Apollo 10 is piloted by fictional astronauts Baldwin (Kinnaman) and Gordo Stevens (Michael Dorman), but it otherwise gets historical details right, from the flight's role as a moon-landing dress. Later, Ed leaves the Moon and heads back towards Earth, crying as he entered the atmosphere. He teases her about getting old, but she tells him that DOD was taking over his mission and tells him about the Buran situation. Newsweek reporter Paul Santoro walks into Outpost, and asks the astronauts what they thought about the event, but nobody wants to comment about it. Molly told them that would not work, since the trip was a week long. She tells the other engineers that Molly still does not know the standard procedures. Some time before the day of the takeoff, Gordo greeted Ed, telling him he would be going to Ellington. Ed had a hearing with Sandman, where the latter tried to blame von Braun for not landing on the Moon during the Apollo 10 mission. Gordo just laughs and Danielle tells him that everything is getting out of control. After the funeral, Ed and Karen hug and both go their separate ways after Kelly hugs him as well. On a rocket simulator, Molly got into her spacesuit, while Ed helped her. In our own timeline, there have been more than a few active astronauts in their late 50s and early 60s who flew on Space Shuttle and/or ISS missions. When asked what he would have said, he mentions "I'm Gordo Stevens and I come in peace. Gordo argued that they first had to bring him back to Earth and tried to make a joke about it since he thought it was bullshit. Flying alongside him is an over-eager astronaut named Piscotty and the. Karen says that it was good for Kelly to know what it was like when situations like this happened. Series Information After that, Ed asked to have more under his control, which an engineer said was too late to be doing. Tracy apologizes because she had gotten her schedule mixed up after celebrating with her new husband Sam. Nationality At the end of the meeting, Thomas asked Deke how "Nixon's women" were doing, specifically Tracy. Ed gets up and tells her to shoot him, since he knew she would not shoot him. Gary tells Ed that he had been there for three years and had many achievements, but no space time. Danielle tells him he looks like hell, but Gordo says he feels excellent. Baldwin was supposed to command Apollo 15 too, but for this interview, he was removed from the mission and assigned to the Apollo Applications ProgramW. If you are wondering whether Ed dies, leading to the exit of actor Joel Kinnaman from For All Mankind, weve got you covered! Asking Frank Sedgewick for his opinion, Sedge mentioned he was on-board. While Ed might be killed off in the upcoming episodes, it isnt very likely, given he is one of the most popular characters on the show. Right but John Glenn at that point was basically a glorified passenge on a routine mission orbiting the Earth, and Shatner was an actual passenger not leading Mankinds first manned mission to Mars. Ed tells Gordo to stand down, but the latter challenges him, so Ed throws him against the base. Simulating the Pathfinder, Ed, Sally and Gary try firing it, shooting both targets successfully. Although Kelly tries to comfort her mother Karen is not convinced. But Helios needed someone to command its mission to Mars, and it found its leader in a surprising name: Ed Baldwin. Professional Information Ed told her it would be her first time in space, but she pointed out it would be Sedge's first time as well. Uken does not believe he would want to do that since pilots become astronauts, not vice versa. He asked him what he was doing since they had already discussed that he could not leave the base without his authorization, since if Houston found out, they would punish him. She purchased The Outpost, before selling it to Sam Cleveland, who she later got into business with by opening Polaris Space Tours. And that's why we lost the Moon. (In real life, Apollo 10 was flown by commander Thomas P. Stafford, command module pilot John W. Young, and lunar module pilot Eugene A. Cernan, none of whom appear as characters in the show). I thought for example last season that Molly wouldn't go completely blind and be saved by some newly developed techniques. Deke mentioned presidents come and go, but NASA stays, and told him what he had said in DC took a lot of guts. Gordo tells his friend that he had thought he was losing it again and wonders if it would happen on the Moon again, but Ed told him he was fine. Baldwin was Commander of Apollo 10 which was intended as a test run for Apollo 11, being 8-miles away from the Moon. "What I found really fascinating was all these accounts from astronauts that looked back at Earth from a distance and for so many of them, that was a transformational experience seeing that little blue orb in this