in lob, XXVIII, V: PL 76, 455-456. 2. Encycl. As is customary with significant Roman Catholic Church documents, it is known by its incipit, "Lumen . Conc. This maternity of Mary in the order of grace began with the consent which she gave in faith at the Annunciation and which she sustained without wavering beneath the cross, and lasts until the eternal fulfillment of all the elect. Already from the beginning of the world the foreshadowing of the Church took place. (208) Further, He has shared this power so that serving Christ in their fellow men they might by humility and patience lead their brethren to that King for whom to serve is to reign. 67, 10: PL 9, 4S0; CSEL 22, p. 286. S. Irenaeus, Adv. Menti nostrae, 23 sept. 1950: AAS 42 (1950) p. 660. Whosoever, therefore, knowing that the Catholic Church was made necessary by Christ, would refuse to enter or to remain in it, could not be saved. (169) This power, which they personally exercise in Christ's name, is proper, ordinary and immediate, although its exercise is ultimately regulated by the supreme authority of the Church, and can be circumscribed by certain limits, for the advantage of the Church or of the faithful. This is done in virtue of his primacy over the entire Church in order to more fully provide for the necessities of the entire flock of the Lord and in consideration of the common good. Pius XII, Litt. 1943: AAS 35 (1943) p. 214 s. (10) Cfr. 10: PL 2, 925 C. S. Cyprianus, Hab. Fulgens corona, 8 sept. 1953: AAS 45 (1953) pp. He is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, that in all things He might have the first place. | Can., c. 1327; c. 13S0 2. Idem, Litt. Funk I, p. 32. Christ is the light of nations. Conc. 96 Neh. (7) Cfr. 13, 12: PL 35 1499. He uninterruptedly renews and leads the Church to perfect union with its Spouse. Annus sacer, 1. c., p. 30. 78, 18: PG 42, 728 CD; 729 AB. Godefridus a S. Victore. Christi. By divine institution Holy Church is ordered and governed with a wonderful diversity. Indeed, they should imitate by their lively charity, in their joyous hope and by their voluntary sharing of each others' burdens, the very Christ who plied His hands with carpenter's tools and Who in union with His Father, is continually working for the salvation of all men. Rerum Ecclesiae: AAS 18 (1926) p. 68-69. He did this that He might sanctify her. 1875, et alloc. 1, 5; S. Clem. Pius XI, Litt. (25) Tertullianus, de Iciunio, 13: PL 2, 972 B; CSFL 20, p. 292,lin. Mystici Corporis, 1. c., p. 221 ss. The Role of the Blessed Mother in the Economy of Salvation. (2) All the elect, before time began, the Father "foreknew and pre- destined to become conformed to the image of His Son, that he should be the firstborn among many brethren". Cfr. Now the laity are called in a special way to make the Church present and operative in those places and circumstances where only through them can it become the salt of the earth (2*). Deacon Ed Sheffer . I, Const. 1. By reason of the gift and role of divine maternity, by which she is united with her Son, the Redeemer, and with His singular graces and functions, the Blessed Virgin is also intimately united with the Church. That is to say that, instead of emphasizing the vertical line of control, Lumen Gentium emphasizes a horizontal line where the "People of God" are made important (O'Malley 174). Sapientae christianae, 10 ian. And lastly, by the example of their way of life they must be an influence for good to those over whom they preside, refraining from all evil and, as far as they are able with God's help, exchanging evil for good, so that together with the flock committed to their care they may arrive at eternal life.(57*). Eccl. (11) S. Ign. Haerent animo, 4 aug. 1908: ASS 41 (1908) p. 560 s. Cod. Summary of Lumen Gentium - Dogmatic Constitution of the Church . (3) Cfr. III, q. (10) Cfr. It was the last and longest published document from the council and is the first constitution published by an ecumenical council to address the entire world. Pro documentis liturgicis, cfr. Mystici Cororis, 29 iun. Satis cognitium, 29 iun. "(7*) Comparing Mary with Eve, they call her "the Mother of the living,"(8*) and still more often they say: "death through Eve, life through Mary. (212) They must diffuse in the world that spirit which animates the poor, the meek, the peace makerswhom the Lord in the Gospel proclaimed as blessed. (22) S. Cyprianus, Epist. Offici, 24 apr. Second Vatican Council, Lumen Gentium 16, November 21, 1964 "But the plan of salvation also includes those who acknowledge the Creator, in the first place among whom are the Muslims: these profess to hold the faith of Abraham, and together with us they adore the one, merciful God, mankind's judge on the last day." By martyrdom a disciple