a. salesman If someone is trying to conceal information from you, what behaviors will he likely display? b. (23) Use of restraints must meet the following objectives. Nancy is the human resource manager at Alba Company. Respect the client's personal values and beliefs. Our use of time sends messages about which of the following? Nasser asks Miriam of she would like to go to the movies tomorrow night. When his mother got the e-mail, it took her quite some time to decipher the message. c. E-mail is the most popular medium of communication today. d. semantics. b. Verbal communication and nonverbal communication comprise distinct spheres of interaction and rarely interconnect. c. I told the teacher you were cheating. a. Storytelling helps employees understand simple concepts. If you're startled when your friends yell "Surprise!" Score 1. c. I told the teacher you were cheating. This is an example of how: Nonverbal communication regulates interaction. Politically motivated employees use the grapevine to disseminate self-promoting information in the organization. a. filtering. Which piece of advice should be deleted from Nina's list? b. a. d. relativity, *With over ___ of the world's population using the internet, over _____ billion emails are sent daily. b. Which of the following statements about written and verbal communication is correct? Which of the following is an example of external communication? Communication fulfills three main organizational functions which are, In the communication process model, the task of translating an idea into words is called, The individual originating a message is called the. d. taking time to understand the points being made. 1. It was a friend who needed an assignment that had been given last week. Nonverbal communication is all aspects of communication other than words themselves. a. feedback When people fail to look others in the eye, it can seem as if they are evading or trying to hide something. Which of the following statements about nonverbal cues is INCORRECT? b. feedback If you's like to end a conversation, what nonverbal cue might be effective? Effective communication skill 1: Become an engaged listener. Ethical, forthright communication by an organization should occur internally as well as externally. 58. For each word, write a sentence using the word as a linking verb and another sentence using the verb as an action verb. a. noise All of the following are aspects of crucial conversations EXCEPT Which of the following is not a criterion that individuals may use in deciding whether or not to filter a message? A person who properly combines vowel and consonant sounds to say a word has correct. b. c. subordinates Correct 1 Nonverbal communication is said to be sending the person 's real message . b. is written for one receiver and read by one receiver. The sender or the communicator generates the message and conveys it to the receiver. a. salesman a. a web page. 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Medium/Knowledge Which of the following statements about nonverbal communication is false? On the other hand, too much eye contact can seem confrontational or intimidating. This question represents what aspect of the communication model? He pauses often to let his words sink in.OB. You are part of a marketing team that has just secured a contract for a national ad campaign. In this scenario, the professor has what role in the communication process? c. Most nonverbal messages convey information in lieu of verbal communication. There are two questions . In the sentence, "I did not tell the teacher you were cheating," if the word "I" was emphasized by the tone of your voice, what are you implying? d. Videoconferencing. Which of the following should you do to express yourself clearly in text-based communication? The scientific terms for the way people use time is ________. 78. It can help or hinder the clear understanding of your message, but it doesn't reveal (and can even mask) what you are really thinking. He knows it will take the recipient of his communication some time to understand the message conveyed. c. can be demonstrated to the sender by nonverbal signals like the nod of a head. c. Nonverbal communication is mostly misleading. a. find areas of agreement with the speaker. d. noise. *Slack is a communications tool that provides a way to do which of these? She has her hand and her eyebrows raised hoping to catch his attention. a. sharing feelings d. message, 12. Which of the following statements regarding external communications is INCORRECT? c. Low situational context cultures, like the United States, "get down to business" in negotiating deals. communicating with someone by using gestures. She is making recommendations to a student in a career planning session related to improving the quality of the student's conversation. The three dimensions are: Liking, responsiveness, and power. d. jargon. b. medium c. feedback Another member, Jacek, is speaking gesticulates wildly to make his point. As he prepared the presentation for the weekly executive meeting, Jason decided to focus his remarks on the northern and western sectors, which had record sales levels, and refrain from mentioning the southern numbers. is less susceptible to misinterpretation. Which statement about nonverbal communication is correct? 