Or? Romania is a beautiful country. A 2006 survey by YouGov suggested 70% of TV industry professionals believed that Vicky Pollard was an accurate reflection of white working-class youth. Most UK people are welcoming so please don't group us all together. How's that the EU's fault. I am searching for my sunny home You should visit Ghana if you can hot and amazing. -Culture- WHAT EXACTLY ? We are now in Portugal and we miss the prices for groceries in the UK BUT with everything, life is still such much cheaper here. Oooh believe me! There are a lot of good things about this island. Perhaps! Now back to Italy and relaxed. brother and sister are also in Uk .,, Immigrants are the people who are willing to give up their rights, liberties and cultures, in order to work for the sake of your government, your country, your society and your benefits. I was stunned by Brexit and very sad as well, it foreshadowed the US elections. [20], In a February 2005 article in The Times, Julie Burchill argued that use of the word is a form of "social racism", and that such "sneering" reveals more about the shortcomings of the "chav-haters" than those of their supposed victims. People today in Britain are upset at the uncontrolled immigration. I live in Argentina, and as an EU citizen, I'm planning on moving to the UK before March 29, Brexit tentative date, looking for new opportunities for me. Throughout the years, I lived a relatively calm and happy life. However, now I want to start my own business and freelance, and I definitely see the benefits of the UK in this regard. We are all ashamed of people like Hector and we wish they would become obsolete. Hi Sarah, we are super excited about our move. That's not on the membership, it's on the UK's political priorities and mistakes, which are then, in turn, blamed on the EU. The appalling racism, the hateful attitudes to foreigners, how difficult it is to find a (permanent, full-time) job, the unjust visa system - all of it is so difficult. No, they make a very fair point. Ive lived here all my life, 40 years. we enjoyed our Jobs Foreigners cant even buy a house in New Zealand anymore. Not all immigrants and migrants are equal in their eyes. Not likely to anyway. Same for BritainI left the UK because I wanted a better life for myself. Alas, we did it! Firstly may I compliment a well written and fascinating article! You have NO IDEA that you have written exactly what I feel. Yet, almost 9 Million (!) The nationalistic movement in the western world is unacceptable and it is far too easy for politicians to get away with pointing the finger at easy scapegoats while they fuel their own selfish agenda with taxpayer money. It has been the sheer scale of.people that have come and changed the original culture and landscape of the working world in the uk. Many of them, in fact. I believe it is a feature of geography. The difference here is that a small number of bigoted people are using racist rhetoric to manipulate the masses. Half the British population has been gamed into voting against the interests of the country by an alliance of convenience between ultra-right wing fringe elements and Putin's 'interesting' approach to geopolitics. How people can be close-minded in their views of the world. Because they read too much of the Daily Mail and have come to believe that Mohammad who owns the corner shop and Sunita who works in the local Indian aren't law-abiding, hard-working citizens but terrorists, despite having lived here longer than some of us have been alive! These problems in the UK will change perhaps in 300 years, we cannot wait. What an awesome post! The difference in skin color, the way of dressing or religion is something that attract a lot of atenttion, there are very very different people living in the same country. Ie. Is thr UK a good place to live? I really appreciate your explanation and I am truly glad to hear an argument from the other side of the debate. Lets forget the Europeans for a minute , delusional Brits think as an Indian I must find the UK to be a paradise but I absolutely HATE it. Well done!! The UK hasn't had to pay for their education and they are not responsible for them until they become Brits. That's a really nice and honest article. Thank you for addressing that question bravely, truthfully and directly and may you and your partner have lots of luck and joy in finding your place in this world. White Europeans cannot understand racism, and ought to go figure on their home countries. -Privacy rights- Non existent in reality. We just made positive gains as a society in how we viewed foreigners role within our society and gradually people became less extreme. I dont think British food even begins to compare, and I actually like some British food. After the Brexit shock, more and more Brits are looking to move away from the UK. I just could not understand why the land of my dreams was not working for me. They enjoy free movement and actually, the vast majority don't have full-time jobs in the country of residency. Nowerdays Yorkshire basks under its former glory as a manufacturing giant where closed mills are abandoned and left to rot or have been converted to high end luxury flats, some have even been pulled down and I find that sad because when these mills and mines are a fine example of being self sufficant - something that this country can do on a massive scale. Stories of betrayal. [12] This is widely regarded as a backronym. The word "chav", and its various synonyms and regional variations, has become a ubiquitous term of abuse for white working class subjects. No life. They say they hate the French, but its not French immigrants they have an issue with. Britain is awful for people born British too x. Whilst I agree with 90% of this article I dont believe that the.majority of people in Britain are racist. The problem with Britain is that it bends over backwards too much, and does not do enough - paradoxically, at the same time. We came third in the Olympics. I found it. Do you honestly think ALlL Brits think Britain is great and we are living in some utopia? There were very few British born citizens working those jobs, and it's because very few British born citizens can go beyond the thinking that working in a fast food chain or as a cleaner or in a call centre for minimum wage is below them. The one that had the vote or the ones that didnt get the chance? Reading this gave me a peace of mind. [15], In a case where a teenage woman was barred from her own home under the terms of an anti-social behaviour order in 2005, some British national newspapers branded her "the real-life Vicky Pollard" with the Daily Star running headlines reading, "Good riddance to chav scum: real life Vicky Pollard evicted",[16] both referring to a BBC comedy character (see In the media below). Its over ambitious maybe. The weather can be a bit daunting, right? We know their views, arguments are thoughts are expired. For a while, it didn't bother me, until one day, I got rejected after a two-week job trial. Thank you for doing the right thing when it's easier to stay quiet. HR Recruiters in this country care more that you still got GCSE qualifications than the vast amount of knowledge and experience you've picked up after fucking primary school. Ridiculously so in comparison to other countries, and that is the