is transformed into an image of his Master by freely accepting death for the salvation of the worldas well as his conformity to Christ in the shedding of his blood. They are the original ministers of confirmation, dispensers of sacred Orders and the moderators of penitential discipline, and they earnestly exhort and instruct their people to carry out with faith and reverence their part in the liturgy and especially in the holy sacrifice of the Mass. (4) S. Cyprianus, De Orat Dom. ROME, NOV. 4, 2004 (Zenit) - Nov. 21 will mark 40 years since the promulgation by Pope Paul VI of the Second Vatican Council's dogmatic constitution, "Lumen Gentium." To better understand the way in which this document was written, we interviewed Jesuit Father Peter Gumpel, who collaborated day by day in the . Act 6, 2-6; 11, 30; 13, 1, 14, 23; 20, 17; 1 Thess. Hom. It gives great joy and comfort to this holy and general Synod that even among the separated brethren there are some who give due honor to the Mother of our Lord and Saviour, especially among the Orientals, who with devout mind and fervent impulse give honor to the Mother of God, ever virgin. Funk, I, p. 266. 1926: AAS 18 (1926) p. 69. They should embue their offspring, lovingly welcomed as God's gift, with Christian doctrine and the evangelical virtues. The Cult of the Blessed Virgin in the Church. Chrysostomus, De Virg. "All Christians in any state or walk of life are called to the fullness of Christian life and to the perfection of charity. Since, like Paul the Apostle, he is debtor to all men, let him be ready to preach the Gospel to all,(174) and to urge his faithful to apostolic and missionary activity. (4*) This consecration will be the more perfect, in as much as the indissoluble bond of the union of Christ and His bride, the Church, is represented by firm and more stable bonds. 7. Sitting at the right hand of the Father, He is continually active in the world that He might lead men to the Church and through it join them to Himself and that He might make them partakers of His glorious life by nourishing them with His own Body and Blood. Therefore, let the laity devotedly strive to acquire a more profound grasp of revealed truth, and let them insistently beg of God the gift of wisdom. 1653 1654 (2823-2825); responsioner S.S.C.S. p. 504. 2:20. 65, 1: PG 59, 361. In the second chapter, an overview of the development of the discipline of theology of religions within the Roman Catholic tradition is presented. (254) Since however we know not the day nor the hour, on Our Lord's advice we must be constantly vigilant so that, having finished the course of our earthly life,(255) we may merit to enter into the marriage feast with Him and to be numbered among the blessed(256) and that we may not be ordered to go into eternal fire(257) like the wicked and slothful servant,(258) into the exterior darkness where "there will be the weeping and the gnashing of teeth". (119), It follows that though there are many nations there is but one people of God, which takes its citizens from every race, making them citizens of a kingdom which is of a heavenly rather than of an earthly nature. Encycl. 38. Statuta Eccl. Mediator Dei, 20 nov. 1947: AAS 39 (1947) p. 555. These laymen spend themselves completely in apostolic labors, working the Lord's field with much success.(10*). dogm. The Lord Jesus set it on its course by preaching the Good News, that is, the coming of the Kingdom of God, which, for centuries, had been promised in the Scriptures: "The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand"(18). c. Donat. (261) Reckoning therefore that "the sufferings of the present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory to come that will be revealed in us",(262) strong in faith we look for the "blessed hope and the glorious coming of our great God and Saviour, Jesus Christ"(263) "who will refashion the body of our lowliness, conforming it to the body of His glory(264), and who will come "to be glorified in His saints and to be marveled at in all those who have believed"(265). Vat. Alloc. And behold I am with you all days even to the consummation of the world". Thus these religious are able to tranquilly fulfill and faithfully observe their religious profession and so spiritually rejoicing make progress on the road of charity. Apost. Flor., Decretum pro Graecis: Denz. Vat. 14, 37: PL 45, 1015 s.: Non tantum continenti Dei donum est, sed coniugatorum etiam castitas. 5, 12-13; Phil. Rom. 3: Mansi 10, 1151. 693 (1305). The evangelical counsels of chastity dedicated to God, poverty and obedience are based upon the words and examples of the Lord. Chalcedonense, ib. 2, 2 Tit. . (22) Conc. Fortified by so many and such powerful means of salvation, all the faithful, whatever their condition or state, are called by the Lord, each in his own way, to that perfect holiness whereby the Father Himself is perfect. Iur. (27) Cfr. 64, 4: PL 3, 1017. 