r v smith 1974r v smith 1974
With respect to the written stories, the judge dismissed the appeal, set aside the original sentence and probation order, and imposed a $2,000 fine. 3. International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, G.A. Nevertheless, leave to appeal was granted and the constitutional question was stated. 2200 A (XXI), 21 U.N. GAOR, Supp. In my view, these tests do provide a sound basis for assessing the validity of a punishment under s. 12 of the Charter. It must decide what the aims and objectives of social policy are to be, and it must specify the means by which they will be accomplished. Co. Ct., Mossop Co. Ct. J., July 7, 1983, unreported). H.C.), at p. 311; R. v. Tobac (1985), 1985 CanLII 180 (NWT CA), 20 C.C.C. (2d) 343 (Que. The offence for which he was indicted is in these terms: "Damaging property contrary to Section 1(1) of the Criminal Damage Act 1971. In imposing a sentence of imprisonment, the judge will assess the circumstances of the case in order to arrive at an appropriate sentence. 8 to 14 was commented on and where the "principles of fundamental justice" were defined as providing more than just procedural protection under the section. Oxford v Moss (1979) 68 Cr App R 183. 145. He was acquitted. S. 5(2)(a)- Lawful Excuse- D will have a defence if they can argue: S only applies to S(1), Arson. 7. Moreover, a wide discretion remains with the trial judge to consider the particular circumstances of the accused in determining whether a lesser sentence than the maximum sentence of life imprisonment should be imposed. It is a continuous act and it is a matter for the jury to decide whether or not the appropriation has finished". For example, Lacourcire J.A., in R. v. Langevin, supra, stated, at p. 360: In the cases considered under s. 2(b) of the Bill of Rights such as Hatchwell v. The Queen (1973), 1973 CanLII 1447 (BC CA), 14 C.C.C. When he went to pick it up he saw that the car was left outside with the key in. 295; R. v. Edwards Books and Art Ltd., 1986 CanLII 12 (SCC), [1986] 2 S.C.R. It also extends to punishments which are, to use his words, "grossly disproportionate". (McIntyre J. dissenting): The appeal should be allowed. This sentence did not go beyond what is necessary to achieve the valid social aim of deterring the traffic in drugs; Parliament considered the matter carefully and extensively and there was a want of evidence before the Court as to adequate alternatives capable of realizing this valid social aim. In-house law team, Damage to property mistake Criminal Damage Act 1971. Appellant would not be able to show that the minimum punishment in s. 5(2) of the Narcotic Control Act would outrage the public conscience or be degrading to human dignity, especially when it is considered in the light of the other sentences currently provided for in Canadian law, the length of the sentence actually to be served, and the seriousness of the offence. 1 (B.C.C.A. (Photo: Ipshita Banerji) With 11 books and countless columns on Delhi's rich culture and history across major dailies to his credit, Smith is survived by his wife Elvina, and children Enid, Bunny, Esther, Tony and Rodney. (No. His third principle was: ". This appeal was heard by CULLITON, C.J.S., BROWNRIDGE and HALL, JJ.A., of the Saskatchewan Court of Appeal. A person convicted of importing a narcotic under s. 5 of the, I turn then to the second test which, of course, overlaps the first in some respects. The present appeal is yet another instance of a number of cases, which have recently come before this Court, in which the Judge of the trial court has purported to grant a certificate on grounds involving questions of law alone. R v Smith (Thomas Joseph), [1959] 2 QB 35, 43 Cr App R 121, [1959] 2 WLR 623, [1959] 2 All ER 193, CCA: chain of causation, homicide R v Smith (1988) 10 Cr App R (S) 434 Canada [ edit] R v Smith (1987), 1 S.C.R. It shocked the communal conscience. 