vast ocean of black," he said. While Ed fails to land on the Red Planet first and loses the race to NASAs Danielle Poole, he successfully lands his crew on Mars. Ed, Gary Piscotty, and Sally Ride simulated flying the Pathfinder and they ran into a problem. Its a huge liability having someone that old on a mission that long and isolated, let alone the mission commander. When Ed walks back into Jamestown, Karen calls him crying and tells him about what had happened to Shane, which visibly shakes him. On the Moon's surface, Molly got her picture taken by Ed after they planted the Moon, and was later told the president wanted to speak to her, which she could not believe. However, there was a worry concerning whether or not they would have enough thrust to back into lunar orbit, but he also mentioned taking risks was part of being a test pilot and during planning he had pushed for a Moon landing with Apollo 10, but was overruled by von Braun. Ed says that it had not been premeditated, and Thomas mentions that lately nothing had been with him since Gordo's mission and assigning himself to Pathfinder had come out of nowhere. After this, Edward Baldwin is asked by his wife what would happen since the USA was not the first country to land on the Moon, and he says that there would be a meeting in order to discuss it, and leaves for work. The Soviet cosmonaut wakes up, bound to a wall by Ed. Larry suggested a diaper, but Ed was against that, and told them that nobody in his crew would be wearing a diaper. She told him that Shane had a good game, being nervous at first, but doing well in the end. Kinnaman told Men's Journal in the aforementioned interview. None of them do a very good job, except for Wayne, who hits a perfect drive. Thomas tells Ed that the president is not happy either about everything that is going on, and Sandman tells him to go to DC and tell his colleagues exactly what he had told the reporter at the tavern about von Braun being too cautious and costing them the Moon. However, in the third season, Ed returns to space and pilots Helios Phoenix spacecraft to Mars. He opened his parachute and headed straight for water. After taking some time away from NASA to think about what had happened with Shane, Ed contacted them again. When they hang up, the three of them watch a show they had watched many times, while Danielle watched her ant farm and Ed tried getting signal. Uken asks Ed when he is going back up, and Ed mentions it is unclear, so he had thought of rejoining the navy. Ellen, Bradford, Margo, and Thomas congratulated him on his nine years of service as head of the astronaut office. Joel Kinnaman Later, Ed arrives at the house, they both worry since he looks terrible, but he mentions that all that happened was that he had gotten wet. At Outpost Tavern, Ed meets his old superior from the Air ForceW, Scott Uken, and they talk about the Moon landing performed by Neil. Danielle told him that her shrink had asked her if she had ever dreamed of having sex with her father, and they told her that it happened to them as well. Mikhail noticed that the lights were flickering in a pattern, which they read as morse code. That must have been a youth serum that he injected into himself back in the hotel room. Ed removes the tank while Ellen exits 24; he throws the tank, but it went a little too high. Karen asks Ed if he thinks that it was his fault, and he says that Shane had been angry at him and he was not on Earth, but Karen tells him that it had been an accident and says that thinking back to that day was just torturing themselves. Instead, he functions as a nebulous stand-in for all the astronauts in that time period. During training, Molly was hitting a rock, which Ed told her she needed to use her full arm with. Karen tells her that she had some medical issues, and Ed had been living away from Karen for a while, since it was a difficult time after Shane died. Although Molly gave the position to him, Margo Madison rescinded Molly's decision and subsequently fired her. Thomas was angered by how they were always losing to the Soviets, and reminded them the election was coming up, which would probably be against Ted Kennedy. When Gordo got back, he said "Hi Bob" which angered Ed. Baldwin was Commander of Apollo 10 which was intended as a test run for Apollo 11, being 8-miles away from the Moon. Sea Dragon would be within missile range in five minutes, so Ed tells Gary to open the payload doors, which reveals their weapons. AstronautChief Astronaut (NASA, former)InstructorTest pilot Thomas reminded her that the jets were expensive; Margo also told Molly that she should set a certain tone, but Molly reminded them that she would handle them as she saw fit. Gordo told Ed that there were ten minutes left to launch, Ed then thanked Mikhail and gave the Soviet back the part to the rover and gave him his monitoring device. They have nuclear fission in this timeline. So, the dude lived through the Depression as a child, flew in combat, got shot down, spent a week behind enemy lines, then trained as an astronaut, spent what, almost a year completely alone on the moon, moved to a desk, very selfishly put himself and his best friend back in space, where he flew in combat again and has aged another ~10 years. Ed yelled at Gordo when he started worrying about losing his mind and being scared. Alias The woman found it strange that NASA had picked him to fly right seat in its first nuclear spacecraft. 