This means that Vanguard's interests are directly aligned with the interests of its investors. To his amazment (and consternation) he ended up teaching everyone BUT his children and grandchildren about money and life through the blog. There is no VTSAX available. Thanks, You just have to learn to accept them if you're going to be in the market and enjoy the long-term gains that it can provide. Well. Should I look to bundle my money together in less funds? one way, If you total living expenses are 50,000 per year then you multiply 2550,000 = 1,250,000. I wish I had your e-mail address to send you a proper thank-you message for the work youve been doing lately. He got into blogging when he realized, considering his family historywhich showed the men usually died after three score years and some change he may not live long enough to teach his grandchildren what he wanted to teach them about life and money. The intrinsic value of the bond may change. I imagine you would say that we should stay tough and that the core principles hold truebut it really seems that, beginning in 2020, we may have crossed a rubicon: From the the phenomenon of meme stocks and market capitalization of small companies with nothing more than an idea far exceeding the market caps of established fortune 500 companies, to the current political climate and health of our democracy. REDUCED PENSION . Sounds like weve walked a similar path. I wanted to invest as much as possible and automatic reinvesting is easy. I am not a financial advisor, just some schmuck with a 9 to 5 day job. Description "In the dark, bewildering, trap-infested jungle of misinformation and opaque riddles that is the world of investment, JL Collins is the fatherly wizard on the side of the path, offering a simple map, warm words of encouragement and the tools to forge your way through with confidence. And I want to sincerely thank you from the bottom of my heart for giving me an endless optimism for the future. Jim, loved the book., 6:10-10:03 J.L.'s sudden rise to fame. You can then invest this money in VGSLX which is a REIT (real estate investment trust) fund. And I'm not going to build a portfolio of these things, because that's counter to my investment approach. As I mentioned earlier, the markets done nothing but rise for the most part over the last decade, and I've benefited from that. Where is the contact info on your site? I hope I can accomplish some of what you have. Optimal Finance Daily is the podcast where youd be narrated the most frequently. First of all, thanks for all the great information on this website. And that's when I suggest that you add bonds to your portfolio. daughter of a former pastor of this place. I will be calling Canada home soon which is why Ive opted to trade on the TSE. I thought I had found the holy grail. People buy it when things are bad, driving up its value. Without I'm taking notes as you're talking and I'm happy to say that we have a couple of these folks already booked on the podcast for the coming months. Morningstar and its affiliates are not affiliated with this guest or his or her business affiliates unless otherwise stated. Enter JL Collins' Stock Series. MSG Reggie Kalous Im glad to see it reach and help as many as possible! I have forwarded your contact info to my agent. Please email if so. So your $500 will immediately buy $500 worth of shares each time you invest it. Spoke to you on Twitter about selling your books in Malaysia. Do we each open our own Vanguard fund? That's a pretty addictive feeling. You'll walk away with a practical toolkit to achieving financial freedom with minimal effort. 3. If you do, I think youll regret leaving such an inappropriate and downright bigoted comment. No tax or penalty. any guidance on this or any lead that i can follow? Collins: Well, I think when you look at the research, index funds were not warmly received by the investment community, primarily because the fees are so low. Ive got 88% of that 401ks $ in that fund, the remainder in a BlackRock international fund that seeks investment to match the performance of the MSCI ACWI ex US Index. But what about for people who are closer to drawdown or financial independence--whatever you want to call it--who do come into a large sum of money? The opportunity costs of this would be about $1200 over 30 months? have a US address and my husband still has a retirement account with them through a previous employer. There is also talk on the blog and the book about pros and cons (mainly pros) of ignoring DCA (Dollar Cost Averaging). INCOME: Currently spinning out of control busy, refining the business model to keep up with demand. She would rather sleep than have a sit-down financial lesson with mom. Find some other cute reference that is positive. I just wanted to say that Im a big fan of yours and your book should be taught in schools instead of shakespeare Terms of Service apply. But what about something that's arguably even simpler, or is simpler in my mind, which is just to buy a target-date fund and call it a day? Theyve just guaranteed the loss. Your spouse encourages it. We saw all these younger investors jumping into the market, but they were doing so by basically speculating, in my opinion. So, the fact that U.S. stocks are more highly valued than stocks in other parts of the world says something about the neighborhood those stocks live in. I walked away with my pension of 35k and thats it after solicitors were paid. Then when I herd you are a NH man also, that was a huge plus My question is Vangaurd direct or Betterment. . What better person to feature on my blog than you. If this is something you do, please let me know. I suppose given the success that you had in achieving financial independence through stock-picking, you could have made the choice to evangelize for the brand of stock-picking that made you successful, but you made a different choice. FinCon was quite the event. 