CORRECT: The roll call of faith is found in Hebrews 11. Johnson has thrown five quality innings, allowing one run while striking out eight batters. 8 CORRECT: His defense of justification was completely justifiable. Saint/ St. I guess now I am wondering about "the body and blood of Christ"Would "body" and "blood" be capitalized? When terms denoting family relationships are used as proper nouns (as names), they are capitalized.However, when the terms are used as common nouns (not as names), theyre not capitalized. What are the two applications of bifilar suspension? Examples: My/Our God. Apostolic Vicariate of Kuwait. But we'd suggest only capitalizing such words if it serves a specific purpose, like with the "Word of God" referring to Logos rather than our everyday definition of "word.". The same applies to "epistles," as you could refer to the "Epistles of Paul" as a collective name for those books of the Bible, or refer more generically to the "Pauline epistles." For instance, we would capitalize Catholic in the Catholic Church. But catholic can also mean all-embracing. And we would not use a capital C to write about someone with interests in a range of seemingly unrelated things (i.e., someone with catholic tastes). Hi, Marcia. So if you were referring to gods and goddesses in general, or any god or goddess where god is not part of their name, you would need to use a lower case g instead: Prior to Christianization, the Anglo Saxons worshipped the Germanic gods and goddesses, including ostre, the goddess of the dawn and spring. 2. WebHow to capitalize words in Microsoft Word. Although this may seem out of the norm, you would want to capitalize the name of the person you are addressing. There is room for flexibility here in some cases, though. Your writing, at its best Hi, Jeremy. scripture/ the scriptures/ scriptural, I.religious events, concepts and doctrines. CORRECT: The Synod of the Christian Reformed Church, aka Synod 2006, met in the Calvin Fine Arts Center this year, debated and voted on some stuff. If youre referring to the concept found in the Protestant Church, this isnt normally capitalized or enclosed in quotation marks, but its worth checking if youre writing for a religious institution or using a particular style guide, as they may have their own preferences. We offer some general guidelines in this post, but there is plenty of scope for variation in creative writing. "Christened" is a verb, so it would only be capitalized at the start of a sentence. That means you should lowercase articles. Following are the names and abbreviations of some common Bible versions: Capitalize biblically based and other religious events, such as the Creation, the Crucifixion, the Exodus, the Flood, the Resurrection, the Second Coming. Understand the game. Hi, Anna. Hi, Jared. Lowercase, however, when using these terms generically. Texas would appear to have the pitching advantage. For instance, articles (the, an, and a) are lowercase. WebOn the canonical age for confirmation in the Latin or Western Catholic Church, the present (1983) Code of Canon Law, which maintains unaltered the rule in the 1917 Code, specifies archbishop/ bishop WebSection 174 changes applicable in 2022. However the church is not capitalised when youre simply referring to a building rather than to the institution itself. Why is the article "the" used in "He invented THE slide rule"? Capitalize, but do not italicize, the names of Bible versions spelled out in text. Fenty. Grammarly can check your spelling and save you from grammar and punctuation mistakes. CORRECT: I dont think Calvinistical is a word, but Websters includes "Calvinistically.. INCORRECT: Though always Reforming, he knew how to relax, too. Lowercaselordshipor other adjectival references. 2. How to capitalize sentences in Microsoft Word. You also need to capitalize all words that are part of a hyphenated compound. Is email scraping still a thing for spammers. Were happy to answer questions any time. A teacher walks into the Classroom and says If only Yesterday was Tomorrow Today would have been a Saturday Which Day did the Teacher make this Statement? CORRECT: He didnt have sufficient biblical evidence for his supposition, though he did reference two fairly long Bible verses. I'm voting to close as Primarily Opinion-Based, on the grounds that 6 out of the full OED's 12 example citations are capitalised, but. When the quotation is cited in running text, cite the abbreviated name of the book from which the reference comes, the numbers for the reference and the abbreviated name of the Bible version used, as follows: book, chapter and verse, version. Webnoun 1 a : the general direction between south and east b : the point midway between the south and east compass points 2 capitalized : regions or countries lying to the southeast Heres a tip: Want to make sure your writing shines? What are the disadvantages of a clapper bridge? Is the word "Book" capitalized? Hi, Anthony. 1. 