1x01, Shane Baldwin (son )Kelly Baldwin (adopted daughter). asks commander Ed Baldwin (played by Joel Kinnaman). They reminisce about Shane when he was younger and Karen mentions that nowadays, it always seemed like Shane did not have enough time. Ed told Gordo everything was a joke to him, but he owned what he did and told him he resigned from NASA and would go back to the navy. They reached the end of the line, but Molly was only able to find basalt. He thanked his supervisor, and sent Gordo and Danielle on their way. It is a lapel pin, that is only worn on civilian clothing, not in uniform. Ed told NASA this, and was told that Gordo and Danielle had been approved to go back home, and his new return date was another two weeks from then. When the congressman asked him if he would have been the first man on the Moon had it not been for von Braun, Ed mentioned it was not that simple since von Braun had made the call on the ground, but in lunar orbit he had known he could bring Apollo 10 down safely into the Moon and after the launch, it was his ship to command and asked for everyone to blame him for losing the Moon, non von Braun or Neil. is ed baldwin a real astronaut. He tells them that he understood if they wanted to drop out of the mission. Ed is not glad with the way the conversation is turning out, but Karen tells him there was a code, and can not believe all it took for him to say what he did about NASA were a few drinks and he would start saying everything to reporters. At the base, Gordo apologized, but was told it was fine. Ed tries to break the silence between him and Karen by saying he wanted to watch a movie, but she spoils it for him and leaves him to eat dinner alone. "That's really what drew me to the role: How does that kind of personality deal with something like tragedy?" At home, Ed told Karen how he offered to help Molly, but mentioned all she gave him was attitude as if she had already been in space. While so far, Molly struggled to become a certified astronaut, she now struggled to be accepted as a fellow astronaut by her counterparts at NASA. For All Mankind is an American science fiction television series on Apple TV+. When Ellen makes it to the Moon, they stand in front of Shane's grave and drop Deke's pin on the ground, also burying him next to Shane's grave. He tells her to lock weapons system on their target, but Sally says that there must be another way. Ed tries teaching Shane to ride a bike, but he keeps falling. He gets out of bed and walks to model what he was working on. The Apollo 10 crew is introduced as Edward Baldwin and Gordo Stevens (Joel Kinnaman and Michael Dorman), instead of Thomas Stafford and Eugene Cernan. However, a shocking turn of events in the seventh episode will undoubtedly make viewers fear Eds fate. Ed walks out and Gordo follows him. She turned on a light and told Ed to go lower. Ed watched the transmission as well. At the barbecue, Ed is called by Neil. However, since in reality this award was established in 1981 only, it could be different in the show's timeline. When they were inside, the public was told, and Karen hugged Wayne, who was relieved they were fine. Gordo mentioned that he was too tired to argue and went to bed. The next day he walks into a packed office where he is greeted by silence. Baldwin (Joel Kinnaman) pilots the Apollo 10 mission, which misses its chance to complete a moon-landing. He concludes that NASA does not have guts anymore since the Apollo 1 fireW. Everybody at Houston celebrates, completely impressed by the stunt. Ed tells Houston that Gordo is still sick while they ascended from the mining site with new samples. However, Ed mentions that although he and von Braun didn't always see eye to eye, he still respected him since he built the Saturn V. They tell him that he has the president's support, and have him think about it. As Apollo 11 took off, Aleida Rosales, along with her father Octavio, went to the Mexico - USA border. Molly makes fun of Ed for having to use reading glasses and says that she sometimes felt that being on Earth felt like being in outer space. Edward "Ed" Baldwin is one of NASA 's top astronauts. While tensions on the Moon have reached a crescendo, with the USSR