8354) Indexed As: R. v. Smith. After pleading guilty before Wetmore Co. Ct.J., the accused challenged the constitutional validity of the sevenyear minimum sentence found in s. 5(2) of the, . Further, after considering the justifications of deterrence and retribution, he concluded at pp. I turn then to the second test which, of course, overlaps the first in some respects. : 18561. It is true that the enactments of Parliament must now be measured against the Charter and, where they do not come within the provisions of the Charter, they may be struck down. One new video every week (I accept requests and reply to everything!). This is understandable as at the time this Court had not yet handed down its decision in Re B.C. This case, the obvious inspiration for Boston Legal episode Roe v Wade: The Musical, raises two important points: firstly a man deceived into creating a baby still has financial obligations to that child irrespective of deception and secondly even if deception is involved a father still has no right to be consulted in whether the pregnancy is terminated or not. It has not become obsolete. This history shows that Parliament took an increasingly serious view of the drug traffic in general, and importing in particular. Many of these principles have already found their way into Canadian jurisprudence, particularly the early decisions interpreting the cruel and unusual punishment clause of the Canadian Bill of Rights. This Court has already had occasion to address s. 1. , this Court set out the criteria which must be met in order to discharge this burden. R v Smith - 1974 300 words (1 pages) Case Summary 27th Jun 2019 Case Summary Reference this In-house law team Jurisdiction / Tag (s): UK Law Share this: LinkedIn R v Smith [1974] QB 354 Damage to property - mistake - Criminal Damage Act 1971 Facts Smith was the tenant of a ground floor flat. 3233: Without specific attribution as to the court that suggested it, it would be useful to consider the various specific tests that have been suggested: (1) Is the punishment such that it goes beyond what is necessary to achieve a legitimate penal aim? Co. Ct., Judge Mossop, July 7, 1983, unreported; In re Gittens, 1982 CanLII 5224 (FC), [1983] 1 F.C. (3d) 241 (B.C.C.A. The Court of Appeal for Ontario ((1976), 1976 CanLII 600 (ON CA), 30 C.C.C. It is true, in general, that when a judge imposes a sentence, he considers the nature and gravity of the offence, the circumstances in which it was committed, and the character and criminal history of the offender, all with an eye to the primary purposes of punishment: rehabilitation, deterrence, incapacitation, and retribution. In Phillips v. Irons 354 Ill. App. (3d) 129; R. v. Guiller, Ont. Having written these reasons some time ago, I have not referred to recent decisions of the courts or recent publications. Subject to the section's being salvaged under s. 1, the minimum must be declared of no force or effect. (3d) 138 (T.D. 1970, c. N1, ss. A punishment will be cruel and unusual and violate s. 12 of the Charter if it has any one or more of the following characteristics: (1)The punishment is of such character or duration as to outrage the public conscience or be degrading to human dignity; (2)The punishment goes beyond what is necessary for the achievement of a valid social aim, having regard to the legitimate purposes of punishment and the adequacy of possible alternatives; or. (2d) 158 (B.C.S.C. Simple and digestible information on studying law effectively. Each of the nine members of the United States Supreme Court wrote separate reasons, the majority holding that the imposition of the death penalty under a variety of state statutes constituted cruel and unusual punishment in violation of the Eighth and Fourteenth Amendments to the United States Constitution. 307, and Miller and Cockriell, supra, the court took into account the overall objective of Parliament in the protection of society. lawprof.co. - The Saskatchewan Court of Appeal discussed the meaning of the word "planned" as found in s. 214(2) of the Criminal Code of Canada, R.S.C. (1978), 10 Ottawa L.R. One of the necessary consequences of imposing sentences in accordance with standards which are rationally connected to the object of the legislation is that similarily situated offenders will, to the extent practicable, be treated alike. 5, 9, as am. Unsatisfied Mr Paton sought to secure the injunction by arguing that his standing to protect his unborn childs right to life was secured under the right to respect for his private and family life in Paton v United Kingdom [1980] 3 EHRR 408. R. v. Smith. Facts: A travel agent received money from clients for deposits for their holidays. The majority of the court applied a proportionality test in holding the death penalty not cruel and unusual in all circumstances. Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and do not reflect the views of LawTeacher.net. Ct. J., September 23, 1985, unreported; R. v. Big M Drug Mart Ltd., 1985 CanLII 69 (SCC), [1985] 1 S.C.R. This is not to say, as a general proposition, that parties can only challenge laws on constitutional grounds if they can show that their individual rights have been violated. While the interpretation was given in respect of the Canadian Bill of Rights, it is equally applicable to the phrase as used in the Charter. While there can be no doubt of its effect on the person who suffers the punishment, to have a social purpose in the broader sense it would have to have a deterrent effect on people generally and thus tend to reduce the incidence of violent crime. There can be no doubt that Parliament, in enacting the Narcotic Control Act, was aiming at the suppression of an illicit drug traffic, a truly valid social aim. Such persons, with few exceptions (as an example, the guilt of addicts who import not only to meet but also to finance their needs is not necessarily the same in degree as that of coldblooded nonusers), should, upon conviction, in my respectful view, be sentenced to and actually serve long periods of penal servitude. So is the unauthorized manufacture of the proscribed chemical drugs. The Appellant's defence was that he honestly believed that the damage he did was to his own property, that he believed that he was entitled to damage his own property and therefore he had a lawful excuse for his actions causing the damage. R v Smith [1974] 2 NSWLR 586. ); Piche v. SolicitorGeneral of Canada (1984), 1984 CanLII 3548 (FC), 17 C.C.C. 3d 1164, 2005 (Ill. App. The prosecutorial discretion is then exercised in selecting the appropriate charges. Further, there will be a range of sentences which may be considered excessive, but not so excessive or so disproportionate as to "outrage standards of decency" and thereby justify judicial interference under s. 12 of the Charter. We in Canada also have other sections in the Charter to protect the equality of all in face of the law, amongst others, s. 15(1). Take a look at some weird laws from around the world! Of course, the means chosen do "achieve the objective in question". Report of the Canadian Sentencing Commission. It was "unusual" because of its extreme nature. ), refd to. No issue arises on this point in this case. Those nonusers, who import and traffic in such noxious drugs as heroin, are slave masters and responsible not only for the destruction of numerous human beings, but also for the very extensive criminal activity which is spawned by the drug trade. 213 (CA);1979 CanLII 2233 (SK CA);51 CCC (2d) 381;1 Sask R 213, Court of Queen's Bench of Alberta (Canada), Ontario Ontario Court of Justice General Division (Canada). Indeed, the net cast by s. 5(2) for sentencing purposes need not be so wide as that cast by s. 5(1) for conviction purposes. I do not think it wise to address s. 9 without the benefit of the views of the courts below with regard to its relationship to s. 7. 171; Ex parte Kleinys, 1965 CanLII 652 (BC SC), [1965] 3 C.C.C. [para. In assessing whether a sentence is grossly disproportionate, the court must first consider the gravity of the offence, the personal characteristics of the offender and the particular circumstances of the case in order to determine what range of sentences would have been appropriate to punish, rehabilitate or deter this particular offender or to protect the public from this particular offender. "Look, how can I be done for smashing my own property. 27th Jun 2019 In my view, the appellant cannot succeed on this first branch. 's conclusion. Yet, there is a law in Canada, s. 5(2) of the. I think this to be a reasonable appraisal, in line with the duty of the Court not to whittle down the protections of the Canadian Bill of Rights by a narrow construction of what is a quasiconstitutional document. R v Smith [1959] 2 QB 35 The defendant, a soldier, got in a fight at an army barracks and stabbed another soldier. In other words, a punishment, though proportionate to the offence, will be cruel and unusual if it is imposed arbitrarily, unevenly and without reason upon some people and not others. The constitutional question posed in this case, in the absence of a uniform application of the prohibition, could only be answered: "sometimes yes, and sometimes no". In the present case, the appellant submits that the minimum sentence of seven years' imprisonment, under s. 5(2) of the Narcotic Control Act, is arbitrary, because it "must be imposed by the trial judge without regard to the type or amount of narcotic imported or exported, nor its intended use, nor to the criminal history or background of the accused". An honest but mistaken belief could be used as a lawful defence to such a charge under the circumstances. 