5,242 Sq. What are examples of software that may be seriously affected by a time jump? WebConfirmation In the Sacrament of Confirmation, the baptized person is"sealed with the gift of the Holy Spirit" and is strengthened for service to the Body of Christ. it is the first word of the title. Apocrypha/ apocryphal Thank you. Proper nouns should always be 2. Reverendis both a title and an adjective, and the proper form of the address includes the articlethepreceding the title. This would fall under the general category of reverential capitalization, but there are no universal rules for this. Lowercase the names of religious services and rites. 7 I'm not sure there's a reason to capitalize "name" there if you're not capitalizing the other words, but I might just be missing something. When using the terms "Sister", "Postulants", and "Novices" as an Eligible Individual in a Health Plan Document, are they considered proper nouns? Usage of Christian and other religious terminology. And if you really want to capitalize those terms as a mark of respect for their liturgical significance (and there's no chance capitalization could lead to a lack of clarity for whatever reason), then feel free to do so. Hi, Melody. To some extent it is a matter of personal preference (assuming you're not using a specific style guide), but it would be unusual to capitalize adjectives or other modifiers. 3. As noted in this post, the only things you should always capitalize are proper names (e.g., words that refer to a unique person, deity, or thing, such as "God," "Bible" and the names of books of the Bible, names of festivals like "Passover," names of people and places). I've never done this, but it just came up and I couldn't say for sure. "Then he received the sacrament of Confirmation.". This webcast may contain forward-looking statements about, among other things, our anticipated operating and financial performance, reorganizations, business plans and prospects; expectations for our product pipeline, in-line products and product candidates, including anticipated regulatory submissions, data read-outs, study starts, Use Arabic (1, 2, 3) rather than Roman (I, II, III) numerals in all Bible references. As used in theseTerms and Conditions of Sale , eachof the fo llowing capitalized terms shall ve the ha meaning ascribed to such term in this Section. By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. Depending on the message, one or two short paragraphs are usually enough. Hi, Brandy. If there is no hard rule in the language, this is the precise, not OB answer. 2. Hi, Amy. 4 Lowercase a religious title when it stands alone, when it follows the name or when it is used as a job description. Bible versions Johnson has thrown five quality innings, allowing one run while striking out eight batters. 4. WebThe confirmation of an account payable balance selected from the general ledger provides primary evidence regarding which management assertion? CORRECT: Seeing then that we have a great high priest, that is passed into the heavens, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold fast our profession. a character says the following, is lord capitalized or not? Thus, it would be wrong to say they need to be capitalized as standard. Cf the adjectives Christian or Protestant. CORRECT: The Saint Bernard traveled from St. Louis to St. Paul, tracking its owners to their new home. A. Completeness B. Valuation C. Allocation D. Existence d 5. When using the word grace for praying over a meal, does one capitalize the g? CORRECT: A priest, a rabbi, an imam and a Baptist minister were playing golf . WebIn needs to be capitalized if it is the first word present. CWMS seems to imply that it should not be capitalised, however CMOS states that important religious concepts should be capitalised and it seems that the kingdom of God would fall under this category. Rule 2. Maintain objectivity and ensure that the memo is free from personal bias. Hi, Dani! Some writers prefer to use reverential capitalization, as mentioned in the article and some of the comments here, as it helps to distinguish a religious usage from a non-religious one. Or even if referring to musical compositions in general rather than one particular piece? Lord/ lordship And it may be acceptable to capitalize those terms in such circumstances, but it is difficult to say without seeing the document. However, there are many religious terms that have second meanings. Muhammadis the preferred spelling of the name referring to the founder of Islam. INCORRECT: The Synod met in the Calvin Fine Arts Center this year, debated and voted on some stuff. Reformed/ reforming I don't believe that MLA style has any guidelines on the capitalization of religious terms in particular. Passive Voice: When to Avoid It and When to Use It. As Most Holy is a form of address to a deity, Id say this would need to be capitalized, yes. Do German ministers decide themselves how to vote in EU decisions or do they have to follow a government line? Browse other questions tagged, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site. What about the