1. - S. Germanus Constantinop., In annunt. 112-3117, in nova ed. 19. . Wherefore this people, while remaining one and only one, is to be spread throughout the whole world and must exist in all ages, so that the decree of God's will may be fulfilled. His plan was to raise men to a participation of the divine life. Lateranense anni 649, Can. - S. Io. S. Cyprianus, Epist. affirms this theory, teaching that the Church is more than a human institution or a political structure, but is a mystical, spiritual reality - the MBOC is made up of all of the baptized faithful who are joined in spirit with Christ the Head. Encycl. There are also those who . (282), THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY, MOTHER OF GOD IN THE MYSTERY OF CHRIST AND THE CHURCH, 52. Apost. Pius XII, Alloc. Associated with their bishop in a spirit of trust and generosity, they make him present in a certain sense in the individual local congregations, and take upon themselves, as far as they are able, his duties and the burden of his care, and discharge them with a daily interest. 19, 1: PL 76, 1154 B. 20, 25-27; 2 Tim. 16:18; Eph. Since the Supreme Pontiff is head of the College, he alone is able to perform certain actions which are not at all within the competence of the bishops, e.g., convoking the College and directing it, approving norms of action, etc. Tr. Decr. Encycl. (2) Paulus VI, Alloc. (25) From this source the Church, equipped with the gifts of its Founder and faithfully guarding His precepts of charity, humility and self-sacrifice, receives the mission to proclaim and to spread among all peoples the Kingdom of Christ and of God and to be, on earth, the initial budding forth of that kingdom. S. Thomas, Sumtna Theol. But the Lord wishes to spread His kingdom also by means of the laity, namely, a kingdom of truth and life, a kingdom of holiness and grace, a kingdom of justice, love and peace (4*). (175), 28. N.B. For besides intimately linking them to His life and His mission, He also gives them a sharing in His priestly function of offering spiritual worship for the glory of God and the salvation of men. Cfr. Nor should they omit to pray for those placed over them, for they keep watch as having to render an account of their souls, so that they may do this with joy and not with grief. 5, 22; 2 Tim. Dogmatic Constitution on the Church: Lumen Gentium [Vatican II, Lumen Gentium] on They should be of aid to their fellow citizens. For this too God sent the Spirit of His Son as Lord and Life-giver. I also felt the need to explain why this document is important and . Lumen Gentium, Dogmatic Constitution on the Church, November 21, 1964. (26) It is a flock of which God Himself foretold He would be the shepherd, (27) and whose sheep, although ruled by human shepherds; are nevertheless continuously led and nourished by Christ Himself, the Good Shepherd and the Prince of the shepherds, (28) who gave His life for the sheep. Oec. M., Philad., 1, 1; Magn. And for this reason the apostles, appointed as rulers in this society, took care to appoint successors. 1 n. 8. 1898: ASS 31 (1898-99) p. 11. 236-237. 2:6; Col. 2:12 etc. In B. V. crit. On account of this sharing in their priesthood and mission, let priests sincerely look upon the bishop as their father and reverently obey him. 1. 1, Schema Const. Pius XII, Const. . (18*) For in the mystery of the Church, which is itself rightly called mother and virgin, the Blessed Virgin stands out in eminent and singular fashion as exemplar both of virgin and mother. What makes Lumen Gentium, especially chatper II: "On the People of God" so "revolutionary" is the new stress it put on the equality and unity of all the Church's members. Religious should carefully keep before their minds the fact that the Church presents Christ to believers and non-believers alike in a striking manner daily through them. Vaticanum II Const. She herself is a virgin, who keeps the faith given to her by her Spouse whole and entire. (25*) For when Christ shall appear and the glorious resurrection of the dead will take place, the glory of God will light up the heavenly City and the Lamb will be the lamp thereof. (18) S. Ambrosius, Expos. Lumen gentium, the Dogmatic Constitution on the Church, is one of the principal documents of the Second Vatican Council.This dogmatic constitution was promulgated by Pope Paul VI on 21 November 1964, following approval by the assembled bishops by a vote of 2,151 to 5. Funk, I, pp. The pope's power of primacy over all, both pastors and faithful, remains whole and intact. (20*) She knows that it is given by Him who enlightens all men so that they may finally have life. S. Augustinus, C. Faustum, 12, 20: PL 42, 26S Serm. 940 (1743). Pius XII, Adhort. 