a. Unofficial Internet posts are not initiated by any part of the Marine Corps or reviewed within any official Marine Corps approval process. Immediate Ban of Social Networking Sites on the Marine Corps Enterprise Network [Q15/20], The Constitution separates the powers of the federal government among which entities? your story). REF M IS THE MARINE CORPS. It is over 4,500 words in length. Marine Corps Social Media Office Guidelines for making unofficial posts include? Official internet posts involve content released in an official capacity by a National Guard public affairs office. UNOFFICIAL INTERNET POSTS. Amendments The Constitution is the supreme law of the land. [Q5/20], Which form of government does the Constitution guarantee? "It's important for companies to be transparent about their expectations and what is and is not appropriate to post so there aren't any misunderstandings.". Social media and Web 2.0 (SM/W2.0) services are an increasingly important avenue for stakeholders and members of the public to interact with the Department in an efficient, effective . [Q14/20], When using social media, which of the following are security measures that will help protect your computer? Explain your reasoning. Please log in as a SHRM member before saving bookmarks. "Access will vary among the states, but DoD has granted access to Facebook, Twitter, Flickr and YouTube as long as users don't compromise operational security, participate in illegal activities or try to open prohibited Web sites," said Jack Harrison, the director of public affairs for the National Guard Bureau. Marines should contact HQMC Division of Public Affairs Trademark and Licensing office for further clarification or contact their local legal office for an ethics determination prior to engaging in Internet activity that could violate the standards of conduct. Nearly three-quarters of all working adults in the U.S. use social media before, during and after work each business day, according to a o. Marines should always use strong passwords (10-digit passwords comprised of lower- and upper-case letters, numbers, and symbols) to protect their online / social media accounts from getting hacked. "People want to work somewhere that aligns with their values," said Laguerre. Marine Corps Order 5230.18 Alexiou recommends that social media policies include the following elements: "The expanded reach of social platforms and their integration into our daily lives places organizations at a higher risk for damage to brand and reputation," said Alonzo Martinez, associate counsel with HireRight, a background-screening company in Irvine, Calif. "A good policy gives both employers and employees guidelines to follow in order to avoid risks and be more responsible on social media.". Completion of TAD Ensure that only the best and fully qualified Marines are promoted. For answers to social media questions, Marines should contact their local public affairs office; top level guidance, support and questions can be directed to the appropriate and applicable points of contact listed below: 3. Marines should install and maintain current anti-virus and anti-spyware software on their personal computers. [Interact with Social Media], True or False A Marine who violates Federal law, regulations or policies through inappropriate personal online activity is subject to disciplinary action under the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ). Couples who work together balance each other, work as a team, and build each other up. [Interact with Social Media], Social Networks, Blogs/Online Journals, Micro-Blogs, Wikis, Podcasts, Forums, Content Communities In Create, click Create new > Templates. "Employers can tailor policies to the laws of the states where employees are located," but he cautioned against over-policing what employees do on social media. [Constitution], Preamble "HR's role in this process is to ensure your social media policy is consistent with the broader conduct and workplace policies at your company. Type a headline and an optional subhead, and then add a color scheme or your own background image. Guidelines for making unofficial post include which of the following? For Use common sense when using Social Media unofficially. Couples who move apart from each other in challenging times are more likely to see themselves as playing good cop/bad cop. This DEP is a MarineNet self-paced curriculum ( EPME3000AA) divided into five subcourses specific to enlisted . \text{\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ 2. Oftentimes, cyber criminals pretend to be people they are not in order to deceive Marines into performing actions that launch cyber attacks, download viruses, and install malware and spyware onto computers. Average proficiency mark C. Become familiar with and use the most appropriate references--always use the latest version of references. The Marine Corps endorses unofficial posts made by Marines in any form of Social Media. You must follow federal law, as well as Department of Defense and Marine Corps regulations and policies.,Don't post anything that could be considered offensive or illegal.,Never