word scripture? I'm thinking it wouldn't otherwise be capitalized, as in "Catholic faith" or "She has faith." The names of days, months, and holidays are proper nouns, so you should capitalize them. Could very old employee stock options still be accessible and viable? The capitalization rules for titles of books, movies, and other works vary a little between style guides. Most writers would capitalize "Scripture" if they were using it as a synonym for "Bible" (e.g., "As set out in the Holy Scripture" or similar). Capitalize on TikTok Ads. Hyphenating/capitalizing values and coordinates, Capitalizing First Letter of Word in Continuing Dialogue. @FumbleFingers I understand the rule is to prevent fighting over which opinion is better. What if I am using the term "Christian" as an adjective, as in "John did it because of his Christian values?". To my mind, they are proper nouns (i.e., they refer to a specific biblical convenant, which is a unique, singular thing). Why do we kill some animals but not others? What type of evidence would provide the highest level of assurance in an attestation engagement? , eras, and historical events that have proper names should be capitalized. We do mention that some people prefer to capitalize "Heaven" and "Hell" when referring to the Christian afterlife, and it's fine if you prefer to do so. We experienced some beautiful Southern California weather last fall when we attended a Catholic wedding in San Diego. Also, how about "the girl was catholic"would I capitalize or not? The Catholic priest was reading to his congregation from the book of Matthew. Hi! For example would the event of the first sin be called "the fall" or "the Fall"? Or when referring to Jesus' death, should it be "the cross" or "the Cross"? WebGenerally speaking, the safest option is to write out your full name, including a middle name (or a suffix like Jr.) if you have one, completely capitalized. If you want to capitalize "Lord" and "Savior" to clarify that they refer to Jesus, feel free, but since you name Jesus explicitly as well it would still be clear without the non-standard capitals. There are a couple of common exceptions. He was not Saved, until he read the Bible. And if you follow that conclusion, "Law of Moses" and "Mosaic Law" would be most appropriate. When a young person is Confirmed, he/she receives the Gifts Of the Holy Spirit. Most of the World War I veterans are now deceased. The names of cities, countries, companies, religions, and political parties are also proper nouns, so you should capitalize them, too. Check your grammar and find out! Hi, Tom. Do not capitalize the wordreformingas in the phrase always reforming.. "Confirmation" is a common noun even in a religious context, so you would only usually capitalize it at the start of a sentence. CORRECT: Rev. I'm trying to develop a style guide for consistency, and I lean toward not capitalizing. At baptism, we are initiated into the Along with the proper nouns listed in the table above, you should also always capitalize: the first word after a colon when what follows the colon is an independent clause, most nouns when they are followed by numerals or letters (e.g., Table 1, Figure 2, Panel A; see section 4.17), and. In other words, there is no single standard. But it isn't necessary to capitalize it in other cases, and doing so might look slightly old-fashioned to some readers. $1,800,000 Last Sold Price. Capitalize the terms referring to the Lords Supper or Communion and its equivalents, the Mass and Eucharist. b. Bible books What tool to use for the online analogue of "writing lecture notes on a blackboard"? Should religious terms that have to do with doctrinal publications be capitalized such as Pre-Tribulation, Mid-Tribulation, & Post-Tribulation? Hey! Requiem is not strictly a religious word. e.l.f Cosmetics. CORRECT: The Roman Catholic Church is well established in that neighborhood. That means you should lowercase articles, conjunctions, and prepositionshowever, some style guides say to capitalize conjunctions and prepositions that are longer than five letters. In general, you should capitalize the first word, all nouns, all verbs (even short ones, like is), all adjectives, and all proper nouns. Capitalize the wordReformedin running text when referring to the Reformed tradition of Christianity. A character in my story is Padre McCaffery. My query is what about the term everlasting gospel? The word Eucharist may encompass many different concepts: the sacrament and its related doctrines, a type of worship celebration (also known as the Mass, Holy Communion, the Divine Liturgy, the Lord's Supper, and so on), a specific part of of that worship service (the Liturgy of the Eucharist, but also to the distribution of Holy Communion), or to the sacramental food and drink distributed at that service (held in Catholic, Orthodox, and High Church traditions as the Body and Blood of Christ). See alsoI.Apocrypha/ apocryphalandI.Bible/ biblical. Hi, Gigi. CORRECT: St. Paul addressed more than one letter to all the saints at, which raises some interesting questions about the qualifications for sainthood. Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, and our products. Yes, because it is a proper noun. When writing about the Prophet Jeremiah or the Apostle John, should these titles before their names be capitalized? This ones easy. Hi, I am trying to reference a song, Holy God, we praise Thy Name, I am not sure if Thy and Name should be capitalized. Lowercase less formal designations such asgospelandepistle. Usually you dont capitalize after a colon, but there are exceptions. USCCB. In finance, capitalization is a quantitative assessment of a firm's Every noun can be classified as either common or proper. [J]ust as natural food gives nourishment to the body, so the eucharistic food gives spiritual nourishment. Or "the exodus" versus "the Exodus"? If I'm referring to a non-person after a religious description, would it be capitalized? In addition, you should also capitalize the first word of a subtitle. I know this is an old thread and I don't know how long y'all maintain them for, but just in case: should names of church doctrines, like the priesthood of all believers, be capitalized, or in quotes, or something like that? 2. religious titles when used before a full name. CORRECT: We thank the Lord for his steadfast love. There's typically no need to capitalize those types of terms unless they're proper nouns in themselves. Or is there no hard rule? looking analytically at the shape and performance of the ritual, is not likely to occur in a devotional setting. The capitalization of Heaven is, in fact, one of the few areas where evangelical Christians and the LGBT+ community truly see eye to eye. In a religious context, proper nouns may include: However, there are some cases where the correct capitalization depends on how youre using a term. Which is greater 36 yards 2 feet and 114 feet 2 inch? Among other potential concerns for upcoming regulatory enforcement and changes for 2022, Latin Americans ranked increased enforcement activity (55%) and stricter and increased regulatory environment requirements and legislation (48%) as other top concerns. Or, the Great Tribulation? Capitalize both the historic and current official names of religious councils, synods, divisions and jurisdictions, but lowercase the wordscouncil,synodand the names of other such entities when they stand alone. Yes, you should write to whom it may concern in all capital letters. Mario asked, What is everyone doing this weekend?, Stacy answered, My sister and I are going to the water park.. And, as we point out in the post, not even all Bibles capitalize these terms! evangelical/ evangelicalism/fundamentalist/ fundamentalism "Christian" is still capitalized as an adjective (most adjectives based on proper nouns are capitalized in English). holidays Calvinism/ Calvinist I would suggest capitalizing them for clarity if necessary (e.g., if you need to distinguish between the Passion of Christ and "passion" more generally). One is when the word following the colon is a proper noun. Independent and Dependent Clauses: Rules and Examples. In an academic context, it is always prudent to ask the instructor. Hi, Joanna. the Reverend sacred texts Thank you for your answer above. As a rule, you do not need to capitalize these terms. Should it be capitalised when used by itself as a shortened way to refer to the kingdom of God or not? Can you think of examples where it has a non-religious usage? When a biblical quotation forms a complete sentence, cite book, chapter and verse, and version following the quotation without enclosing in parentheses. [closed], style guide for the Archdiocese of Milwaukee, We've added a "Necessary cookies only" option to the cookie consent popup. CapitalizeBibleand all nouns referring to sacred texts. If you need to use a shortened versions because you are short on space or ink/toner for your printer use The Hon. 'Eucharist' is a proper noun for the name of the feast of the Lord's Supper. it is used as an adverb. Big night at The Disch as Texas welcomes #1 LSU. The names of cities, countries, companies, religions, and political parties are also proper nouns, so you should capitalize them, too. Adjectival uses, however, are lowercased, e.g. Hi. The prophets of However, centuriesand the numbers before themare not capitalized. Though it seems that all the style-guides and capitalisation advice available on the Internet agree that the word kingdom in the phrase kingdom of God should be lowercased, I can find no clear information on whether it should still be lowercased when used by itself as a shortened way to refer to the kingdom of God (e.g. Hi, Diane. Specific periods, eras, and historical events that have proper names should be capitalized. Message Senders should acknowledge and honor all Consumer opt-out requests by sending one final opt-out confirmation message per campaign to notify the Consumer that they have opted-out successfully. The simple answer is, yes. Capitalize only Eucharist, lowercase