915: hearsay South Africa [ edit] Remedy will then flow from s. 24. The punishment is not so grossly disproportionate to the offence of importing narcotics that it is an outrage to standards of decency. Held: At first instance the defendant was convicted of theft. Solitary confinement as practised in certain circumstances affords an example: see McCann v. The Queen, 1975 CanLII 2267 (FC), [1976] 1 F.C. In my view, in its modern application the meaning of "cruel and unusual treatment or punishment" must be drawn "from the evolving standards of decency that mark the progress of a maturing society", That is because there are social and moral considerations that enter into the scope and application of s. 2(, I would adopt these words as well and say, in short, that to be "cruel and unusual treatment or punishment" which would infringe. Craig J.A. (3) Is it unacceptable to a large segment of the population? Simple and digestible information on studying law effectively. R v. Smith (1974) 58 Cr. He rejected the suggestion that the Court should consider whether the punishment was acceptable to a large segment of Canadian society because this appeared to be asking the Court to define cruel and unusual punishment by a "statistical measure of approval or disapproval", an avenue of inquiry on which the Court should not embark (p. 692). It has introduced the safeguard of two opinions: but, if they are formed in good faith by the time when the operation is undertaken, the abortion is lawful. o R v Instan 1893- niece failed to care for aunt after moving in during illness. & M sess. Powell J., speaking for the majority, held that the Eighth Amendment "prohibits not only barbaric punishments but also sentences that are disproportionate to the crime committed" (p. 284). I would add, in so far as the question of interest or standing discussed by McIntyre J. is concerned, that I am of the opinion that an accused should be recognized as having standing to challenge the constitutional validity of a mandatory minimum sentence, whether or not, as applied to his case, it would result in cruel and unusual punishment. (No. Free resources to assist you with your legal studies! Solicitor for the respondent: Frank Iacobucci, Ottawa. It was not asserted before usnor could it bethat imprisonment, as regulated by Canadian law, is of such character that it would outrage the public conscience or be degrading to human dignity. Subscribers are able to see the revised versions of legislation with amendments. In the course of his summing-up the Deputy Judge directed the jury in these terms: "Now, in order to make the offence complete, the person who is charged with it must destroy or damage that property belonging to another, 'without lawful excuse', and that is something that one has got to look at a little more, Members of the Jury, because you have heard here that, so far as each Defendant was concerned, it never occurred to them, and, you may think, quite naturally never occurred to either of them, that "these various additions to the house were anything but their own property But Members of the Jury, the Act is quite specific, and so far as the Defendant David Smith is concerned lawful excuse is the only defence which has been raised. Remedy will then flow from s. 24. There was a legal obligation to return the money received by mistake. (3d) 193; Re Moore and The Queen (1984), 1984 CanLII 2132 (ON SC), 10 C.C.C. Arnup J.A., speaking for Brooke, Dubin, Martin and Blair JJ.A., took the position that it was preferable not to interfere with Parliament's expressed intention to deter the serious crime of importing drugs, at pp. 2, c. 2, which states: 10. Appellant pleaded guilty to importing seven and a half ounces of cocaine into Canada contrary to s. 5(1) of the Narcotic Control Act. The business collapsed before he paid the money to book the holidays and the clients lost their deposit. ); Ex parte Kleinys, 1965 CanLII 652 (BC SC), [1965] 3 C.C.C. in R. v. Shand, supra. A person convicted of importing a narcotic under s. 5 of the Narcotic Control Act and sentenced to the minimum sentence of seven years will, in the absence of additional sentences imposed for other offences or a loss of earned remission of sentence, be eligible for release on day parole after serving fourteen months in prison (Parole Regulations, SOR/78428, s. 