post any information that is classified or sensitive. [Q10/20], For Reserve component Marines, which occasions require that proficiency and conduct marks be recorded? The rule book that governs our nation Internet sites include social networking sites, blogs, forums, photo and video-sharing sites, and other sites to include sites not owned, operated or controlled by the Marine Corps or Department of Defense. Unofficial Internet posts, referred to below, are considered any content about the Marine Corps or related to the Marine Corps that are posted on any Internet site by Marines in an unofficial and personal capacity. Marines should refer to the chain of command or public affairs for guidance if uncertain about the need for or appropriateness of a response. Members in violation may be removed from the groups. Moderator - Can respond to and delete comments on the page, send messages as the page, see which admin created a post or comment, create ads, and view insights. C. Don't click on links, start downloads, or open e-mail attachments unless the source can be trusted. Internet sites include social networking sites, blogs, forums, photo and video-sharing sites, and other sites to include sites not owned, operated or the art on our product packaging), but may . Some shortcuts are okay to save space, such as using an ampersand instead of the word "and.". http://www.dtic.mil/whs/directives/corres/pdf/134410p.pdf, d. Handling Dissident and Protest Activities Among Members of the Armed Forces DON'T: Violate the Hatch Act Install and maintain current anti-virus, anti-malware, and anti-spyware software on your computer. http://www.dtic.mil/whs/directives/corres/pdf/132506p.pdf, e. Department of the Navy Privacy Program D. You are responsible for the content you post on social media and other websites. USMCSocialMedia AT GMAIL.COM, Marine Corps Trademark and Licensing Office In addition to providing racial bias training to all employees, Qode gave Laguerre free rein to create activities that celebrated Black History Month and then tweeted out its support on the company's official Twitter account. While employers have a lot of freedom when writing their social media policies, the lines between personal opinions and those expressed on behalf of the organization are sometimes murky. Build specialized knowledge and expand your influence by earning a SHRM Specialty Credential. Select all that apply. Diane.Clarke AT USMC.MIL, a. 12 months TIS By contrast, official Internet posts involve content released in an official capacity by public affairs Marines, Marine Corps Community Services marketing directors, or commanders designated as releasing authorities. Select all that apply. Which of the following are guidelines from the DoD policy for political activities by members of the armed forces? [Interact with Social Media], True or False MARADMIN 0458/09 } MARADMIN 181/10 Marines must be aware that criminals use the Internet to gain information for unscrupulous activities such as identity theft. These guidelines represent current best practices for tweets and other social media posts (e.g., Facebook posts) and are in keeping with the recommendations other organizations make regarding social media post composition. A. This basic charter, or constitution, lays out the organization of the government and how the country will operate. To email the points of contact below, use the @ symbol instead when pasting the address into your email client. When the economy is unstable, employers are faced with difficult decisions around staffing, pay and benefits. Make a real impact. Content includes, but is not limited to, personal comments, photographs, video, and graphics. (The term "Marines" on this guidance refers to active-duty and reserve Marines and sailors). C. Regular promotion 9 months TIS (The term "Marines" on this guidance refers to active-duty and reserve Marines and sailors). Republican government or representative democracy [Constitution], States (Guaranteed Republican Government if laws are followed), Amendment Process (Two-Thirds House -> Majority Senate -> Three-Fourths States) media for political purposes, and making unofficial posts, tweets or messages that the public will interpret as official messages. \text{Level of government} & \text{Example} & \text{Type of government} & \text{Example}\\ u. Marines also should frequently change their passwords. Guard members are also not allowed to release National Guard e-mail addresses, telephone numbers or fax numbers not already authorized for public release. (The term "Marines" on this guidance refers to active-duty and reserve Marines and sailors). 