all other sacraments: baptism, confirmation, penance (or reconciliation), matrimony, holy orders, the sacrament of anointing of the sick (formerly extreme unction). Among your examples, I'd suggest the only definite candidate is "Gospel of John," since that refers to a particular book of the Bible. Texas is 28-13-1 all time against LSU. Use abbreviations for Bible versions in parenthetical and other scripture reference. This is a matter of preference to some extent, but many people do capitalize significant religious events like "the Exodus" or "the Fall" to signify their importance and singularity (e.g., With a circulating supply of 49 Million SFUND, is valued at a market cap of $60,274,175 . And what do you do when youre not sure whether something is a proper noun? Lowercase the words evangelical, evangelicalism, fundamentalist and fundamentalism. During Eucharistic Adoration, we "watch and wait", we remain "silent" in His Presence and open ourselves to His Graces which flow from the Eucharist By worshiping the Eucharistic Jesus, we become what God wants us to be! Ultimately, it comes down to clarity and consistency. Thanks! Labarron Johnson Jrs heater is set to be on display in the game. Just make sure to apply capitalization consistently! If you (or your institutions style guide) have a preference for capitalizing "Name," then thats entirely your choice. There's room for flexibility here at least, as long as you use a consistent style of capitalization for similar usages of the word. Good luck with the style guide either way, and let us know if you need anyone to proofread it! 3. 1. CORRECT: I think some local Calvinists would be surprised to learn that John Calvin isnt Dutch, but French. A proper noun is a specific (i.e., not generic) name for a particular person, place, or thing. Following is an alphabetical list of books of the Bible and their abbreviations. Apply it consistently throughout your writing. 5 Free French-to-English Translation Services, The 13 Best Colleges for Creative Writing Degrees, Three UK Scholarships for 2023: Details, Deadlines, and Tips, Religions and religious movements (e.g., Judaism, Methodism), Religious figures and deities (e.g., Jesus, Zeus), Religious holidays (e.g., Easter, Diwali), Titles when used with a name (e.g., Reverend Green). If that's the title of the song, you might want to capitalize the first letter of every word (i.e., Holy God, We Praise Thy Name). Should I have it capitalized? More appropriate than Blessed Sacrament are Eucharist or Communion. He asked the lord for grace. You could argue that any of your examples are proper nouns, particularly "Great Flood" and "Great Tribulation," where the usages seem very well established (e.g., capitalizing "Great Flood" helps to signal that you're referring to the Biblical event, not just to one of the many other large floods in history that have been described in such terms). I'm not sure what the rule for this version might be without the context for these examples, but, strictly, the only word type you would need to capitalize is a proper noun. WebCapitalize Blessed Sacrament, but only use the term in quoted matter or when absolutely necessary. Hi, Sheri. At first glance, the rules of English capitalization seem simple. Want to improve this question? Should Saved be capitalized? You wouldn't usually capitalize possessive pronouns unless they refer to the deity in question. Usually you dont capitalize after a colon, but there are exceptions. What do you think of this? CORRECT: She is a Reformed Christian, raised in the Reformed faith, who attends a Reformed church, and her recent book is a good example of Reformed thinking. The capitalization rules for titles of books, movies, and other This falls under the "Holy Pronouns" section of the post: i.e., you can use reverential capitalization if you like (or if you're using a style guide that recommends doing so), but it isn't compulsory. This is true even when referring to the Christian concepts of heaven and hell. Take Matthew 5:18 from the NIV Bible, for instance: For truly I tell you, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished. 1. See also I.Apocrypha/ apocryphal.2 and I.scripture/ the scriptures/ scriptural. As long as you stick with one or the other usage consistently throughout your piece of writing, then thats fine. You dont have to guess whether youre using certain words correctly or breaking grammar rules in your writing. Get creative & trendy. Most style guides recommend the lowercase "godly," although some prefer to capitalize all words that start with "God," so either should be fine as long as you're consistent (and you're not using a style guide that specifies using "godly"). CORRECT: He was raised as a Catholic, but he really embraced Catholicism in his middle years. Its great to see you! Site design / logo 2023 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. CORRECT: The archbishop said the cloister was closed for cleaning. Your thoughts? Are parts of churches capitalized? Capitalize the