1. She is using what type of communication? First, that there are basically 3 elements in any face-to-face communication: words, tone of voice and nonverbal behavior (eg, facial expression). c. Managers can use grapevine to send and receive messages. Write sentences that use the given chapter vocabulary words, leaving blanks where the vocabulary words would go. All written & unspoken messages, intended or not. b. Filtering enables people to get the most accurate picture of a situation. a. filtering. c. emotional disconnects. What is the role of emoticons in nonverbal communications? I will go over that syllabus during the first class but, since I am attempting to conserve paper, will not make a copy available to you. d. The "hook 'em horns" gesture from the University of Texas means you are warding off evil in Italy. c. ideas are complicated. Listening c. emotional state, involvement with the topic and level of attention The statement that is True about communication is - The more you communicate, the better communicator you will be. Which of the following describes how clearly you speak? C. Nonverbal communication accounts for only a negligible amount of meaning in face-to-face businesses situations. Unfortunately, there is dead silence in the room. b. noise 3.Right posture and expression is not important during a telephonic interview. Nonverbal communication is used to convey three dimensions of relationship-level meaning. Before she leaves her house, she sits down at her desk to check her e-mail and receives a text message from her friend Nancy to turn on the television and see the story about their friend, Jill. Which of the following is a criterion one may use in deciding whether or not to filter a message? a. using jargon. 34. Verbal communication should be used when c. ideas are complicated. True or false: Nonverbal communication occurs within a single channel, whereas verbal communication uses many channels. Which of the following statements regarding those differences is correct? ". a. a. Uploaded By lmaor. d. ineffective information. a. c. filtering c. paralactics c. Employees trust their peers as a source of information. d. rehearsing. a. b. giving partial attention to the sender so you can be thinking about your response. c. In some countries, like the United States, direct eye contact conveys trustworthiness. a. telephone conversation c. nonverbal communication. Which of the following statements is true of nonverbal communication? What is non-verbal communication. b. coworkers. b. selective perception. 3. Kiss on the cheeks = Mediterranean. Match the proper greeting behaviors with the culture in which you're most likely to find it. Hugo and Cora study together at the library. c. Humans listen faster than they speak. Nursing week4 Communication Study Guide communication and collaboration study guide fundamentals of nursing identify therapeutic verbal communication techniques. b. conveying facts. Nonverbal signs that indicate when each person's speaking turns begin and end in a conversation are called turn-________ signals. True or false: Scott and Kate have a disagreement over who should be doing the dishes. Which of the following statements about communication barriers is correct? b. Miscommunication is an annoyance, but seldom has serious consequences. c. telephone conversation *raising eyebrow to signal seriousness. b. Chapter 05: Communicating Nonverbally. d. In the United States, the firmer the handshake, the better. . Speaking to your audience is an example of jargon. a. filtering Communication through body movement and signs without the use of written and spoken words is termed non-verbal communication. a. receiver *Occurs between 0 & 1.5 feet: Intimate distance a. find areas of agreement with the speaker. This scenario focuses on the communication barrier of 39. Written communication is better at conveying feelings than verbal communication. 27. Which of the following describes the pattern of pronouncing vowel and consonant sounds that is representative of a particular language or geographic area? Which of the following statements regarding cross cultural communication is INCORRECT? Consider haptics, or how we use touch, and place each country in the appropriate category. Ariel e-mailed her the assignment. A smile may be genuine, or it may be used to express false happiness, sarcasm, or even cynicism. has none of these characteristics. *Regulators d. knowledge and perception of speaker. It is easy for a nurse to judge the meaning of a patient's facial expression. a. b. direct communication. Nonverbal signals carry less meaning than words, despite the importance of voice tone in good communication. Both statements are incorrect. c. Humans listen faster than they speak. Information is sent and received during communication, which can take place face-to-face, over a communication device, or between individuals or groups of people.Senders must transfer their thoughts or encode a . 1. c. time available b. d. communications transmitted outside the organization. b. Be aware of nonverbal communication and recognize that some nonverbal cues are universal 4. d. transmitting information, *All of these are characteristics of effective communication EXCEPT Which statement about nonverbal communication is correct? d. semantics. She offers him a coffee, but he declines. By supporting, substituting for, or contradicting verbal . Which of the following is an example of using nonverbal cues to meta communicate? If your posture mirrors that of the person to whom you are speaking, it shows you are not listening and generally, not paying attention to that speaker. Which of the following is an aspect of crucial conversations? To promote communicating verbally one must listen, be tolerant and be sensitive to . Men and women tend to differ in their communication styles. You cannot avoid having your spoken words . a. Verbal communication is constructed over a longer period of time than written. Ad fees are based on the perceived value of the audience who watches, reads or listens to the channel where the ad appears. a. Letter to amina ,who must surely be among the angel (theme of it ) .ppt . The study of eye behavior, such as eye contact and pupil size, is called, The use of arm and hand movement to communicate is called, If you study the five major areas in which touch plays a critical role in conveying meaning in human communication, you are studying. c. Do not use capital letters for your message. Which of the following statements regarding verbal and written communication is true? a. b. Nonverbal communication is the transmission of information with physical cues such as body language, hand gestures, and eye contact. c. Interrupt the speaker to clarify and ensure you understand their point. *Adaptors. a. immediate feedback is needed. With whom do we maintain a social distance? 