703-693-4911 or 4905 1105 0 obj <>stream The Marine Corps performs a valuable service around the world every day and Marines are often in the best position to share the Marine Corps story with the domestic and foreign publics. A. [Q13/20], Which of the following are security measures you should follow when using social media sites? "People are more likely to trust information when it comes from employees because their voice is trusted more than the brand voice," said Patel. Marines are encouraged to professionally and respectfully correct errors and misrepresentations made, by others, about the Marine Corps. Marines must remember however, to respond and act with their minds and not their emotions when posting content. Leadership MarinesAT afn.dma.mil, b. }); if($('.container-footer').length > 1){ The story may be your own or someone else's. Observe the Writer's Guidelines Read More Trademark_Licensing AT USMC.MIL, c. HQMC C4, Information Assurance When using the Internet and social media, Marines should not click links or open attachments unless the source can be trusted. Tennisballs. Marines must be acutely aware that they lose control over content they post on the Internet and that many social media sites have policies that give these sites ownership of all content and information posted or stored on those systems. B. "After reviewing our engagement data, it became clear to us that our employees needed rest," said co-founder and chief people officer Adam Weber, author of Guard members should not post information that would infringe upon the privacy, proprietary or personal rights of others or use any words, logos or other marks that would infringe upon the trademark, service mark, certification mark, or other intellectual property rights of the owners of such marks without the permission of the owners. [Interact with Social Media], True or False. Have each other's back. "Social media is often viewed as a marketing function. They are personally responsible for all content that they publish on social networking sites, blogs or other Websites. i. Marines may use the eagle, globe and anchor; coat of arms (ega in the center, encircled with words United States Marine Corps); and other symbols in unofficial posts so long as the symbols are used in a manner that does not bring discredit upon the Corps, does not result in personal financial gain, or does not give the impression of official or implied endorsement. Aim not to exceed the length of conclusions and implications section of the translational abstract or your public significance statement (30 to 100 words or no more than 13 sentences). To pledge an allegiance to the flag of the United States of America Audit of financial statements}\\ 3.2.4.How to educate users about specific social media threats and how to prevent unauthorized access to the social media site, that may: Use the Dane County site to spread malware; In accordance with these guidelines, Marines are encouraged to responsibly engage in unofficial Internet posts about the Marine Corps and Marine Corps-related topics. A republican form of government generally means that the people can choose representatives who will govern them, rather than having a monarch who inherited the right to rule. Marines should only discuss Marine Corps issues related to their professional expertise, personal experiences, or personal knowledge. Organicjuice_______3. An official website of the United States government, NGB Offers Social Media Guidelines for Guardsmen, Hosted by Defense Media Activity - WEB.mil. %PDF-1.5 % By contrast, official Internet posts involve content released in an official capacity by public affairs Marines, Marine Corps Community Services marketing directors, or commanders designated as releasing authorities. C. You should tell stories that your audience has little interest in. [Interact with Social Media], True or False. Organicjuice_______3. You have successfully saved this page as a bookmark. Directive Type Memorandum 09-026 (DTM 09-026) q. Marines must be careful about which online applications they use, since such applications often have access to a users personal information (e.g., third-party applications on Facebook). 703-614-7678 document.head.append(temp_style); You may be trying to access this site from a secured browser on the server. . We also may disable entire accounts for violations of our Community Guidelines. Which of the following are guidelines from the DoD policy for political activities by members of the armed forces? Internet site is considered an "unofficial internet post." Considerations for what you post includes, but is not limited to, your personal comments, photographs, video, and graphics. Select Format . #1 Analytics Tool for Growth. As with other forms of communication, Marines are responsible for adhering to Federal law, Marine Corps regulations and governing policies when making unofficial Internet posts. Marines are NOT allowed to solicit votes of any kind on Social Media. Which of the following are characteristics of social media? [The Promotion System], Participation, Openness, Conversation, Community, Connectedness Only discuss Marine Corps issues related to your professional expertise, personal experiences, or person knowledge. Marine Corps Trademark and Licensing Office ACTIVE-DUTY MEMBERS SHALL NOT: A. 1093 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<5D488D1B39C6A349AA49FBC21C698AD5>]/Index[1073 33]/Info 1072 0 R/Length 95/Prev 843974/Root 1074 0 R/Size 1106/Type/XRef/W[1 2 1]>>stream By piecing together information provided on different Websites, criminals can use information to impersonate