1:11-4:20 Starting his blogging career in retirement. One Taiwanese publisher is interested in the complex Chinese rights of The Simple Path to Wealth, and would like to learn more about the book. Life, for the first time, has a clear path for me. What lifestyle do you want (assuming you can afford it)? A single 25-year-old banker in San Diego can sleep on the park bench, eat out of the McDonalds dumpster, walk to work and save 99% of their income. How I failed my daughter and a simple path to wealth by jlcollinsnh 220 Comments Literally since the day she was born people have been complimenting my daughter. Hello, Mr Collins. He blogs about financial and other matters at Good morning JL, I would greatly appreciate your view on my article: Mail clerk, ground man for a tree crew, landscaper, ad agency founder, account executive, ad space salesman,investment officer, entrepreneur, consultant, sales trainer, speaker, writer, radio talk show host, publisher and group publisher. Thanks so much for the information. Your email address will not be published. Of course, the corollary of that, if I'm right, unless it's some huge gain or it's not going to move the needle very much otherwise. Your book has become my second bible! Thank you, Is it really still as simple today to say, the market will always go up? And dumbly, I sold it. Im excited and nervous for the journey, but Im trying to take all the advice Ive picked up. And on your Ecuador example, I would submit that a few thousand dollars a year should not swing the decision (not that you shouldnt do the calculation). To further protect the integrity of our editorial content, we keep a strict separation between our sales teams and authors to remove any pressure or influence on our analyses and research. And in that case, as you correctly say, I am not a fan. Just called Vanguard Australia and they dont have it here, so I was wondering if you could guide me on this. How we use your information depends on the product and service that you use and your relationship with us. My father is still working and probably will not touch this until retirement, he is unsure when he will stop working. an online bank account where you buy and store gold, basically putting your savings on a gold standard. We have a high deductible health care plan where we pay $650 per month out of pocket for insurance. Excited that we have some mutual friends and we are excited to see their film & read Playing with FIRE!. For now, Im still in recovery mode from getting the book done. But here's the kicker. In Israel we have 2 types of funds that track the S&P 500. I have changed my 401k contributions to VTSAX and I plan to continue ignoring it while maintaining steady contributions for the long haul. Collins: Well, first of all, I agree with you, it is simpler. He said a coworker of his would like a recommendation for some books on personal finance. I plan to bring it forward in a coming post. I look forward to your announcement! But when do you actually sell the gain/stock to have that money, or do you just hold it as long as possible? Instead, the Stock Market Game captures teens attention but not the lessons they need to learn about investing. I am half-way listening to the Simple Path to Wealth audiobook and was looking for the downloadable PDF that you reference. Thank you. I realise your a busy man so I will keep this short , I live in Scotland (U.K.) and my current investment holdings are:-, Vanguard: target retirement fund Who knew that a four-year-old would want to go through The Wall Street Journal with you, but there you go. Any words of wisdom? And what was the impetus for you to get started sharing what you had learned with a broader audience via your blog and your books? Would you or have you changed your plan? Or if not, what sort of intervention do you think is needed to set them on the right path? I know you dont recommend investing in a single company, but Microsofts stock has been performing exponentially for the past 10 years. An associate of mine said, This is pretty interesting stuff. I shared it with him. I earn 35,700 yearly and I love to save. Ive recently looked back and I can say, Im disappointed at the results. And I think with the idea that there is a sense in some quarters that this whole pursuing financial independence somehow isn't available to African Americans and their book talks about why it is and how it is, and it does a great job. My name is Dustin and I work with a faith foundation, helping families give generously, maximize their impact, and leave a lasting legacy. Neither of our parents were financially savvy and therefore, we have always been intimidated. It's just that I've spent at least half of those dimes over the years buying the thing that was most important to me, and that's my freedom, that's my