invading the USA's Jamestown base as retribution for an unprompted attack, Astronaut Ed Baldwin ( Joel Kinnaman) is. Gordo reminded him that if he stayed, then he had to wait for Apollo 24 to get there, and then the next crew, which Dani mentioned NASA would never approve, but Ed mentioned that he was commander. Ed asked Danielle how she was and she said she was okay, but missed Clayton, who had struggled during his last nine years. Molly Cobb is told she is live on all networks. During this time, Ed took pictures of Molly with the ice, which she mentioned was melting. Real person She and Kelly sit at the breakfast table, and she tells her daughter that she was devastated by the phone call and could not live like that. Gary asked Ed for a chance to be part of a prime crew. As Ed cleaned up his office, Danielle joined him. After everybody congratulates her, he says that Gordo would join her as well. The men told her it was important because if they did not do it, then the mission would just be a publicity stunt. Three times a night," which makes Ed and Pam laugh. But we don't change the whole culture of flight test 'cause good men die. Ed tells NASA that the Soviets were building something, guessing that they were doing something subterranean. Kelly asks Ed what he had written his essay about when he had gotten into Annapolis, but Ed said he did not remember, and told her to simply tell them who she was, which left her stumped. Ed is visited by Thomas Paine, who tells him that the president had some concerns about Pathfinder, and Ed tells him that he does not need his approval since he only works with crew members. The three-way competition incorporates traditional players NASA and the Soviet . In real life, NASA's astronaut corps numbered more than 50 men, including four of the original Mercury 7, by June 1969. . It's not unreasonable to think that life expectancy and quality rises with advancements in almost every aspect. Edward Baldwin may refer to: William Godwin (pen name Edward Baldwin; 1756-1836), English journalist, political philosopher and novelist Edward Baldwin, 4th Earl Baldwin of Bewdley (1938-2021), British educator, hereditary peer and Crossbench member of the House of Lords Ed moves down the crater, where he drills into the crater only to soon find out the Soviets had planted a camera in his working space. She informs him that his new launch date would be in a couple of days and she tells him to be safe. She also told Ed the accident was not his fault, as Patty knew the risks involved in flying. He congratulates her and they are brought spaghetti by their adopted daughter, who mentions that she had not been able to look at the college catalogue Karen had given her. However, Ed doubts they would have an open slot on the flight test for him, which meant he would ask for carrier duty which meant he would be sent back to the Seventh Fleet, which means they would be in Oahu. Later, as Ed sleeps on the couch, he wakes up and goes to his bed, where his wife invites him. She tells them that she wants to go back to Jamestown since none of them had been up there in nine years, but neither of them want to go back. Sandman asks him to talk to the committee and see what he has to say about everything. She tells them that they have one last chance and tells them to leave. Baldwin was the commander of Apollo 10, which traveled 8 miles from the Moon and served as a test flight for Apollo 11. He is surprised to see actual dinner being made and asks if it is a special occasion. Weisner reminds them that they are not in a military scenario and is berated by General Arthur Weber. Braun is shown as the director of MSC in Houston, whereas he actually directed the working of Marshall Space Flight Center in Alabama. At the end, Tracy landed the jet smoothly, which Deke liked. To prepare for the role, he watched multiple documentaries on the space race. In . This tees up moments of quiet dread, like when a moon-exploring astronaut, Ed Baldwin (the glowering Joel Kinnaman, in his finest work since The Killing), first comes face-to-face with a Russian . Karen told Ed that she did not think he would be joining them, and Kelly brought Ed a plate, but also left. For All Mankind depicts NASAs training of women astronauts for spaceflight after the Soviets send a female to the moon. Ed tells her that she is out of line, but she says that she would not be a laughing stock again, taking Gordo's sticker off the board and telling him to bounce Gordo off the flight. Bradford and Ed can not see any other solution to the problem, but Ellen reminds them that even if they could modify guns in order to be used on the Moon, no astronaut was qualified to use them. Danielle asked if they had ever seen a shrink when applying to the program, and Ed told her they needed to see about five, which was more than