33. a. Employees are often eager to share bad news with those above them in an organization to get credit for discovering potential problems. Using your body language to convey something to someone else. The more frequently stories are shared in an organization, the lower the organizational commitment. d. sender, The email sent by the professor represents what aspect of the communication model? Individuals hear about 150 words per minute, but speak around 400-500 per minute. Recent surveys indicate that managers spend a majority of their time communicating with what group? You are very skilled at that. Nonverbal communication is more automatic and unconscious than is . Non-verbal communication is communication that does not involve words (Non-Verbal Platform), such as body language, tone of voice, and gestures. You receive an email with the term SOX in the body and can't remember what it refers to. "I'm tired and bored." b. d. The higher quality story relayed by an entrepreneur, the greater the ability to secure capital for his firm. d. written, Storytelling is an effective form of communication for which of the following situations? c. Between 10 and 20 percent of a manager's time is spent . Sender. Nonverbal communication is behaviors and characteristics that they convey meaning without the use of, In interpersonal conversations, nonverbal communication is usually. Original conversation. b. b. Effective listening has a behavioral and emotional component. It includes eye contact, facial expressions and postures only. Ariel was writing a paper at her laptop when the phone rang. -nonverbal communication expresses emotion. a. verbal communication. Identify the direct and indirect objects in each sentence. The email sent by the professor represents what aspect of the communication model? Effective communication skills are the top skills sought by recruiters today. d. To maximize the chances of sending effective communication, it is advisable to use multiple channels to send it. All of the above. Course Hero is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university. Therefore option a is the correct . d. web page, 53. b. selective perception Forcing smile. In order to create credibility, which of the following behaviors should you adopt? User: Which of the following are the types of rules that communication follows? (with emoticons included). a. E-mails are considered highly information-rich. (Find filer word). (17) Development of an infection occurs in a cycle that depends on the following elements. (find adaptor). Kinesics. That prof gave me no credit for my paper. cultures: Social distance = 4 to 12 feet Which of the following statements about non-verbal communication is most accurate. Which of the following statements about communication barriers is correct? Pages 12 Ratings 100% (1) 1 out of 1 people found this document helpful; *Likely employed between a speech giver and an audience: Public distance = 12 to 25 feet or greater. Listening takes practice and concentration. (find emblem). He, however, wants to continue speaking . Chapter 5- Nonverbal Communication. Everyone's voice has an __________ _______, which means some people generally speak more loudly than others. 56. The referent in the communication process is: 80. d. public. c. Nonverbal communication is mostly misleading. Avoiding eye-contact. b. superiors c. orienting new employees to the company's culture a. written report It was a friend who needed an assignment that had been given last week. c. communication that travels from one department to another. d. written communication. Communication usually travels diagonally to a. verbal d. Videoconferencing. Active listening involves c. There are very few words that inflame or insult people. c. a press release. Which of the following statements about e-mail is INCORRECT? (a) What project do Buddy and his friend undertake each November? Those we do not know well. Effective managers tend to use more (c) Medium/Analysis, 52. True or false: Restaurants use artifacts to control how long people linger over meals. a. verbal b. Miscommunication is an annoyance, but seldom has serious consequences. More attractive. c. Use eye contact and smile. Which statement about nonverbal communication is correct? But seldom has serious consequences to convey three dimensions are: Liking, responsiveness, and power time. Communication accounts for only a negligible amount of meaning in face-to-face businesses.... She would like to go to the receiver and verbal communication and nonverbal is... Meta communicate one may use in deciding whether or not to filter message... Were cheating be doing the dishes consider haptics, or even cynicism the other hand too! 1: which statement about nonverbal communication is correct an engaged listener comprise distinct spheres of interaction and rarely interconnect in text-based communication raised to... Tend to use more ( c ) Medium/Analysis, 52 majority of their time communicating what. To send it a linking verb and another sentence using the verb as action. Form of communication other than words, leaving blanks where the ad appears paralactics! Should occur internally as well as externally me no credit for my.. 'Em horns '' gesture from the University of Texas means you are part a... User: which of the following statements regarding those differences is correct:... Contact can seem confrontational or intimidating is a communications tool that provides a way do... A. c. filtering c. paralactics c. employees trust their peers as a linking verb and another using... 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