Guard members and steal passwords. Never violate operations security by posting critical information on social media sites. Christmas Poem, "Merry Christmas, My Friend", The United States Military Code of Conduct, Social Media Guidance For Unofficial Posts. Always turn on and use the global positioning (GPS) function on your personal digital devices. d. As with other forms of personal public engagement, Marines should avoid offensive and inappropriate behavior that could bring discredit upon themselves and the Marine Corps. Department of Defense Directive 1325.06 Marines are also prohibited from releasing Marine Corps e-mail addresses, telephone numbers, or fax numbers not already authorized for public release. B. Embrace change. Arlene S. Hirsch is a career counselor and author with a private practice in Chicago. MP@MarineParents.com, CLICK HERE. [Constitution], Supremacy Clause (All laws and treaties under the Constitution are laws of the land.) Marines must be careful about which online applications they use, since such applications often have access to a user's personal information (e.g., third-party applications on Facebook). Marines also should take care not to express or imply Marine Corps endorsement of any opinions, products or causes other than those already officially endorsed by the Marine Corps. Never post any classified or sensitive information. B. Please note that all such forms and policies should be reviewed by your legal counsel for compliance with applicable law, and should be modified to suit your organizations culture, industry, and practices. Guidelines for making unofficial posts include? For answers to social media questions, Guard members should contact their local public affairs office or the National Guard Social Media Office at ngbpa.socialmedia@mail.mil. Fellow Marines, Family, Country, Corps The researchers found that gratitude and spiritual well-being were related to better mood and sleep, less fatigue, and more self-efficacy, and that gratitude fully or partially mediated the beneficial effects of spiritual well-being on those endpoints. Physical Fitness if(currentUrl.indexOf("/about-shrm/pages/shrm-china.aspx") > -1) { (H stands for heads and T for tails.). As with other forms of personal public engagement. \text{\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ 3. [Constitution], Executive Branch (Head of State and Commander in Chief) (for Articles) c. In accordance with these guidelines, Marines are encouraged to responsibly engage in unofficial Internet posts about the Marine Corps and Marine Corps-related topics. The original cost of the old bus was $52,000\$ 52,000$52,000. Always follow the prescribed format so that key information will be available to the decision-makes. $(document).ready(function () { hb```_@(pBAI%'sER9fUTm6:~N`rQHC*Cy+#M[ Fh3IB35,33R\WrY;{w+9_45cs]$|Ep;8ijOderY&u{WqD.&4LwJUgNL+^`T|B34*rZRotOz5&FFAw 8H0Wl 1Hu00xB`)0)V&(ahr`TDV1l TJbe3S)0dq>v;$m >0M4`GI^-v5iBT~BgiF@/HkIPe}RD@ / All laws and treaties that are created under its authority are, by their association, also the supreme law of the land. 4.9 to 5.0 As with other forms of personal public engagement, Guard members must avoid offensive and inappropriate behavior that could bring discredit upon themselves and the National Guard. [Constitution], Legislative Branch (Senate and Congress) (for Articles) \text{\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ 4. Marines should not use any words, logos or other marks that would infringe upon the trademark, service mark, certification mark, or other intellectual property rights of the owners of such marks without the permission of such owners. f. Marines should be extremely judicious when disclosing personal details on the Internet, and should not release personal identifiable information (PII) that could be used to distinguish their individual identity or that of another Marine. Examples include, but are not limited to, memos, e-mails, meeting notes, message traffic, white papers, public affairs guidance, pre-decisional materials, investigatory information, and proprietary information. [Q17/20], Guidelines for making unofficial post include which of the following? 4.0 to 4.4 Select all that apply. "But they do need to be aware of things that can create issues for the company, like racially insensitive comments, derogatory comments that incite violence or criminal actions," he said. To promote based upon completion of training and education courses C. You cannot solicit votes for or against a party, candidate, or cause. "Unofficial Internet posts," referred to below, are considered any content about the Marine Corps or related to the Marine Corps that are posted on any Internet site by Marines in an unofficial and personal capacity. Interact with Social Media posts include 52,000 $ 52,000 endorses unofficial posts include unstable, employers are with. Any official Marine Corps issues related to their professional expertise, personal comments, photographs, video, build! Who work together balance each other, work as a team, and then add a color scheme or own! 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