time. My time horizon is about 8 10 years (Im 62). If so, chose carefully and buy only term-life and then only for as long as you need it. If yes, could you send us the PDF for further review?, Im one of many who learned so much through your blog. But still . I love how you break everything down and make it super easy for me to understand. And having a clear path has lifted this massive weight from my shoulders. I know vanguard is the best option today, but still uncertain if it should be roth or a regular brokerage account. Mr.Collins, I think I have the explanation! I knew there was a way, with much more freedom, flexibility and less hours in a cube to acquire a $1500 paycheck every 2 weeks. Collins: Well, before we cross him off the list, let me just say, he's a fiscal saint. In this section of the podcast you were arguing the benefits of the quintessential mix of stocks and fixed assets like bonds/ treasuries. Well done! But anyway, so I've experienced both. . During the Wealth Accumulation Phase I always reinvested dividends. I started selling flyswatters door-to-door and picking up empty pop bottles from the side of the road to turn in for the 2-cent deposit. That makes her hot. He was resigned to a future of scarcity before we had this conversation. I know you are retired but I was hoping you could help settle a debate we have on NUAs and ESOP distributions. And the media loves those stories. Hanging on allowed me to retire in 2013 and Ive never been happier. Nope, never bought in Ecuador. But my book is pretty simple, and it does seem to resonate with a lot of people who are otherwise disinterested in this stuff. Suzanne, Hi Suzanne Lost our pension when United Airlines filed for bankruptcy and also lost $300,000 of Airline stock. So far, the first iteration of our product has received a record 89% stickiness amongst 600 early testers. Man, I really wish more people understood that concept in general (on both sides). I am 40, my husband is 52, and we have a 4 year old child. However, actively managed mutual funds have outperformed Index for the past many years here. The simplest solution is usually the correct solution. I have a weekly podcast and would love to have you as a guest on it. PERSONAL EXPESES: Food, DEBT payments and not much else. Gerry Anderson UFO Unstoppable Derren Nesbitt Autograph Card DN1 Craig Collins. However, physicians being as busy as they are, and not as interested in finance (too broad a brushstroke probably), I thought a summary- or a 5-minute version- might be helpful. From busboy, produce, clerk, and gas station attendant, to ad agency founder, sales trainer, radio co-host, and publisher. Once you have VTSAX you can add to it at anytime. Back in the early 1990s my wife and I had both stepped away from our jobs. Which makes me hot. Ive stayed the course, invested every month since, and Ill continue until Im able to retire(55 is my goal). I have been excitedly recommending it to friends and family. EXPESES: 90% of living expenses are pretty much covered through the business Van payment ("Mortgage"), vehicle insurance, health insurance, businesses insurances, phone bills, diesel, travel etc.. Then I found the bogglehead forum and learned about index funds. I know that much of th FI advice is geared toward younger people, but I want to try and apply some of these ideas to my situation. is soothing and sounds like the kind of father I never had, giving me ( I realize that if I did max-out my pre-tax contribution it would put my taxable income about at the 12% tax bracket threshold.) Are there any columnists, authors, thinkers who you especially appreciate? They are very tax friendly and can be cash accessible. We want to talk about your path to finding a simple path to wealth, which is the title of your book. Provide specific products and services to you, such as portfolio management or data aggregation. The good news is, in this day and age, there is so much great information out there about how to approach the market correctly and successfully. Just found your Blog and enjoyed reading a few posts that strike similar experiences in my life. My internet comments tend to be longer than I plan, so Ill put my most important piece first (sounds like I need to work on my writing, ha! If I invest $5500 into it, does that mean I can deduct that from my annual taxes. Dear Mr Collins, 10:04-13:46 The 4% rule. For more see: Download The Simple Path to Wealth PDF book free by J.L. Back then, the FI lifestyle was called being a pollack. My second book, How I Lost Money in Real Estate Before it was Fashionable, released in November 2021. Im afraid I know nothing about the Indian markets. They are offering payments of $212 per month interest free for 30 months. We bought the van for $16K on a private loan, and put about $4K worth of improvements, full cooktop, bed platform, sink with running water and solar power of course. Nice work so far on the blog. I loved what I read and it helped me pull the trigger on some changes I needed to make in my familys investment portfolio. We need kids to be ready for the real world. My response was The Simple Path to Wealth is all anyone needs and I sent him a copy. ..for your very kind words. Carmen. Thank you We need to: THANK YOU! Well, they are now 164and climbing! Where do you look for wisdom on an ongoing basis? I know it has been a while since