59-60. In the first place among these ministers are deacons, who, in as much as they are dispensers of Christ's mysteries and servants of the Church,(9*) should keep themselves free from every vice and stand before men as personifications of goodness and friends of God. Funk, I, p. 300: Christus dicitur . 26. Though few are presented such an opportunity, nevertheless all must be prepared to confess Christ before men. It is the duty of the deacon, according as it shall have been assigned to him by competent authority, to administer baptism solemnly, to be custodian and dispenser of the Eucharist, to assist at and bless marriages in the name of the Church, to bring Viaticum to the dying, to read the Sacred Scripture to the faithful, to instruct and exhort the people, to preside over the worship and prayer of the faithful, to administer sacramentals, to officiate at funeral and burial services. Until the Lord shall come in His majesty, and all the angels with Him (266) and death being destroyed, all things are subject to Him,(277) some of His disciples are exiles on earth, some having died are purified, and others are in glory beholding "clearly God Himself triune and one, as He is";(1*) but all in various ways and degrees are in communion in the same charity of God and neighbor and all sing the same hymn of glory to our God. Encycl. Dogm. Leo XIII, Const. Let them strive to reconcile the two, remembering that in every temporal affair they must be guided by a Christian conscience, since even in secular business there is no human activity which can be withdrawn from God's dominion. (112) Through it, the people of God adheres unwaveringly to the faith given once and for all to the saints,(113) penetrates it more deeply with right thinking, and applies it more fully in its life. 7: Denz. Relatio Kleutgen de Schemate reformato: Mansi S3, 321 B - 322 B et declaratio Zinelli: Mansi 52 1110 A. Vide etiam S. Leonem M. Scrm. Kleutgen, textus reformstus De mysterio Verbi incarnati, cap. (300) And so they turn their eyes to Mary who shines forth to the whole community of the elect as the model of virtues. For the Church is compelled by the Holy Spirit to do her part that God's plan may be fully realized, whereby He has constituted Christ as the source of salvation for the whole world. Thus are fulfilled the words of God, spoken through His prophet: "From the rising of the sun until the going down thereof my name is great among the gentiles, and in every place a clean oblation is sacrificed and offered up in my name". At all times and in every race God has given welcome to whosoever fears Him and does what is right. F. Streicher) pas I, pp. In this kingdom creation itself will be delivered from its slavery to corruption into the freedom of the glory of the sons of God. (37) De iuribus Sedium patriarchalium, cfr. Those chosen for the fullness of the priesthood are granted the ability of exercising the perfect duty of pastoral charity by the grace of the sacrament of Orders. (51) In this sacred rite a oneness with Christ's death and resurrection is both symbolized and brought about: "For we were buried with Him by means of Baptism into death"; and if "we have been united with Him in the likeness of His death, we shall be so in the likeness of His resurrection also". (10) Cfr. M., Philad. For the members of the people of God are called to share these goods in common, and of each of the Churches the words of the Apostle hold good: "According to the gift that each has received, administer it to one another as good stewards of the manifold grace of God".(123). V. Mary the sign of created hope and solace to the wandering people of God. S. Cyprianus, Epist. (18*) In the first place we must recall the people to whom the testament and the promises were given and from whom Christ was born according to the flesh. (102) Therefore all the disciples of Christ, persevering in prayer and praising God,(103) should present themselves as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God. 64. S. Io Chrysostomus, In Ephes. 5:22. (8) Cfr. (86) Christ instituted this new covenant, the new testament, that is to say, in His Blood,(87) calling together a people made up of Jew and gentile, making them one, not according to the flesh but in the Spirit. 939 (1742). (13) Cfr. Pius XII, Alloc. 19, 1, 1: PL 2, 972 B ; 20! ) Cfr who keeps the faith given to her by her Spouse whole and intact lovingly welcomed as 's... As God 's gift, with Christian doctrine and the Church took place sept.... An overview of the sons of God in the Church to whosoever fears Him and what. 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