9, as amended). Appellant could not succeed under s. 7 of the Charter. I am substantially in agreement with my colleague, Lamer J. You can search by the SCC 5-digit case number, by name or word in the style of cause, or by file number from the appeal court. The dissenting judge would have imposed a sentence of five years. Subscribers are able to see any amendments made to the case. Facts: The defendant, by organising events, raised money for a company which distributed money among charities. He was uncertain as regards the proper approach to be taken when assessing whether legislation, which prima facie violates a section, can be salvaged under s. 1 of the Charter. 145; R. v. Big M Drug Mart Ltd., supra; Re B.C. Dissenting, McIntyre J.A., as he then was, undertook a more detailed analysis of the protection afforded by s. 2(b) of the Canadian Bill of Rights. The Court of Appeal stated that the killing was the result of a sudden impulse - See paragraph 31. 25]. Once there the treatment given was described as palpably wrong. Ronnie L Kimes - EXPIRED M.V.R/NO REGISTRATION - Texas. For four months the post was not filled. White J., speaking for the plurality (Stewart, Blackmun, and Stevens JJ. these various additions to the house were anything but their own property But Members of the Jury, the Act is quite specific, and so far as the Defendant David Smith is concerned lawful excuse is the only defence which has been raised. Although I have found the flexibility of this approach attractive I have come to the conclusion that it would not be a sound approach to the validity and application of a mandatory minimum sentence provision which applies to a wide range of conduct, if only because of the uncertainty it would create and the prejudicial effects which the assumed validity or application of the provision might have in particular cases. These rights cannot be read so broadly as to render other rights nugatory, and for this reason, s. 7 cannot raise any rights or issues not already considered under s. 12. The present appeal is yet another instance of a number of cases, which have recently come before this Court, in which the Judge of the trial court has purported to grant a certificate on grounds involving questions of law alone. Smith was charged and convicted of murder at a court martial. A summary of his reasons can be found in the following passage at p. 456: To sum up: s. 2 of the Bill of Rights does not prevent the application of s. 214(1) and (2) and s. 218 of the Criminal Code on the ground that the punishment of death prescribed by the Code is a cruel and unusual one, because (1) punishment by death for murder is not unusual in the ordinary and natural meaning of the word; (2) Parliament, when it enacted the amendments to the Code, was of the opinion that the punishment was not an unusual one and the Court cannot substitute its opinion (if it is different) for Parliament's; and (3) Parliament wished its enactment to prevail and by necessary implication excluded the application of s. 2 of the Bill of Rights. This desirable purpose may be served in the actual sentencing process by the exercise of judicial discretion within the wide range of sentencing options not coming within the s. 12 prohibition. In so doing, the courts will apply the general principles of sentencing accepted in the courts in an effort to make the punishment fit the crime and the individual criminal. Name : ROCILES-VASQUEZ, CRUZ Race : White Gender : Male Height : 5 6 (1.68 m) Weight : 170 lb (77 kg) Hair Color : Brown Eye Color : Brown DOB : 1/31/1974 Booking Number : 9048 Arresting Agency : Tyler Police Department Current Facility : N/A Booking Date : 11/13/1999 Release Date : 11/13/1999 SO Number : 92770 Address : TYLER, TX 75702 Abortion is an emotive topic that never fails to inspire a response regardless of gender. Where Do We Look for Guidance?" C.A. Reference this The new statute provided certain safeguards with respect to the imposition of the death penalty. The concept of cruel and unusual treatment or punishment would be deprived of its special character and would become, in effect, a mere caution against severe punishment. [para. What is unconstitutional for one must be unconstitutional for all when charged with the same offence. R. v. Smith (No. ); R. v. Tobac, supra; R. v. Randall and Weir (1983), 1983 CanLII 3138 (NS CA), 7 C.C.C. As indicated above, s. 12 is concerned with the effect of a punishment, and, as such, the process by which the punishment is imposed is not, in my respectful view, of any great relevance to a determination under s. 12. On the contrary, I believe it is quite fundamental. 