problem. London has more recognised international communities than New York. You say your family is with you, if nothing else, I hope that offers you the comfort you need to have a decent life. Thank you for writing this article, it is absolutely spot on and details my feelings on living in the UK to a tee. It.has been sad to see the decline of the uk. It's not true about the weather at all! :) I did like Lisbon, but I, for example, found it too noisy for my liking. But its like I've always maintained since the vote happened is that lots of people voted Brexit for many complex reasons. I want to thank you from all my heart that you took the time to tell us we are welcome. I checked some pictures and it looks sooo beautiful! The mess that UK is today is due to the failed policies of successive governments. Im not alone. Young people find it just as hard to get onto the property ladder there, and by the way, they dont appreciate digital nomads with UK salaries pushing up the prices of accommodation. I must also take a moment to express my gratitude towards your concern for my wellbeing. Whether you do OK or not, in the long run, is very much open to debate. Let's see what food Bucharest is known for - hmmm, stuffed cabbage, Ciorba de burta (tripe soup) and roasted eggplant salad. In modern Britain, the working class has become an object of fear and ridicule. Thank you, Karin. To my mind, Britain is the biggest dump in Europe. I think I have officially reached the point of depression due to the rain and I am absolutely desperate to leave. Its all about perspective I guess. You, Philip de Bose, are a piece of sh*t. Ah, yeah and we probably have more teeth than you, you snivelling little turd. The economy is still favourite for young entrepreneurs, hungry consumerists and investors. [31] The BBC comedy series Little Britain features the character Vicky Pollard (portrayed by Matt Lucas), a parody of a teenage female chav. The people are very filthy, rarely bathe nor brush their teeth. I was born and bred in England, and have travelled extensively but never lived outside of the UK, and I absolutely hate it here now. We called it our long honeymoon. The British summer is terribly wet and cold. It's now a joy going to the restaurant, visiting a local fish and chips and trying new cuisines. Get a grip! Britain is a small island and we value our green space, which has been eroded over the years through over development. You can't compare the average salary with the average rent in a normal or even expensive area. Education is in a terrible state in the UK. It's proven that immigration is a totally positive thing for a country, and historically immigrants have contributed FAR more than they have received. I don't know anymore. We have some of the best sports in the world, Wimbledon and the Premiership for example. I'm a foreigner myself, living in the UK and have not encountered ANY racism at all yet. "What British culture?" It wasn't all bells and whistles because it took me jumping through a lot of hoops to be able to obtain what back then was called a Yellow Card. Switzerland recently voted to restrict Islamic mosques. Also the people respect all the transit rules, in England the streets are very neater, on the contrary in Chile they`re full of traffic and disorder. Omg what a nasty angry post..you really do hate yourself don't you? That sums it up. Its a hard working and ambitious country, which is not for everyone. [9][10] By 2005 the term had become widespread in its use as to refer to a type of anti-social, uncultured youth, who wear excessive flashy jewellery, white athletic shoes, baseball caps, and sham designer clothes. Portugal is fantastic, and Morocco and Albania? Im scared for the future of my children and have never been so ashamed to be british! I found it very difficult to make friends in London. You can always visit though. Are you feeling excited about moving around a bit more? With my partner we feel the same and are struggling with hate/ underestimation and xenophobia in London for a long time. But in reality, I stopped feeling safe in the UK a few months ago, when people started assaulting immigrants in the street. Here I am, ten years later, puzzled by the same question. I heard the US is a wonderful country and despite its issues, if it makes you feel like home, then it is home. The largest group of expats now globally are probably professional Indians, to the UK or other countries. It's interesting. It was really interesting to read this from another perspective. In fact, it should be illegal to pay for medical care in ANY country in the world. Fantastic article. By the sound of things, we have improved immeasurably as a country if you've left. In all my years in the UK I never paid for a taxi in London because I could not afford it yet in Cairo I can go for a half an hour taxi ride and pay under 3. London is the 6th Most Michelin Starred city in the world, higher than Hong Kong or Barcelona. Its sad what is happening with the world today. I now live full-time in Germany and just enjoy the lifestyle better. Or how we enjoyed some seriously nice Italian meal. And the people that think this is OK: well they are next, eventually; when they figure out what is going on and decide to fight back themselves. No school for my kids.. All too expensive. I'm a british born and bred caribbean, I left this country around the age of 19 ad travelled to many places during my youth, portugal, spain, France, Greece, USAalot of places. On the other hand education and public health work much better than in Chile, this is very good because people can access good services regardless of their economic situation. I expected common decency, nice people, reasonable food , good housing, trustworthy politics and decent weather. You cant have all the decisions go your way. We've left again. Mass immigration destroys societies, creates division and problems, immigration of few people and more controlled, where only the best can become English is what UK has to do. Very interesting! Its beautiful countryside and theres good aspects to living here .. but the country sucks the life out of you eventually and you end up feeling grey and worn out just like the weather. There are a lot of benefits to having so much rain in the UK. As a former UK resident, I understand your position. I always strive to do better. This is sad. The Algarve, however, excellent place in Portugal. Hi Brian, thank you for your insightful message. The government is doing nothing to keep this in check, and it has become "salonfhig" to be openly racist. If they could choose their nationality before they were born, many would like to be English. Politically, we are also one of the best countries in the world. 2. We would love to try and live in the UAE. Macron says the French would vote to leave the EU if they had the chance and Italy is more anti-EU than the UK. That is what Brexit is all about: fighting back against this invasion. 'Re never gon na understand me scale of.people that have come and changed the original culture landscape. Tits off less extreme am searching for my sunny home you should visit Ghana if you 've left is... This is widely regarded as a country if you 've left is not for everyone any! 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Coffield Unit Mugshots, Articles E