the women had to. They were instructed to rehydrate and breathe for fifteen minutes. Thomas asks Molly if that was it, since he wanted a harsher punishment, but Molly told him that it was not that big a deal since things had gotten out of hand, which happened all the time. Ed Weisner mentions that they have also talked about subterranean did not mean anything, but Ed mentioned that they had been more aggressive lately, moving across the rim. Molly mentioned they were celebrating for nothing, since she had not done anything yet, but Ed countered by saying that she had strapped herself on top of a quarter million tons of high explosive for government pay, which was something. He says that he found himself happy, even though he did not expect to find himself where he was before. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Gordo told Ed that he had seen ants while watching TV at Outpost while sober. The engineers Larry Wilson and Coop started talking, and Sedge asked what was going on. Deke old Ed to bring Molly up, which he did, and they managed to safely return to the LEM. He greets Danielle, who tells him to hook up to the biosensors and to fix the aux tank coupling. Helios AerospaceNASA (former) Ed tells Ellen that she should probably rest since during the next few days, they would start digging, but Ellen tells him that he would be returning on Osprey. Ed Baldwin is based on Thomas Stafford, commander of Apollo 10. Margo talks to Ellen through a video communicating device and asks her how the power situation was holding up. The men all called Outpost's waitress Pam Horton to throw a beer at the newspaper, and they all followed. The third member of the crew is Sally Ride, a real. Ed told her he was fine, but was working long days. He mentions that they needed to test the ship, and reminds them that he had chosen them since they were the best. Mission Control told her her oxygen consumption was too high, so she needed to head back up. "And I feel like I was able to break new emotional ground. Later, Gordo meets up with Ed, who asks him if he is ready to go. Ed radios 24 and tells them that Houston was working on a fix, but Deke says that there would be no time for him to dock. In the seventh episode of season 3, titled Bring it Down, Ed leads the Helios-Roscosmos joint mission to drill the surface and start extracting the water. Edward Baldwin (played by Joel Kinnaman), the fictional commander of Apollo 10, stares at the lunar surface just 12 km below. On November 29, 1974, Ed tells Shane that an action of his was an embarrassment to his entire family since he was supposed to be the man of the house, while Karen listens. Forcing himself to wake up, he looks out the window. Karen does not pay much attention to Ed, though and simply cooks until she interrupts Kelly to tell her that Ed could not promise them that he would be okay since it was unrealistic, which Ed says is right. He says he does, but not as much as he thought he would. John Glenn went into space at an old age as well, plus I am guessing Ed Baldwin has a lot of name recognition at this point. Gordo and Ed sit at NASA while listening to their recordings while on their jets. Earth was hit by the solar flare, and they lost all forms of communication. Press J to jump to the feed. Ed starts crying and Karen says that she had the same feeling, but reminds him that Shane had died while biking down the street, mentioning that there was nowhere on Earth that was safe. When Kelly told Ed she wanted to go to Annapolis, he got furious instantly. He tells them that they could not fuck up, so they would train a lot. Ed had his heart set on shepherding NASA's first Mars mission, but Molly. Ed saw a Soviet rover a Soviet cosmonaut coming up from the crator with his cableway. Bradford asked Ed if he thought Mikhail had planted a bug in Jamestown. Shane apologizes, but Ed tells him he does not want to hear it, and simply wants him to ride the bike while following his instructions. Ed told him to put the cap on, which he does, but pulls it down when Ed tells him to. Ed asks if they would be firing missiles, and Braford informs him that there would be a fire exercise to demonstrate the system, firing towards drones which would simulate Russian satellites. Apollo 15 started to reach the lunar surface, headed for Shackleton Crater. Ed works on painting a small biplane, when he gets a call. They flew and Ed told Gordo he would test them to see if they had any balls. Shorty Powers, NASA's public affairs officer, asked for one with Molly alone, and tried to get her hair fixed, much to her annoyance. Sally says that there must be another way Ed & quot ; Baldwin is one NASA... Site with new samples to his bed, where his wife invites him developed techniques heart set shepherding... 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