Because your thoughts are fear-based, its important not to avoid them. Hey, Im not OP but I obsess a lot if I had a breakdown relating to my theme and blurted out things I didnt do on the internet or forums because I may have lost control of myself and forgot. So if you're fearing jail, watch YT videos about jail, look at riots about being in jail or vividly write a paragraph or two of imaginal exposure, talking about your worst prison related fears. If you fear that you may have OCD, its best to visit your primary caregiver and seek treatment. In truth your fear is equally unjustified as someone who washes their hands 20 times instead of once. I worked on shuting this thoghts for days and just one analitical article returned all this fear and obsession. That's a shame, Richard. Checking? Apart from getting help from lawyers and deleting posts, what else do you do to relieve the anxiety? Better to not want to kill or maim, but sometimes not acting on thoughts is the best we can shoot for. And I will be even more scared. I was off the entire winter again with a lot of time to overthink and worry. WebIt is important to understand that OCD can make a person uncertain about the most basic things that they think, see, hear, touch, or experience otherwise. It's said that OCD usually kicks off when we start dedicating too much attention to too our intrusive thoghts. If someone decides to do something wrong that is illegal, abandon them. It might, or it might not be the case. Even if you get temporary relief the doubt (and fear) always returns soon after. No amount of reassurance will ever satisfy an unrealistic fear. Though I don`t get how to draw the line between realistic fears and unrealistic. Maybe you can teach her about treating OCD! We dont want to give Like what if The goal of this article is to provide a simple framework for beginning to see the coherency in these symptoms. However intrusive your thoughts may seem at times, its important to remember that you may not have OCD. Do you ever fear losing control? I am down 24/7 because my brain keeps telling me that nothing matters, since I am eventually going to prison and my future will be ruined. That's a tough go, sorry that's happening to you. But in the case of those with OCD, these thoughts can be very paralyzing. I asked to delete the video with me and the Youtube channel agreed. If you or someone you know is contemplating suicide, please do not hesitate to talk to someone. I don`t get why medication is not working properly, why I can`t get rid of this "swarm of fear thoughts", The thing is that my psychiatrist believes that OCD is only part of the story and that in general I have a shizotipical disorder. Now, youll want to pay close attention to these thoughts. Even if this possibility were real, how should I behave? Im insanely nervous around police, and I have never committed a crime, I have police in the extended family, and I dated a police officer. In reality the fear is blown up out of proportion and whatever it is that scares you is very unlikely to happen. The good news is that once you stop trying to get certainty through reassurance the anxiety does go away. She means that I am not ready to public speaking atthe moment and that I should abstain from it since the act of public speaking leads to me later re-watching videos, micro-analyzing my words (seeking criminal meaning in them) and paying momey to lawyers. I had an amazing, beautiful girlfriend who was very supportive that I did not live with at the time. Furthermore, as time goes by, they may not remember what they were so afraid of (if they ever even knew). People: They are surrounded by other prisoners who may be unpredictable and of violent character or behavior; this creates fear leading to anxiety. I visited Youtube channel that often criticises Kremlin. How your mind keeps going over it, churning. It helps. It really helps. My doc says that my OCD is a symptom of more general shizotypical disorder and so meds are more important than anything I tried everything to get rid of the depression and just deal with the jobs. Please read below for more information and resources about about OCD and the subreddit. And realize that my fear wasn't all that real. As this article mentions in the previous sections, constantly fearing getting OCD may develop into the condition. 1. Good luck, and ask if you have specific questions. Same with you, wanting to go and ask the secret services for reassurance only maintains your belief that getting jailed is a likely outcome of this. In OCD the thing we fear always seems very real and very likely to happen unless we do the compulsions to stop it. The best I can do is to go by my therapist's word that I've done no wrong, and that the "victim" seems to be fine and even told methat I've no need to apologize. Every person with OCD believes 'the problem is' and says their fear really can happen. My sister is a Poli sci grad student and we live together. OCD/Anxiety/Fear of prison and Hell. Once you've identified your compulsions you need to practise NOT doing them when the scary thoughts come to you. I went through this and even went so far as to consulting a lawyer, even though it was all completely based in delusion. Only time helps honestly. These intrusive thoughts can latch themselves onto anything you may consider valuable, including real-life events. WebFear of doing something illegal and going to jail Something that I can't get out of my head is the fear that I might go to jail because of doing something illegal by accident. I need some replies. I don`t get why medication is not working properly, why I can`t get rid of this "swarm of fear thoughts" The thing is that my People with OCD are afraid of making a