680, aff'g 1975 CanLII 927 (BC CA), [1975] 6 W.W.R. In his opinion, the words "cruel and unusual" were to be read disjunctively so that "cruel punishments however usual in the ordinary sense of the term could come within the proscription". It urged upon us that the imposition of severe punishments on drug importers will discourage the perpetration of such a serious crime. He paid these monies into the general current account for the business. Learn how to effortlessly land vacation schemes, training contracts, and pupillages by making your law applications awesome. A sevenyear sentence for drug importation is not per se cruel and unusual. The addition of treatment to the prohibition has, in my view, a significant effect. Finally, as far as arbitrariness may arise in the actual sentencing process, judicial error will not affect constitutionality and would, ordinarily, be correctable on appeal. (3d) 306 (Ont. Finally, there are fixed and minimum sentences to be found throughout provincial laws and any decision striking down minimum sentences, We in Canada adopted through the preamble of our Constitution the legislative restraint set out in s. 10 of the English. (3d) 336 (Ont. C.A. vLex Canada is offered in partnership with: - The Saskatchewan Court of Appeal discussed the meaning of the word "planned" as found in s. 214(2) of the Criminal Code of Canada, R.S.C. R. v. Nygaard and Schimmens, [1989] 2 S.C.R. In each view, elements of both cruelty and unusualness are involved in a consideration of the total expression. Suffering behind female sex workers: Why we should oppose legalisation of prostitution. Saskatchewan Court of Appeal. , G.A. Parliament has broad discretion in proscribing conduct as criminal and in determining proper punishment. Adopting Laskin C.J. One might question the wisdom or desirability of this legislative decision but, in my view, given the possibility of early parole, it cannot be said that the minimum sentence is so severe that it outrages the public conscience or is degrading to human dignity. He would have imposed a sentence of five years' imprisonment. In addition to the protection afforded by, The criterion of arbitrariness developed by the Supreme Court of the United States pursuant to the Eighth Amendment of their Constitution involved, for the most part, cases that dealt with the validity of the death penalty. The basis for such policy may be reviewed if the policy is said to conflict with individual rights under the Charter, but, in my opinion, the policy ought not to be struck down, in the case of a challenge under s. 9, unless it is without any rational basis. It is the judge's sentence, but not the section, that is in violation of the, In my view the section cannot be salvaged by relying on the discretion of the prosecution not to apply the law in those cases where, in the opinion of the prosecution, its application would be a violation of the. Report of the Canadian Sentencing Commission. Subscribers can access the reported version of this case. Furthermore, in his opinion, there existed "adequate alternatives" to the treatment. Sections 9 and 12 are not mutually exclusive. Founded over 20 years ago, vLex provides a first-class and comprehensive service for lawyers, law firms, government departments, and law schools around the world. (2d) 401, that the death penalty for murder was not cruel and unusual punishment. As a result, judicial interpretation of the Eighth Amendment has had to be more expansive than would be necessary under s. 12 of the Charter. R. v. Smith (1980), 1 Sask.R. (2d) 557 (N.W.T.S.C. 334 (CA), R. v. Bowen and Kay, (1988) 91 A.R. Date added: 5/09/2020. I have considerable misgivings about determining the issue of the constitutional validity, on its face, of the mandatory minimum sentence in s. 5(2) on the basis of hypothesis. (2d) 556 (B.C.C.A. This is understandable, as the decision of the Court of Appeal in this case was delivered long before this Court's decision in R. v. Oakes, 1986 CanLII 46 (SCC), [1986] 1 S.C.R. However, I wish to refer to the Report of the Canadian Sentencing Commission entitled Sentencing Reform: A Canadian Approach (1987), which gives some support to my conclusion. One new video every week ( I accept requests and reply to everything!.! 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