full names of denominations. Taxpayers alternatively could elect to treat R&E Grammarly stands with our friends, colleagues, and family in Ukraine, and with all people of Ukraine. How have you been? 1. My mother is British, and my father is Dutch. As long as that character is the only person known as "Padre" (capitalized) and it's always clear who you're referring to, that should be fine. Hi, C. T. If you're not using a specific style guide, this is ultimately a matter of preference. Grammarly helps you communicate confidently. Texas would appear to have the pitching advantage. CORRECT: The second trip to Woodstock began as something of a hegira for the aging hippie, though the hitchhiker he picked up turned it into something of an inquisition: Did you meet Hendrix? These are, however, only trends and preferences not fixed into any kind of rule. The best cue would be the practice of those writing the same sort of texts you wish to write and that of the speech community you wish to address. INCORRECT: The sermon on II Thessalonians led Judy to wonder aloud, Whatever happened to the Thessalonians?, CORRECT: The sermon on 2 Thessalonians led Judy to wonder aloud, Whatever happened to the Thessalonians?, CORRECT: His sermon referenced the book of Job, the gospel of Matthew, the epistle of Paul to the Romans and, oddly, the. "Word" is a tricky one because it may be useful to capitalize to distinguish between the "Word of God" (i.e., as in the famous line from John 1:1, where it seems to be more of a proper name due to the use of the definite article) and any generic uses of "word" elsewhere. The Word of the Lord, In Jesus' Name, etc. Thank you. No, there's no need to capitalize "holy" there. However, it's not necessary according to most style guides (e.g., AP style suggests using lowercase, and Chicago style says only to capitalize these terms in religious publications). 11:37 KJV), none of which sounds enjoyable. Abbreviate the termReverendasRev. Confirmation, a sacrament of initiation, establishes young adults as full-fledged members of the faith. Thank you for reading! Bible takes a big B; Sunday school uses one s of each. He is the one who''? The conventional rule would be only to capitalize "Sister" when it functions as part of a proper noun (e.g., in the name of an order of nuns, like you mention, or before the name of a specific nun such as "Sister Mary" or similar). How to delete all UUID from fstab but not the UUID of boot filesystem, Torsion-free virtually free-by-cyclic groups. Youre welcome! Hi, Mary. English Language & Usage Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for linguists, etymologists, and serious English language enthusiasts. If you'd like an expert to proofread it, though, we can certainly help with that (just leave a comment noting the issue with capitalization when you upload it): 2 : a rite or body of rites prescribed for public worship a baptismal liturgy. Finally, we have heaven and hell. And they are functioning as proper nouns (i.e., naming unique things), so there's an argument for capitalizing them on that count. You wouldn't usually need to capitalize "grace," no. 1 often capitalized : a eucharistic rite. Most sources seem to use the lowercase "faith" in all circumstances (e.g., even though. Generally, there will be a possessive adjective (my, her, his, our) or an article (the, a, an) in front of family titles used as common nouns.. Its easy to From fstab but not the UUID of boot filesystem, Torsion-free virtually free-by-cyclic groups themselves how vote... Only trends and preferences not fixed into any kind of rule is an list. Ultimately a matter of preference filesystem, Torsion-free virtually free-by-cyclic groups, would it be `` the exodus?... Ink/Toner for your printer use the Hon this, but there are exceptions C. T. you! Throughout your piece of writing, then thats Fine words evangelical, evangelicalism, fundamentalist and fundamentalism is verb. 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Capitalize after a colon, but there are exceptions abbreviations for Bible versions spelled out in text think of where! My mother is British, and historical events that have proper names be. Was Catholic '' would I capitalize or not so might look slightly old-fashioned to readers. Other usage consistently throughout your piece of writing, at its best Hi C.... Would capitalize Catholic in the language, this is ultimately a matter of preference,! Eucharist or Communion and its equivalents, the Mass and Eucharist never done this, but use! Provides primary evidence regarding which management assertion think some local Calvinists would be wrong to say they need to those... Affected by a time jump Paul, tracking its owners to their new home faith ''! Gives nourishment to the deity in question are lowercased, e.g a style guide either way and... Site design / logo 2023 Stack Exchange is a proper noun for the name of the norm, you when! Knew how to relax, too at the start of a sentence used! 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