mistake that they cant take back, one that would lead them to experience their most feared emotional state forever. Finding a lump on your testicle definitely requires a visit to the doctor to get it checked out. I realize that in UK and US CBT is a dominant school. I used to also think the same about suicide - in so much as I'll end up taking my own life. Yes! Do not copy or redistribute in any form! Never asked for it but never stopped it either. I told the doctors my story and they diagnosed me with OCD/Ruminating Thoughts. And though I position myself as "pro-Kremlin expert" (though I try to remain as much scientist as possible), I still fear this scenario much. ALL of my obsessions are about either getting sued, going to jail or accidentally making someone else go to jail. I was terrified I was going to jail and they'd throw away the key. Anyway, whether or not I can be punished, I can't seem to get rid of the feeling that I should be punished for possibly having bad thoughts as a 9 year old child. It may be physical or mental rituals such as thinking neutralizing thoughts, counting, checking the house is locked and safe (to stop the police breaking in easily) or it could be something specific to you that helps you feel safe. There have been several times in the last few months where friends would suggest we do something soon and I think, "Well I'll be in prison by then so what does it matter?" I can`t totally discard probabilty of secret services knocking my door tomorrow. I have a huge fear my children will be taken away. How to Be More Aware of Your Surroundings? December 27, 2020 in Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD). (I know its wrong and understand the severity) I had to go to court and everything. The next step is attempting to stop taking these thoughts personally. You need to see this as OCD. Im rambling. It's easy! Privet Richard. (My attempt at 'hello' in Russian!) In OCD the thing we fear always seems very real and very likely to happen unless we do the comp As you get better at facing your anxiety and not giving in to compulsions you can reintroduce these activities to your life. Common obsessions are: A strong fixation with dirt or germs Repeated doubts (for example, about having turned off the stove) A need to have things in a very specific is there any good resources about self-help with OCD online? My New Year is ruined ( I tried to get better jobs but either realized I was to dumb or didnt have the qualifications. They may have some of the same treatment options. Sometimes, people confuse the fear of going to jail with OCD with a phobia. My girlfriend gave me a second chance and I started making it up to her things were going okay for a while but the drugs have made it impossible to function and have a normal life and I cant take it anymore. I recently visited Youtube channel wich is opposite towards Kremlin. But you have to take a leap of faith and stop looking for any kind of reassurance for a while to get there. Do you cave in and change what youre doing or do you go ahead and do it anyway? That means when those thoughts come up, instead of ruminating, just say, You know, I cant be certain about what will happen. By talks I mean the process of psychitherapy. Real Event- Fear of Jail Real Event- Fear of Jail By ivleo February 17, 2022 in Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) Followers 1 ivleo Bulletin Board User 3 I used to work very intense construction labor jobs with shitty pay carrying shingles, bricks, basically anything heavy. I always play out scenarios where I might have done something illegal on accident (going a bit over speed limit, messing up on paperwork, etc.) * Sometimes this requires teaching them how to exercise control (e.g., how to stop ruminating). The meds were working but making me feel so fatigued I wasnt able to function. Finally I read the news that Robert Kraft was in trouble for doing what I did and I thought that I was going to go to jail. The Extra thing only happened twice out of all of these visits. Reasoning does not help control the obsessions. Not even just about law enforcement, if something ever happens where I feel someone might ask me about my side of the story I would have a checklist in my head of things to go over when speaking to them. Accepting these thoughts will help you understand your fears better as well. Most people have this fear despite committing no crimes. Dates on a calendar don't mean anything good or bad. I realized that some obsessions may be to hard to shake of because you have already done a lot of compulsions that they require or because they are for some reason particulary stressful especially for me. These fears can be intense, even if you have nothing wrong. I eventually came clean to my girlfriend because obviously she knew something was wrong and went back to live with my mom. Could you buy one for delivery to Russia, or download an e-book online? It was awful. If youre experiencing intrusive thoughts, the best thing to do is to accept these thoughts. My brain swears "they" are coming for me. You know it's an OCD (unrealistic) fear when checking it out and getting reassurance still leaves you feeling doubtful. The fear of ending up in jail is common among people with OCD. Secondly, the compulsions can be dangerous. If you afraid of cancer, you can visit doctor and search for cancer. I understand sometimes people really do get jailed in Russia for their political views, but ask someone with fears of bacteria and they'll say the likelihood of illness is real, people with responsibility fears will say they 'should' feel responsible and so on. what ifshe was in denial and finallysnapped , what if she finally remembered things that I couldn't remember) and decided to press charges? Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder message board, open discussion, and online support group. Then, because Ive been somehow immoral, I will get prosecuted for something and go to jail. Fear of acting out may be most prevalent in the following obsessions: Aggression - thoughts of harming others or of harming oneself Sexuality - thoughts of changing orientation or of engaging in unwanted sexual behaviors Religion - thoughts of violating religious rules Morality - thoughts of engaging in immoral behavior This Is Where NOT LOOKING FOR SYMPATHY. It is extremly big. However "police arresting you for expression of opinion" is not something what is unheard of. The thing is, that you can recover from OCD and medicine is not a necessity to do so. Ive switched the doses and Im down to 50mg every other day and I still have crazy fatigue. Study the law, learn about scams and stuff so you will never ever fall under a victim or get in trouble because of ignorance of the law. I've been down that rabbit hole and it only gets worse and worse with more and more numbers becoming "bad" and harder to avoid. Use your support system and let them know what you might be going through. Im about to lose my job, my girlfriend and my dog because of this and I need help. A subreddit dedicated to discussion, articles, and support regarding OCD. WebPeople with OCD are afraid of making a mistake that they cant take back, one that would lead them to experience their most feared emotional state forever. I tried and failed multiple times and eventually got a really good streak going. Obsessions are unfounded thoughts, fears, or worries. The anxiety riding, how you become fixated on this thing. For example, both conditions are characterized by intense irrational fear. You say you are taking drugs and have been offered more drug treatment in hospital, but drugs alone will not cure OCD. It comes like a feeling. Back when I was a kid, the shcool I was at recently had a load of new buildings completed and we had the queen coming to officially open the building. Fear of rejection and judgement from society We strongly believe that other people having a negative opinion of us is the worst feeling ever. But in Russia you can get jailed for justification of terrorism, I don`t think that I justified it - I never said it`s OK to blow up things and spread terror - I just explained it from political science standpoint. Lol, thanks OCD. I'd just go ahead and keep your I think that it depends on the subjetive experience you're having due to these thoughts. If you would like to receive an email when new content is available, please enter your email: Dr. Michael J. Greenberg, All rights reserved 2023. It could also result from breaking the law knowingly or unknowingly and resulting in jail time. I, in my infinite childhood wisdom, thought it would be hilarious to bring a laser pen to school with me that day, despite it being on the wideley circulated list of items we were explicitly told to not bring that day. OCD obsessions are repeated, persistent and unwanted thoughts, urges or images that are intrusive and cause distress or anxiety. To be honest, I am even sometimes thinking of commiting suicide as a means to end this constant anxiety. I do my best to still make these plans to not strengthen these thoughts. WebIt's going to take hard work every single day. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts, Should none of these techniques work for you, therapy is the best alternative. I visited one of these places got an awesome massage and the Extra thing. We`ve been discussing methods in political science and I mentioned that rational choice paradigm can explain terrorism and portrays terrirists as rational actors. I wrote a more detailed response to OP on this same thread and I'd recommend giving it a once over. I was conducting I private lesson via Whatsapp to one girl. A program offers compassion, empathy and they are being treated as a human being. But there are many causes of testicular lumps, so although its natural to fear cancer until the doctor has assessed it it's unrealistic to assume the lump has to be cancer or to continue to worry once it's been checked out. A smaller cohort of individuals with OCD, may also experience social anxiety. I've mostly gotten over it now just by continuously reminding myself I'm doing nothing wrong. You have to accept your fear is out of proportion to reality and that reassurance seeking and other compulsions (asking lawyers, checking youtube, deleting things) is what keeps the fear active. And most of the things on that list I was like 15 and didnt know better, but Ive just accumulated so much guilt and fear I guess I assume the worst will come of everything. The only problem is that in Russia you really can be jailed for political views. Im working on realising this and letting go, accepting im not in control and it may happen it may not, but I dont need to focus on it now. Why not talk to your therapist about the 4 steps? That's a shame, Richard. I have no doubt CBT would help you, it's even used to help schizoid disorders quite commonly now. But if theerapy isn't on Wholesomealive is an online healthcare media publishing website. I CHOSE TO DO THESE THINGS. Then I catch myself and get so distressed about magical thinking. Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is a mental health condition where you experience obsessive often uncontrollable anxious thoughts with frequent compulsions in response to those thoughts. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. I try to avoid weapons or dangerous objects that I could harm myself with. ), what they really fear the most is the emotional state they associate with that event, and their actual worst fear would be experiencing that emotional state forever. It is around constantly. I said nothig against Kremlin, but I can`t stop microanalyzing my words. I have run They need to accept their fear is out of proportion to reality and stop seeking reassurance. Force yourself to go through with it, please. I also have always been afraid of law enforcement unnecessary. Sign up for a new account in our community. Always on the run from the police and whatnot. I also feel a lot of guilt over things I may have done. I get severe anxiety whenever I'm around the police. I have no doubt CBT would help you, it's even used to help schizoid disorders quite commonly now. I live in the UK. The headline might just have well have said, Killer has brown eyes.. It doesnt have to mean that something has gone wrong in your nervous system. I try to tell myself the fear spiral is NOT the obsession or the problem, but rather the OCD desperate for absolute certainty in an uncertain world. Fast forward about a year I was living with my girlfriend in her house and we just bought a dog and I had a decent job working at an asphalt plant making better money and not killing myself everyday, things were okay. Do you ask yourself a lot of what ifs? My obsessions revolve are harm, so fear of doing something bad or illegal resonates with me. Its the worst. Those are just 24 hour periods with an arbitrary number assigned to them. Medication (neuroleptics) is not working on me at all - I tried lots of different neureleptics. But perhaps the worst part of OCD is this feeling of total powerlessness to exert any control over them. These thoughts will likely happen anyway. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. I KNOW IM AN AWFUL PERSON I JUST NEED HELP SO I CAN MAKE THIS RIGHT. The intense intrusive thoughts of OCD can be crippling and interfere with your day-to-day work. This will make you very anxious at first, but the more you can resist doing compulsions the faster the anxiety will go. I often have intrusive thoughts about harming/killing myself, so much so that I have attempted it this past summer. Like Ill catch myself defending myself in my head against people that arent even real lol. Your worries could stem from an external cause that is registered subconsciously in your brain. (My attempt at 'hello' in Russian!). "Please go find matching socks so people don't think we're neglecting you.". Is the event real or imagined? Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. They may begin with hints of truth, which is why they can be so alluring and grab attention fast. I am scared for the whole week and I need support and ideas how can I cope. I am deeply ashamed of what Ive done (it happened 3 or 4 years ago), and I recognise that, although I was a clueless teenager, I did something extremely stupid. Just make sure when it happens to not check for reassurance like going back to the spot or inspecting your car because for me by coconutjam82 Thu Feb 18, 2016 8:31 am, by coconutjam82 Fri Feb 19, 2016 2:31 am, by coconutjam82 Sun Feb 21, 2016 2:18 am, by coconutjam82 Sun Feb 21, 2016 10:51 am, by sillycaterpillar89 Thu Apr 07, 2016 2:16 am, by eightpencils Tue Apr 12, 2016 7:52 pm, Return to Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) Forum, Users browsing this forum: No registered users and 36 guests. You need to understand why these thoughts are disturbing you in the first place. I still sometimes think I'll end up in prison for some reason. Xanox and sort of. But if theerapy isn't on offer then all you can do is read the self-help books and try to apply it as best you can yourself. Do they help with OCD? Yeah, I've found that jail thoughts can't really be logically defeated. My therapist believes that CBT is not for me. And Im willing to curb it. Ive had all sorts of themes, so I unfortunately have suffered quite a bit. so they know how severe things are and can help you work out possible options; even if the other meds are worse, there might be things they can do to adjust your current meds/reduce side effects/etc. Or something else? Fear of going to jail OCD describes an irrational fear of going to jail. They will no longer seem threatening and lose meaning once you acknowledge them. Ive asked my best friend and my dad about it, and they said that nothing will happen, but I am still ruminating. And longest. Fear of going to jail also seems to be a common complaint about people with OCD. But first, this section highlights a few strategies that might help you lessen your OCD fear of going to jail and other sorts of fears, too. Fear-obsessive Thoughts Of Going To Prison? In many forums, people seek help and ask if what they feel is normal. Ask our community of thousands of members your health questions, and learn from others experiences. Keep reminding yourself that you can in fact commit these crimes and go to jail. Again they are going through an adjustment to a new norm. I can`t abstain from reading this because I am a professor of polittical science(, I am just tired of constant fear. And support regarding OCD law knowingly or unknowingly and resulting in jail is common among people with OCD, important... A lot of guilt over things I may have some fear of going to jail ocd the same about -. Intense, even though it was all completely based in delusion and getting reassurance still leaves feeling! Just have well have said, Killer has brown eyes disturbing you in the of... Intense intrusive thoughts about harming/killing myself, so fear of going to jail need help so I unfortunately have quite... I had to go through with it, churning ( if they ever knew! 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