your post, but I am curious how you made out with your workshop series. The negligence that led me to DIY investing, Part XXXVI: Estate Planning 101 -- The Simple Path to an Estate Plan, The Top 9 (Bad) Arguments Against Bitcoin, Investing with Vanguard for Europeans: 2020 update. Ive have listened to your book twice (We road trip a lot) and have taken extensive notes. Your name came up as a potential interviewee. Any other gotcha state taxes or fees to be aware of there? Thank you so much. i wish i had known about these investment strategies way sooner. Thank you for sharing, teaching, and inspiring. I am an almost fifty year old professional woman who while working part-time has managed individually to save well for retirement, to establish 529s for my two children, and to purchase a significant amount of mutual funds. How about the BlackRock Dow Jones fund? I work in the investment industry and love the investing world, too. I think in the end it was a cheaper route to go but I definitely did not need to tack on the extra $10K in loans, I could've worked, I shoulda woulda coulda. Case Study #10: Should Josiah buy his parents a house? My main question is i will be a non-resident alien (NRA) at the time i will be withdrawing it. Sorry getting thru has been tough. You can, but since you are under age 59.5 this will be a taxable event and youll pay a 10% penalty. Thanks for writing a book about finances that is down to earth!! It is cute, but will turn a lot of people off. As you say in the book, they are expensive! I will offer two seemingly contradictory suggestions and some comments. You wont need f- u money as JL Collins calls it because you wont have to say that to anyone. This was the first civilized meal, but more important the conversation about how to handle their savings and investing. So, even more of a connection! One question if you have time. Just recently discovered your website and so thankful I did! But for those people who enjoy real estate, and it's the kind of work they like, it's great. Am 59years old and my husband is 60. My agent is working with publishers around the world and the rights have already been sold in several countries. Calculating based on 10000 initial investment and 1000 monthly investment from 1999 to present. Hello Sir, Jim isnt telling you that theres no risk investing aggressively. Your daughter is so lucky to have you and your wife. And so, I'm faced with that very dilemma thinking, am I about to buy at the very peak? What kind of discount can you offer?. condition of Mr. Albert Jones, who has be-n ill with fever. Thanks for the reply, I kind of guessed you would answer in this way. Even if it is a good company. Things change and F-you Money is your shelter in the storm: Be sure to read thru the comments as well. Is there a way to email you directly because I wanted to share with you a story regarding the impact of your book with my oldest son who is currently a high school senior about to go to college. Dear Mr. Collins, My fiance and I are especially fortunate among the Working Poor (the fastest growing class in America) in that we have frugal habits and have managed to save 7 grand over the past couple years in dead end jobs, but really we are one disaster away from ruin (hospitalization, or the heat or roof needing to be replaced, etc). There's a lot of promotion designed to encourage people to do that. However, we can tell you the site does not accept sponsored posts. At least Ill then have my 1200. Thanks for the kind words and for linking to my Stock Series in that post. Joan had two children, Tara and Alexander, with her ex-husband, Alexander Newley, as well as a third child, Katyana, with her ex-husband, Ron Kass. The Simple Path To Wealth. I think youd be a great fit for our affiliate program. I agree with your calculations but the first question that has to be answered in non-economic. That helps a lot. It's a pleasure to be here. Anyhow, I really want to go to school and the ROI for school is awesome (easily 120K+ yearly once out), but cannot afford tuition. But the kind of dollar-cost averaging you're asking about, and you did make this clear, is what if you wind up with a lump sum of money for whatever reason. A tremendous blog mate. Looks like you hit on the magic formula. Ironically Ive read your series before Ive read one page of Your money ratios. The value of disposable income when you are still young enough to use it should also be addressed. I was also an English major at Wabash College (20 years ago). You didnt fall for anything. Collins covers a lot of ground in the book, from explaining how the stock market works (in everyday language that you can understand); sharing his own investment strategy; encouraging everyone to. I looked into dividend growth investing, but a 50+ stock portfolio was a full time job. Hope to see you on the site now and then. Active 401k is (and has been) in an S&P index fund. That one came out in 2021. The Simple Path to Wealth by JL Collins is designed as a one-stop roadmap to financial freedom. Mix of stocks and fixed assets like bonds/ treasuries only term-life and then unsure he! Some changes i needed to make in my familys investment portfolio many as possible was looking the... Recommending it to friends and family in real Estate before it was Fashionable, in! 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